5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Game Developer
Aug 20, 2019
Hi guys and gals! Thank you for all your warm words! Your feedback and support allows us to develop further, fix and improve our games. And (non)trivial is no exception.

Needs a list of planned tags, because this could go anywhere.

Also will it be a kinetic novel or provide actual choices?
One of the main ideas of this game is to provide more control of its themes to patrons. We made story/gameplay logic that allow adding/removing/continuation of characters and their stories. One character is more interesting than another to you -- we can continue their story. You vote for one kink and not another -- we add it to the next release. All you're not interested (except main story and story characters ofc) can be turned off or skipped. Check kinks preferences in settings menu and you'll get what we have in mind, but it does not mean that we'll made all of given themes or can't add some more :)

The game already have some choices, not on live-or-die level yet, but I can't label it as KN. (non)trivial isn't a VN either and we aim to call it full-fledged stealth game when we complete this mechanic.

Ok, game looks interesting but.. it's buggy:
- interaction icons tend to vanish very often,
- game became unresponsive for me after talking to Ron about the bed (at the end of conversation).
- why looking through binoculars ends without any notice (if it's about the timer then it's too short - there is no fun in that),
- underlight of objects that can be interacted with is too short (perhaps there could be a key to toggle it?),
- generaly, time is passing way too fast and too many things happen automaticaly (like turning to rest mode),
- I could use a backtrack of conversation (in case of accidentaly skipping a part).

Anyway, I'm waiting for more, there's potential in this ;)
Thank you, oh those pesky bugs, the one with Ron looks bad. I passed your list to our team and agree especially in part of better notifying of absence of energy for spying out of a window and history log for dialogues. And a key for outlining -- it's easy to add (y)

Great game.
It just needs polishing.
I have the camera, but I can't use it that I know of.
The sleep/energy cycle is not quite right.
Thank you! Several camera features are in the works but it already may be used in scenes. Making (and selling) actual photos will be added soon :)
When Vi sleeps on starting bed (mattresses actually), her energy can't restore fully. It can be solved by asking Ron a new bed. But I won't be surprised any bugs there as well.
And you can note some differences in Vi's room in intro and prologue, so yes, we made a feature to buy furnishing to your room to get some buffs. But it'll be released after we add inventory/shop mechanics.
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Apr 23, 2022
I'm stuck in the prologue, at the point where I have to find out what the concierge is doing with panties. I have no other objectives except for the UFO girl. Any tips?

Uncle Eugene

Jun 6, 2020
I'm stuck in the prologue, at the point where I have to find out what the concierge is doing with panties. I have no other objectives except for the UFO girl. Any tips?
It's around 6:00. Look at the entrance he'll start jerking and you can make a photo and progress


Game Developer
Aug 20, 2019

Is the game supposed to end after I spy on the UFO girl? There's stuff in the screenshots in the OP that I haven't seen. Are they from a future/paywalled version?
All content on screenshots is in the game and not paywalled :)
Next version will have completed Journal that'll help track scenes. But you can check the gallery page in it already.

Any chance Vi can be customized? (ex: longer hair)
We made a feature to change her clothes (we'll add it into gameplay later when it'll be necessary) and we plan to change her main appearance with storyline (like we did it for Lee in Tame It!). But we have girls with longer hair that will appear in the game soon :giggle:
This is Anna, Sam's sister ex-roommate:
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Uncle Eugene

Jun 6, 2020
Would personally like to see more effort put into dialogs/lore and storytelling, because right now it felt somewhat cold and boring, like those lines are there just because they have to be there to tell the facts about what's going on on the screen, not to develop a character or engage the reader.
Playing original russian*

Because when I first started playing it felt for a little like that's gonna be some kind of great production level game with content, minigames, engaging story etc. And it was for a bit. But completely cold dialogs with householder ruined it. Graphics are nice overall, despite some inconsistency and questionable decisions. UI feels ok. Animations, "free" camera, side quests - that's all good enough to be top notch for a porn game, just missing some polishing, QoL and storytelling
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New Member
Jan 3, 2021
Когда будут обновления игры, есть какие-то приблизительные даты?
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote