VN - Ren'Py - Completed - No Expectation [Ch.3] [Mr Georgie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It was great and I really like simple upbeat story. Didn't really like chapter 1 much, Celine was push too much to MC and if you reject Celine the story really make it you did make the worst decision in your life. I didn't really like Celine that much and then next LI would the stripper so I didn't expect much. I was not hoping to continue play but then why not I will try it again. I did not expected it much, I really like the poor stripper Penny. She so bubbly and her smile is both innocent and cute. MC and Penny are so cute as a couple. I enjoy the last 2 chapter.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall very basic in a good way like more of a tv show or movie with enough emotion and comedy to make it worth while.
    (As its said many times this a story with sex not sex that happens to have a story or just sex, so no gallery or modders jumping to make route mods).

    I kind of felt the messaging, simplicity especially in your character's feelings and unimportant bordering fake choices was a bit too strong, but I think that just because most of these 3d VN games tend to be different, and this feels like a K-drama I recently saw sort of thing since they have similar plots often. (especially with the constant everyone is a good person and ends up happy with someone with or without your choices and all that).

    What little sex there was, was decent with minor animation.

    Good length for a simple story (not to long to get winded or too short to get whiplash)

    I laughed a couple times and never cringed which is very rare with comedy bits in adult vns, he did comedy right.

    3.8/5 Above Average
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    Short and sweet. There's a choice of 2 love interest. Pretty simple story, unrequited love and having to move on but you ended finding your destined one. Both LI's path have an engaging plot albeit too short. The characters themselves were likeable. Also they have happy endings in case you're worried. Lewd scenes are there but you probably shouldn't play this game for the sex. Worth playing.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    the dev is a nice dude and his first game is one of hidden games, a 2d masterpiece waiting to be discovered.
    only if there wasnt that first game perhaps i wouldnt have such expectations from this one...funny enough seems as the dev is/was aware of that himself hence the title "no expectations".

    graphic is bad, models are, well, unappealing to say at least...the story, well, not much in "slice of life" area.
    there are choices, yet there are two projected main LI (in the banner) - if by any chance you dont like neither, bad luck - the dev will make sure to "humorously" break 4th wall and point you to the right direction, over and over again - and if you stick with your decision, well, game over - you are not worthy of playing such great game if you dont find shy virgo gremlin or weird emo gremlin worth of pursuing...

    to me it seems as the dev got "advices" from some supporters/players which direction he should take with his next project in order to gain more popularity - so he went for (bad, to not say ugly)3d models and cliche characters such as shy wirgo chick with glases, and rebellious emo chick...if he continues in this direction in his next project readhed virgin with mandatory freckles could be expected...

    two stars, and that is generous, dont let yourself be fooled by high rating and those 5/4 stars reviews...this is a bad game, even more if you had some expectations beforehand.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    If you think that in war and love everything is allowed then this story is not for you (at least for the moment).

    As written in the introduction post, this is not an AVN but a VN with X scenes.

    The story has rather a teen drama taste, in the sense that it is the narration of the birth of a love with a strong idealism and a "correct way" of behaving.
    The author never misses an opportunity to point out that there is a "correct and mature way" of behaving that he defines realistic. Luckily, reality is not that boring.

    Basically, if you take decisions that steer you away from the "correct path" the game bring you back to the original path of the story. If you happen not to like the main LI, well it's basically game over.

    On the tech side, the developer went from good 2d to a poor 3D HS, not really a step forward in my opinion but that's a personal taste.

    For the moment I'll give it a 3.5 stars. It can get better if the developer actually start to develop alternative paths and start to use less plain archetypes for the character's personalities and make things a little bit more interesting (and more AVNish).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, the graphics are good, if you enjoyed the authors previous game, you would know how it works out. I really liked the 2 LI in chapter 2, sure people might not like a stripper for LI, but i don't mind that all that much, it's a game not irl. And Celine is cute. A 9/10 game for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    While the game provides enjoyment, it tends to effortlessly navigate seduction, prompting a need for heightened dramatic tension. Notably, exceptional models and well-developed characters with engaging personalities contribute to a positive gaming experience. The inclusion of incestuous elements adds a distinctive touch. However, events unfold with ease, hinting at an opportunity for more nuanced challenges. Encouragingly, the plot is evolving and becoming increasingly intriguing as the game progresses, promising additional complexity and engagement in later stages.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Rom-com with soul and love ....

    Warning: You will be sorely disappointed if you are looking for debauchery-plagued fuckests cuz what we have here is soul porn, a creatively crafted adult narrative meant to milk the nectar of your heart rather than the milk from your nether regions.

    Ok...enough creativity for today...but seriously, the game is focused on ONE LI and how your relationship develops. This is story of love and hope and a bit of sadness (basically you will be spending two days before she has to return home for the first chapter...I'm sure they shall unite eventually:)).
    It's also a story of tremendous character growth and understanding. Teaches the value of looking at your faults and how to move on even if things don't go our way.

    Is it perfect?
    From an objective standpoint, best renders? No, it's not. Best animations? No, it's not. But you know what it does have that many big titles lack? It has emotions/love/strong narrative, and the first chapter alone plays like a movie that you don't want to end....

    What good is having all the ingredients of pasta but ending up making a shitball (sadly the state of most games that offer good looks or animations but lack good writing or pacing)?
    Wouldn't you rather have good pasta even with limited ingredients? That's what this puppy offers. The story matches a blend of conchiglioni with fresh marinara drizzled with Caciocavallo cheese as it melts in your mouth and makes its way into your heart.

    1. So much good character building even for just first release. Good amount of content.
    2. Storyline is fantastic and heartwarming. Pacing is perfect.
    3. Mc is mature and conversations are organic among the cast.
    4. Main LI is beautiful and unique.
    5. MC personal growth is displayed really well.
    6. Romance is chef's kiss with nice H-scenes.
    7. Music is nicely chosen
    Suggestions: Honestly, I loved every second of your game. But I'm putting these suggestions cuz I know some people might mind some things and second, just some things that would be lovely to experience

    1. There were a couple grammatical errors that can easily be hammered away.
    2. I would love some more handholding, hugs, more intimacy in H scenes like blowing air in neck, nibbling her ear, kissing her nape etc. That would be romantic and hot once we get to know her more.
    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely, yep!

    I'm a proud handholding, pat-giving, hug seeking, kiss-loving fucko. This shit here is right up my alley, I cannot express to you how happy this makes me. Hope you give this a go.

  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This VN is really weird to review, for a number of reasons. I'll try and sort through my expectation(s) *wink,wink*, the reality, and then positives and negatives with some more miscellaneous elements.

    When I downloaded it there were only two reviews: one 5-star, and a 1-star describing it as having "a simp cuck MC". Looking at the overview and the vague description of having "sexual content, but not being the main focus", there wasn't really much to go off. The images seemed decent, and I expected it to be maybe the first day in a 4-day event for a big wedding, about winning over your crush from her husband and sleeping with other guests. I just expected decency.

    The reality, is it's almost not even an AVN at all. It's really just a slice of life visual novel, with very scarce sexual elements, for both good and bad. You only have the one love interest, Celine, and every interaction you have with others is purely as characters. The MC's former crush, Alice, is happily married to a lovely man. The bride-to-be is in a healthy relationship with your best friend. Even the tumultous relationship between the bride's brother and the woman head-over-heels for him can be somewhat repaired by the end. The entire experience is really just about talking to these characters and knowing more.

    The issue comes when I don't know whether to rate this as an ADULT visual novel, or as a visual novel. While the game has 3 sex scenes (and 2 lewd scenes), it really doesn't fit into what I'd define as an adult visual novel. That would be like saying Blade Runner is an erotic film (the writing isn't up THERE, but you get the picture). I feel more comfortable rating this in terms of being a visual novel. Unfortunately, this would set it back due to it's writing really being better when compared to an AVN rather than an actual VN (imo). It also doesn't fit just rating it like that on F95zone. I'll try and strike a neat balance between the two.

    + as previously mentioned, the character writing far surpasses most AVNs on this site, where each of them gets moments to talk, and they all have far more human and genuine interactions. Each character actually establishes themselves in your mind, you can actually assign positives and negatives to each of them, see their likes and dislikes.
    - however, for me personally, this led to it being slightly dull as it went on. I was expecting more drama, more engagement, but it's all just this mixture of stilted and natural conversations. The characters are, in essence, stereotypical. Celine is basically a Ramona from Scott Pilgrim. They really have one positive trait and one negative, and that's all you'll get from all of them. I also believe in the dev's native language, the language may be better than in English. At the moment, it almost feels uncanny valley, like two A.Is talking to each other. It's so CLOSE to being as if it was a transcript, but there are just parts that remind you that it isn't. A strange joke, a weird word choice, etc.

    + when you reach the sex scenes, they all feel properly built up and natural, which adds to the character depth. They're also done well with the models they have.
    - there are unfortunately not that many sexual encounters, and the two proper sex scenes are near the very end. This works for the narrative, but isn't as beneficial for an AVN experience.

    \ the models are decent. I wouldn't say they're great, but they're certainly not bad. Each character is distinct and you can recognise them visually alone. For every great use of the models there's a less flattering one. Generally speaking, the smaller scenes with one person look much better than the ones with more than 2, which obviously I understand, but it's still noticeable.

    \ despite the narrative being largely kinetic, there are still choices that let you choose the content you'll see. Unfortunately, besides just not seeing someone's tits, there really does feel like your decision have little effect. Perhaps the time jump for the next chapter would make them feel more significant, but at the time of writing [Chapter 1], the decisions generally feel arbitrary and empty. Why should it matter if I'm an ass to Fred or not? I'm not given any indication that it SHOULD matter.

    - the text is very weirdly formatted. It's too big and takes up too much real estate on the screen. It also means that often you have to click far too many times for the same discussion, because they can't fit more than one line.

    Ultimately, I give it a 6/10. I can understand why people are giving it 5 stars, but for me, it just doesn't fulfill the necessary criteria. It'd be a 7/10 if not for the text.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a tremendously enjoyable game where the story is the primary selling point. Players should be warned that it's realistic about the human condition, in the sense that love and loss go together, and that life is full of disappointments. You can't always get what you want.

    And yet... if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, sometimes love appears out of nowhere.

    I'm not as big a fan of the art in this game as in _Reunion_, Georgie's (lovely, Archer-style) first effort. But it's more than good enough.

    The sex scenes are hot, primarily because of the dev's accurate understanding of attraction. A kiss is not just a kiss when attraction is mutual and overwhelming... it's a revelation... it's, 'WTF is happening to me!?!'

    Playing through chapter 1 left me with a feeling of peace and satisfaction. It reminded me why I love the woman in my life so much, and how unbelievably, stupidly lucky we are. That's an unusual experience to glean from an AVN.

    I can't wait to see where Georgie goes with this. Meanwhile, I recommend that players try out _Reunion_.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Ch1.

    This is a very well-done story so far. I won't recap it; other reviewers have done a great job already.

    A couple of points:
    • No Expectation is primarily a kinetic novel so far. While there are plenty of player choices, it doesn't seem like they affect much more than the immediate circumstances.
    • The characters are, in many respects, stereotypes. However, they are well written enough for us to at least feel like they are real people with their own motivations.
    • There isn't much actual conflict. Even the few rough spots have apparently been smoothed over by the end of the chapter. There are at least a few hints of storm clouds, so I'm hopeful that future chapters tell a more complex story.
    As this chapter is relatively self-contained, it will be interesting to see where the developer takes the story moving forward.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I just finished the first chapter. It's a simple story, but it's wonderful.
    Fireworks... that's what she makes me feel.
    Our protagonist, Josh, is a young man attending his best friend Liam's wedding. They haven't seen each other in a while, and he hasn't met Liam's fiancée. Josh has had a crush on Liam's older sister Alice for years, and is looking forward to seeing her again.

    At the wedding, we quickly meet most of our cast: Andrea, Liam's fiancée; Aunt Emma, the vivacious and lovable mother figure; Celine, Liam's friend who is being pestered by Dave, Andrea's immature brother; Danielle, a young girl mostly likely on the spectrum who is completely enamoured with Dave; and Camilo, an exemplary man whose role I won't reveal :)

    This intro chapter is about Liam's wedding and getting to know everyone. Like Mr. Georgie's previous game, Reunion, this one is also warm, full of heart, and made me laugh and smile on multiple occasions.

    The first sex scene was my favourite, despite being the least graphic. It's the duo's first time with each other, and it felt true to life. The attraction is there, but neither wants a mere lustful hookup. There is a lot of hesitation and conflicted feelings. They check in with each other at every step, stay mostly clothed, and stop without going too far.

    Anyway, I'll leave some spoilery thoughts below, but you should all play it!

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  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed: v0.1 (Chapter 1)]
    I found this to be an excellent and emotionally moving story. I'm really looking forward to future updates.

    The story begins with you, the protagonist, flying out to a coastal hotel where you'll be the best man at your long-time friend's wedding. You're happy for your friend -- who always was better at attracting girls, but has apparently found "his one" -- and also looking forward to meeting up with your friend's older sister. You've been "in love" with her since at least high school, but you were never able to tell her how you felt. Your plan is that this time you'll tell her and everything will finally be great.

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    This first chapter of the story covers just the weekend, including a bachelor party , and finishes the evening of the wedding day. Along with the folks you've known since you were young -- your best friend, his sister, and their aunt -- you get to meet several new people. One of these is someone with whom you'll make a real connection.

    The characters in the story are all fleshed out with their own stories and behave like real people. You're given a good selection of choices along the way, even though many of these only affect the next few lines of dialogue.

    The models are slightly cartoonish and the scenery can be rough/crude, but that's all fine. It in no way distracts from the story, which is ultimately what's important here. There's background music and appropriate sound effects.

    There are a few sex scenes, with animations, and they're part of the story -- no cheating with dream sequences or flashbacks. And, even though this chapter only spans a few days, they don't feel rushed.

    The developer's primary language is Spanish, and there a few places where this shines through into the English version, with some untranslated words or extra punctuation marks, but it's not enough to be an issue.

    I've given this 5 stars (excellent) even though this is only just the first chapter -- keep up the good work here so far!