Good Points
+ There was 3rd wall-breaking kind of scene about kissing and it was funny.
+ The game has avoidable/choiceable different kinks/paths, and even it's not too many dialogues are a little bit different depending on your choices as well.
+ Sex scenes have animations, and they are decent.
+ MC's ''step'' mother looks decent, even tho she need some improvements.
Bad Points
- There is no grand/big/main story at all and it just fully revolves around MC going after some women, corrupt, and having sex with them, which is kind of boring.
- The game lacks a love path, and current dom-lust paths feel nearly the same, so we can say the game lacks variety.
- MC's ''step'' mother character-wise she is not really likable, she is quite a classic ''Women'' example, so stupid that it makes you wanna die from cringe, especially with how she constantly talks about how terrible MC is, calling him to creep, etc, yet forgetting everything happened because of she is being a whore who cheat on her husband, not acknowledge her shitty behavior, and act like she don't deserve to blame, and it was just bored-out wife behavior, etc. And if this is not enough we even learned she had cheated on MC's father while they were dating and not married as well, bruh...
- We have built-in tips called ''Easy Mode'' and it disables extra/bonus scenes, which is nonsense, they are just tips tho, though they are not good as a walkthrough and you can still miss the scenes, and they don't even fully work, most of the times they don't show to tips they should directly, what worse is there is a mod called ''story'' mod and it has everything cut, it's just pointless to make story mod and cut all the content, how is that supposed to give ''story'' to players?
- The game needs walkthrough...
- Most girls/women either look bad or look uncompleted. First of all Eve's face looks too old for her age, and even kind of ugly, her tits are unnecessarily saggy, and weirdly enough MC keep calling them fat/big, etc, even tho they are not, they are even kind of small, especially too small for her frame and hips. Secondly, Tommy's Mom hair looks terrible. Then we have MC looking ugly, and kind of creepy. MC's ''step'' mother can use some curves, like a little bit bigger and rounder tits, less gap between them, etc, she was supposed to be the main girl and the MILF, but even tho she has kind of sexy aura she is not living up to her role enough with her body. And then Tommy's ''step'' mom has great tits, and body, but her face looks ugly. Lastly Sheila, she has aura, and kind of sexy, but she still not attaractive enough. So in the end general art style of this game for the character models is bit meh, it's either right on some places, but wrong on others, or fully wrong.
- Sex scenes have animations, but they are average at best, their physics & quality need improvements. And they can use better positions/angles as well, current ones don't look that appealing.
- Render quality needs improvements.
- The game needs better proofreading.
- The game has some forced choices, like episode 5 final choice blocking MC from having sex with his ''step'' mother if he chooses to stay with his ''step'' aunt.
- Having no option to not let Nicole dance alone was quite nonsense, seriously all those nonsense choices can block scenes exist, but this is not? And it ends up with a perv dude taking her into the toilet? BRUH.
For The End
Some details about the game are a bit poor, some are good and some are average, when I look at the whole picture I can't say it was bad enough to not spend time playing, but same time it wasn't good enough either, if some bad points get fixed in later updates I might raise my rating, but for now, I will be giving 2-star rating.