RPGM - Noblesse Oblige [v0.11.1.2] [Lord Forte Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Interesting story, great characters. Challenging combat. I wish there were more than just a couple of games of this quality, but at least there are some. Looking forward to the continuation of this game, as it really holds your attention.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is based on about five hours of gameplay FWIW:

    As an RPGMaker game, it's above average. There is a bit too much combat for how interesting any given encounter is (and how long some of them take), but it's more detailed than spamming the attack button. A few of the fights are much more tailored than is usually seen in the genre too. I appreciate how many random objects have descriptions written for their interactions (though most aren't particularly interesting), and an admirable amount of effort has gone into making detailed spaces with the tileset.

    As a story, it's below average. The craftsmanship of individual sentences is... fine, but the characters speak like someone read The Name of the Wind and then mainlined rationalist fic for a few days. Everyone is too willing and too able to explain their logic at exhausting length, including in the middle of a bear attack, but of course the protagonist's enormous brain takes center stage (exiting only so he can display how much he totally, definitely respects women (the condescending atmosphere never really goes away)). The world's geopolitics and power players don't feel particularly fresh either.

    The actual smut content is meager, and made even less exciting by my dislike of the characters involved. All text, no images, and barely any buildup to any given scene because of how little eroticism is in the main game.

    Any of these issues would take a lot of work to resolve, so I don't expect the game to improve significantly over time, but I'll probably give it another shot whenever it's complete.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is "overly" wordy, yet I can not criticize it for that, as the writing is very good. This game is "overly" deep in lore, though I can neither be critical of that, as the lore begins to envelope the reader, at an almost imperceptible pace. This game leans, almost obnoxiously, on an overly rigid ideal of "the righteous good-guy", which is boring in general, but especially so in sex-games, because for most non-sociopathic adults, being so aggressively "good" isn't the ideal sexual fantasy. Yet, the protagonist is so damn smooth I find myself impressed (and conscious of the fact I might steal a few of his lines, were I not long passed caring about impressing anyone). Seriously, if you are 22, and going out this weekend to try and woe a nubile young women to spend the night with you, throw some of these lines, because they sure-as-shit will work. All of this is to say; I kept thinking I would find this game trite, or ethically simplistic, or just plain boring, yet my perception kept moving in the opposite direction.

    There is not a lot of quality competition among RPGM games, but there have been a couple over the years that enamored me and, almost despite myself, this is certainly one such game. The writing is, genuinely, top-class - both in the use of language itself, and its mechanism for world-building. The combat (which is always key in an RPG) is certainly among the best I have seen. It isn't Baldur's Gate 3, but it is quite possibly the equivalent of that, in the framework of RPGM. I found every combat encounter as genuinely engaging as could possibly be expected from such an antiquated engine.

    All-in-all; I was sincerely impressed, and had far more fun from this game than I had any right to expect.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In general, just a great game with a variety of aspects to enjoy. Has a nice twist to the typical rpgm turn based combat, such as passive and active effects, unique enemies and moves, etc. Also decisions that matter, of a range of means and important consequences. For example, investments, petitions, optional side quests, kingdom building and character choices. The dialogue has substantial thought put into it, and the story is thoroughly engaging to make you look forward to character interactions and confrontations. Loving the depth both the characters, their choices, and the world has. Am inclined to play this game even without the sexual content patch!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.8.7.0

    If you've looked through enough games on the site, there's no doubt you've come across ones saying how they focus on story/writing over simply having a bunch of sex scenes. This game holds truer to that than almost any other I've played. Before anything, know that this is a real down to the bone RPG. It contains many long segments of gameplay, LOTS of reading, and very few lewd scenes scattered throughout it. If your main goal is sex, this isn't for you.

    Now assuming you're a lover of good RPGM games like myself, then holy shit is it a glorious day to have discovered Noblesse Oblige.

    I was drawn to this game after seeing it not only being compared to my favorite game on the site, but having read it's inspired by it. That alone is enough to sell me on the game, but what does that entail? So far, a 25+ hour RPG set in a truly detailed fantasy world full of intrigue, compelling characters, competent writing, in-depth combat, kingdom management, and meaningful choices. Fit with a well-crafted story that has so far drawn me in to the point of not wanting to put the game down.

    At first I think this game will probably be a bit hard to digest in some ways. It becomes clear very quickly you're being thrust into a world someone has spent hours upon hours creating. There's a lot of new information and lore to learn/remember at once, though I wouldn't say horrendously so. On top of that, the game takes a sort of proper old-timey (for lack of a better word) approach to it's dialogue. The nobility talk like nobility to put it plainly. I think it can be a bit exhausting at first, but I got past it fairly quickly.

    There's a great many things I can go into detail about, but the sum of it is that this is a well rounded game in every aspect so far. I'm a sucker for kingdom management so the plot is perfect for me. Already I'm having to make decisions that actually matter and branch the game in very significant ways.

    The sheer attention to detail deserves praise on its own as well. One of those games where even the minor NPCs have interesting little bits of dialogue to say. There's flavor text everywhere. Even the books you can read feel as though they were written by a character within the game, stacking onto the immersion.

    Perhaps the element that has both surprised and impressed me the most however, is combat. This is hands down the absolute best implementation of combat I've played in an RPGM game. It is incredibly in-depth and complex. Each party member has a very large an unique variety of skills (and even passives on top of that) which all work together in a very satisfying way. It's managed to make what a lot of times can feel like a slog into a very fun experience. Not to mention you eventually go into combat as a party of 5 characters, which I've never actually seen done in an RPGM game.

    As always you can find things to nitpick about, but if I had to really criticize anything, it would be the lewd sides of things (as small as it may be). One thing I loved about the game that this one takes inspiration from was that despite it still being a grand RPG, it didn't slack on sex scenes either. It was still a rather major part of the game.

    Here though, I'd compare it to how AAA games throw in a couple mediocre romance scenes in their grand open world RPG. That's not to say these are comparable to getting black screened or shown a titty for 2 seconds, but rather that it's a very very small thing occasionally thrown in. I suppose it depends on your definition of a harem, but so far the game focuses only on a throuple relationship. I believe there's one scene you can get outside of that, but I wasn't able to see it due to it being tied to a major decision that I erred on the opposite side of. On the few scenes that do exist, there's a relatively large focus on maledom and bdsm that is just not especially my thing either.

    TLDR - Noblesse Oblige is proving to be an exceptional RPG for lovers of the genre like myself, and despite it already being 25+ hours long, feels like it's only just beginning. There is plenty to like here if this game should catch your interest, though I will repeat that this is most likely not one you will play for the sex. Thankfully I'm still a freak who values a good story, and for that this is more than delivering. I eagerly await the chance to binge this again down the line.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much of a porn game, but it's absolutely a good rpg. If you enjoy The Last Sovereign, this is the game for you. If you somehow haven't played that yet, then what it means is: this is a fun game with great mechanics and good character interactions and mature themes. The romance is good too, even though the sex scenes are all text.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, but whether you like it or not will depend on what you are looking for. If you are looking for an adult game with steaming sex scenes, you should look elsewhere.
    If you want a deep, interesting rpg with a complex story and varied strategic choices, then you have found it.
    You play as Alexander, a prince from a far off kingdom studying at an academy for nobles, when you receive word that your father has died, an usurper sits on the throne and a rivaling kingdom is gearing up for war, trying to exploit this moment of weakness for your kingdom.
    The game establishes it's interesting story quickly and effectively. The adventure offers many sidequests, choices and twists and turns in it's story and is great fun. Not only do you need to fight battles in standart rpg fashion, but you need to forge alliances, investigate corruption, make investments in your kingdoms economy and army and solve a large variety of sidequests.
    One of the standout features in this game is the turn based combat though. What looks at first glance like the standard rpgmaker combat system reveals a surprising depth and a large potential for interesting decision making in combat.
    All the character play fundamentally differently thanks to passives and a varied number of skills.
    Even just focusing on the first three characters you have a party that really works well together.
    Your main character is an evasion tank and as such will spend most of his time buffing himself to keep attention on himself and survive the enemy attacks. But he also has abilities that allow you to disrupt charged up enemy attacks and an ability that can take out enemies before they can attack, requiring you to balance survivability and offensive potential in battle.
    Your offensive mage really is an offensive mage, because offense is the way that she maintains her mana supply. Her spells are expensive, but can set enemies on fire. This will damage enemies over time, but can also be upgraded by hitting them with more fire spells. And the more enemies are on fire and the stronger the fire is, the more mana your mage regenerates each turn. Smart use of your spells thus allows you to further keep up your onslaught of expensive spells.
    Last but not least your archer depends heavily on crits. Every rounds that she is not taking damage, she gains a buff increasing her crit chance. This buff stacks, but gets lost if she gets hit. If she gets a crit, she increases her crit chance in the next attack even further.
    Thus doing a good job as your tank and keeping all damage off of her, means that she quickly become stronger and stronger as the fight goes on.
    Combined with cooldowns and a large number of skills for each character, you basically never have to use a normal attack ever. I have played for hours and can count the number of normal attacks I have done on one hand. All of these characters offer interesting combat choices just all on their own, but playing them together against varied enemies that have their own counters to our companions abilities leads to very fun battles indeed.
    The game does have sex scenes, by the way, but they require an optional patch to activate and are purely text based. Tag wise the game seems to be developing into a harem with a focuss on bdsm. But again, all text based.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're interested in this game because of porn, you will be disappointed. However, I suggest you try the game regardless and frame it more as a independent RPG maker venture rather than a hardcore H-game.

    Tore through the game completely disregarding the patch that adds in any smut. Therefor, the quality of the smut I can't comment on. The writing is intriguing and very back-and-forth-repartee if a bit mired in more formal/regal speech, but it's easy to adjust to.

    What is the most interesting part, the thing that kept me up until 3am playing, is the management system. The developer has fully admitted to having The Last Sovereign as an inspiration, and it scratches the same itch. I'm getting invested in the characters and their opinions on how to approach problems, thinking of the best ways to balance my economic interests with the support of the people and strength of my military, and as the development continues I'm sure that the consequences of your decisions will compound.

    The combat is interesting as each party member has their own "passives" that reward them for playing a certain way, or even multiple ways in the same battle. The MC is an evasion tank, one member is focused on setting up crits, another about getting as many enemies to burn, ect. Their abilities upgrade as you gain further relationship points with them, alongside leveling. There is no grinding, so kill every enemy you see. Although I suspect if this goes the route of TLS, there may eventually be parts of the game where its hinted it would be detrimental to kill certain mobs.

    Needs a little polish, as all games in development do, but I'm very much interested in seeing this one through. Full disclaimer, after playing up to 0.7, I pledged to the developer's patreon and played a little further on their patreon build. Regardless, if the trajectory of this game keeps steady, I see myself amending my review to a five star.