Unity - Completed - Nina and the Dungeon of Beastly Pleasure [Fox Muffler]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    To start off, why on earth do I have to use the mouse instead of, say, the z key? Using the mouse like this only makes interacting with overworld objects all the more frustrating, since the hitbox of the NPCs is so slim. There's no indication of what you can and cannot interact with either; oftentimes an NPC won't respond no matter how much I click on them. Couple that with nonexistent storytelling and enemies that spawn way too often, and you have a game that, despite its nice visuals, made me want to rip my hair out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The experience I got from this game is like this game didn't get play tested and the developer just went straight to publishing it. The artstyle and concept of the game was good. The story is confusing. But the one thing I hate the most in this game is the absurd amount of bugs everywhere and the weird mapping of the places
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Neo Nocturne

    1. Great 2D art...

    1. EVERYTHING ELSE IS A DISASTER!!!! THIS IS WORSE THAN "The Room". Seriously, just find the CGs and FAP. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME

    Honest Opinion:

    I never have given any game a 1-Star until this one...I thought the art is great and tried it. Well, I was a fool. Everything else from this game is terrible.

    But if you are a dedicated grinder, and have patience to endure the torment going on for hours...please, try it at your own risk.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game that plays like early demo. I gave up after half an hour due to:

    -abysmal gameplay, with infinite homing enemies in otherwise empty world with non existent story,
    -battle system as dull as it gets (MC starts with number of functionally identical resourceless special attacks),
    -generall clunkiness, including unresponsive movement and interaction with objects based on left click on areas smaller than objects of interest and placed freely by creator,

    Stay clear.