This response seems like a bit of red flag for me.
First, once you see that someone is almost naked, you do not walk around to their side of the car and keep staring at them after they ducked behind the car specifically to hide their body from you. That is a clear indication of removal of consent. You allow them to put some clothes on or at least cover themselves with something first.
Next, you do not take someone's phone without their permission. Period. There was no ambiguity. It was being held in an "I'm holding this so you can see" manner and not "I'm handing this phone to you."
You do not then compound this offense by swiping through their pictures without permission, even if you are told the one they chose to show you was from a photoshoot. You don't know whether there were any private images from that session and, even if you did somehow know that, you don't know where that group of photos begins and ends in the pictures on their phone and could at any moment find yourself in their personal photos.
You do not, upon seeing their nudes while doing this, keep going; you realize your error, give their phone back, and apologize.
Finally, you do not demand that they continue sending you more nude pictures when you have them in a compromising situation.
The MC is kind of a moron in this scene too, which doesn't help matters.
You are projecting or enforcing some kind of behavior or reactions or actions that the MC and NPCs should and should NOT do. In a game with fictional characters, anything can happen. In real life also there are a lot of people who breaks the law, being a jerk, disrespectful etc. I would think that the
consent is related to sexual intercourse mainly i.e. no forced intercoursed, blackmail, drugged or the likes, but you seems to apply the
consent to much broader context

. So, this game probably is not for you then. The way I see it (the garage scene), Gloria takes off her clothes in public place basically she is giving
consent for the public to see her almost naked body. Gloria could have objected and took back the phone forcefully from Edward but for some unknown reason she did not, which in some custom implied
consent. But then yeah you can go on and on just about everything but remember that this is a fictional story (although based off some reality).
As for the "the good thing about games is they are not real life so you can enjoy an adventure in a different set of shoes" comment, you need to understand that porn games work a bit differently than non-porn games in that respect. They deal much more closely with hard-wired arousal and disgust mechanisms. On top of that, they try to create an parasocial connection between the player and the love interest. Typically, they also allow the player some measure of control over the experience, which serves both to allow the game to reach a wider audience by letting the player make it align more closely to their kinks and also enhance the connection between the player and the player character.
I have no idea why you think that everyone plays games (normal or porn) according to how you play or what you described above. Most people just play games to pass time or even for laugh but certainly to just enjoy it. The stuff about parasocial connection or whatever, that's your thing, dude.
This can be seen as a strength of the medium, but it cuts both ways. Much moreso than non-porn games, you need to be into what's happening in a porn game at least a little bit for it to be an enjoyable experience. The better a connection you create between the player, the MC and the love interest... the stronger the negative reaction to encountering a turn-off will be. That's why people emphasize proper tagging so much in porn games (and why F95Zone needs a better tagging system but that's a topic for another time).
Again, similar to above. You are somehow generalizing that everyone play games (porn games especially) according to some rule or proper way to play. I for once don't even care for the single most problematic feature of this site, the tag other than constantly being disturbed by those who lived by it.
In the end, you are playing (if you choose to) a game made by someone else and is not made specifically according to your specifications, so who should adapt? You or the game developer? So what if the developer wants to add prostitution to the game for example, you don't like it, then stop playing it. If you are a supporter or sponsor, then stop supporting. No one force you to support it in the first place, that is your mistake and your problem

. By the way, the developer does not have any support platform set up, and the game is totally free of charge, and the game was made as a hobby sort of. The developer is kind and nice enough to share the game in the first place, for free.
If you somehow want to be a business developtment consultant to the game developer about creating the perfect, highly marketable and profitable porn game ever created, then you should just contacted the developer directly for business enquiry. I doubt that the developer who is doing it for a hobby will be interested but who knows, maybe your business acumen and plan can change that. Cheers.