RPGM - Complete - [No Future] Magical Girl Noble Rose // 魔法少女ノーブル・ローズ (RJ259103)

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Overview: This is a very basic and short RPGM with pretty good CG. The gameplay is about as basic as it can get with a RPGM game, with the story residing on the same level. The art is pretty good, the girl is cute but the gameplay and story are lacking. If you have played another one of No Future's games, this is the exact same but shorter (only took 2hr 45 min). I would recommend just grabbing a full save and moving on with your day. Pretty much shovelware with decent art.

    H-Scenes: Not too bad, got some nice variety (girl on girl, costume transformation) but plays the usual japanese Hgame cards. Also a very limited library of only 8 scenes. No Future's other games (Exorcist Girl Charlotte and Super Splendor) are overall better in quality and quantity, but Noble Rose is not too bad. Like in their other games however, the scenes are unnaturally long.

    Gameplay: Very basic RPGM. Go into area, use the skill, beat the boss, Use money to buy better equipment. If you explore, then you get healing items and don't need to backtrack to homebase to rest. The final boss does actually pose a threat and needs a bit of planning, which was a surprise considering the snooze up till then.
    In my last review, I had the battlefuck as a seperate section, but its so uninvolved with the gameplay that its basically a footnote. The art is nice, as with everything, but you will likely just look at it once, press magic burst, then move on.

    Story: Practically non existant. City has enemies, girl becomes magical girl, fights enemy and builds up to final boss. There is a hint that links this game to Herione Chord (marvel endgame but for No Future) but thats about it.