I wanted it to be good but, It wasnt possible. Lets argument this thing starting witht he good things:
The Writing, its not much in "character development but there is a lot of humour going on, maybe that compensates. For the most part, meaning 98%, the dialogue exists outside the sex scenes and works as an introduction of sorts, a short story before the thing happening. Its fun to read, its smart even, the jokes land well. I have seen many games landing jokes on their faces and making my eyes roll. This one's funny. No complains here.
The complain comes from the sex scenes, its hard to know what is going on, and where the stage of the scene is, what are the people involved feeling and such, cause there is no dialogue during sex scenes, only in between as transition, or after.
And we get to the tricky part. The sex scenes. Sex scenes are divided in sections and each section has 2 or more clips that will play until the next section begins. The models look decent, and the animations look good also, but in some cases they look like people with severe disabilities moving and rubbing against each other. Since there is no dialgoue there is no indication of how long until the end of the current clip, so you will have to just watch it till the end. If you clic you will skip the entire section, which is as I said, 2 or 3 clips. This is my opinion is far from ideal. It would be better with dialogue.
And the important thing is how these clips are made, cause even if the animations visually look good, there is an absolute lack of energy, its like people very tired, and drunk having sex, so it doesn't look very good.
Maybe in 5 years this should be the standard for games, but it should be better done. It doesnt quite work for me, but i wish I had the knowledge to do it myself. Kudos for devs