2D Fan Art 花園唯菜のドスケベ同好会 Re-Draw/Fan Art


May 12, 2017

I know this game is for sure niche asf but I always like seeing a new circle trying to make their way into market. I'm new to using procreate to draw so I'm still learning so I wanted to do a small project like redrawing the whole game. I tried asking the artist of this game if they were intrested in making an updated version using my art but they ended up blocking me. So I kindof lost interest in redrawing it, so I thought of posting up what I've done so far.

I'm very interested in helping make art for anybody who's making an NTR focused rpg, so hit me up if you want.

Re-Drawn: Original:

YuinaProfile EN.png YuinaProfile.png
StudentAccount EN.png StudentAccount.png
Teacher SexualHarassment 1 Nude.png Teacher SexualHarassment 1 Nude.png
Untitled_Artwork.jpg HanazonoYuina0.png

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