Seeking Non-con, bdsm/bondage, slaves

Jan 6, 2024
I have checked a lot of games with appropriate tags, as well as seeking posts similar to mine, but was mostly dissatisfied (i am quite picky).
What i am looking for are games which mostly contain non-con, bdsm/bondage, slaves (even better if its all in one). I don't like big breasts, anal, and oral, but can tolerate them to some degree. H scenes must be animated and voiced. Gameplay doesn't really matter, if everything said before applies to the game.
Games i liked and would like to see something similar:
Swimsuit Girl Pleasure Torture Simulation ~Never-ending Orgasmic Hell in the Gym Storeroom~ (this one especially)
Rinkan Hut (and this one)
Artificial Academy 2 and Koikatu! (these two would be perfect if they had non-con/bondage)

The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters
UnHolY JaiL and NurTale Nesche (sadly the later one is not complete, and i am not into big breasts much)

Magical Girl Seraphier
Round and Round Molester Train (also lacksnon-con/bondage)
HACHINA ~Ghost Story~