RPGM - Completed - NPC SEX - A World Where You Can Violate Girls Without Resistance 2 [Final] [Latte art]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    if walking around a stereotypical JRPG and fucking every single female npc you see with great emotionless sex scenes, then this game is for you

    God-tier art. lots of busty girls, with ok variety. not very diffrent, but sooo hot.
    Gameplay consists of wandering around and finding all the girls. then doing it again for nude art.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice cg-collector. mtl translation melted my brain so I gave up on reading after several npcs and just started looking for an npc girl I liked the most. This game contains a some progression and you're required to look for items to unlock all locations with npc girls. Thankfully, you don't need to read a lot to do it, just look for exits and shining objects
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know what I expected. This "game" is just a series of CGIs. Why is it a game?

    Story 1/10

    There is no real story. You walk around and sex npcs. It's in the title. Every time you sex an npc, you kind of... talk to them? While they're glass eye staring off into the distance. I don't really understand what's being said because I can't understand the MTL.

    Gameplay 1/10

    There's no real gameplay either. I already described the gameplay: You walk around and sex npcs. There are two endings but again, due to the MTL I don't really know what's being said.

    Art 6/10

    The npcs have some nice assets. Boobs. I'm talking about boobs.

    There's about 30ish base CGIs but extremely limited variations. Something like, dick out, dick in, cum, and 2x for clothes on and clothes off. So basically the scenes are very unalive.

    Overall 2/10

    Yeah. This game could just be a CGI set. It takes <30 minutes to "play". It's really even worse than hentai because the NPCs have 0 personality.

    I mean I know this is what the game advertises so I shouldn't shame them for what it is, but it's not a game and I can't even talk about "fun" because there's no game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has some of my favorite art on this site. If you played his last game and it turned you off I would still recommend giving this one a shot as he fixed what I didn't like in his last work (mainly the lack of recollection room). There's essentially no gameplay involved as you run around talking to any female npc you can find occasionally picking up an item or two to unlock new areas but I'll be honest with how little time you have to commit to this game and with how many cgs there are and the individual quality they have if you don't play this you're just missing out.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A step up in terms of art from the prequel.

    Good art compared to the prequel.
    Nice and fast access to H scenes.
    Decent amount of H scenes.
    Can finish in 1 play through.
    No tough battle stuff to make the game grindy.

    Some may not like that this game is too easy.
    Has a story going but it's not great in any sense.

    Overall very fast and easy fap game. Easy access to everything, no grinding. Perfect if you don't want to play through hours of content before getting any H scenes.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Seen worse played worse. Deserve a fap that's all. I don't know what else to write here. The art is fine there is absolutely no story and what you see is what you get.
    Honestly what to do want me to write here 200 word.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best game I played so far.
    No more annoying rpg mechanics that can literally waste your time.
    No more asking for save file.
    Different types of females for different type of needs.
    Easy to unlock scenes (well this is why you came here right?)

    Most of all, the girls are super ThiCC this time and pretty to look at too.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The whole NPC genre that popped up relatively recently is an interestingly niche fetish that basically borderlines the concept of time stop and mind control. Its an interesting concept of living inside a video game that has no content and just taking advantage of a world on an endless looped mindless routine.

    As a game it's very cut and dry, although that's pretty typical when it comes to this fetish. At the very least it has hints of lore sprinkled throughout and a very small story you can piece together. My biggest gripe is just the over simplified faces. I get that it's supposed to be like they barely acknowledge that you're raping them but it would be nice if they had an actual face like the demon girls do instead of the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) face that kind of takes away from the scenes. Still kind of a glorified scene viewer though, rather than a game. Although the concept of the fetish is the driving point so it kind of loses value if you remove the scenes and the game from each other. I kind of hope that this game sparks a more grandiose one with it's use of travel.

    Something this genre really lacks is a huge scope of the world as you're usually trapped in very specific locations with an extremely limited number of characters to interact with. This one is bigger than the last game so hopefully they continue to expand upon it and maybe we'll one day get a big open world with way more content and maybe some secrets or puzzles.

    If you like time stop and mind control, you might like this game as it's a little of both on a technical level.
    Likes: daobo
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    If any potential translators read this: please consider taking a crack at this. The game is essentially untranslated; someone simply ran all the text through one of the machine-translators and did not clean, edit, or proof-read it. I personally appreciate the effort of the person that uploaded this (makes it easier for me to play since I was just going to machine-translate it for myself anyway), but I hope that it does not discourage anyone from actually, really translating the game.

    Strictly speaking about the game, I think it's pretty solid. Most "NPC" games are quick and dirty: you spawn in, you run around the town fucking every girl and cannot leave. This game ups the ante by adding a small story, without it being excessive or annoying. This game is a must-play if you enjoy the "emotionless sex", "NPC" genre and fans of the "thicc n' busty "body types should also check this out.
    Likes: K3NJ1