NSFW 2D character generators aside from Koikatsu?


New Member
Oct 9, 2017
Looking to build 2d images to put into a VN game. I know Koikatsu w/ patches is commonly suggested but it's not my favorite. Any good alternatives? It can be a paid tool/require DLC, etc, and for output I just need jpg/png but I do need to be able to do both male and female characters.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Here are some of the tools that can be used to create "2d"* images for a VN.

Illusion games:
- "cel shaded anime style" Koikatsu and all it's predecessor and successors
- "3d anime style" Honey select and all it's predecessor and successors

3d rendering apps:
- daz3d
- blender

3d Scene players:

Lewd Modded games:
- sims3 / sims4
- skyrim

Photo/video images:
Realporn screenshots
Realporn screenshots with hand over-draw
Realporn screenshots with AI redraw

AI image generation

Actual 2d drawing apps:
Windows Paint

Hand drawing and scanning it

WARNING: "Well akshually" section ahead.

All things you do on a computer (with exception of VR displays and some very exotic persistnce of vision/holographic display devices) end up as 2d, because that the view device is a 2d monitor.

Koikatsu is not a 2d game engine, it's a 3d game engine. The "rendering" code transforms a camera view of the objects in a simulated 3d world to a 2d plane (the view displayed on the monitor).

Koikatsu (and all the other non-raytraced render engines) uses various shortcut tricks (phong shading etc etc etc) to output approximately correct lighting fast enough to give the player an impression of realtime motion (30+ frames per second).

Daz3d, Blender, more fancy 3d app engines use raytracing for which results in "closer to real world physics" lighting and surface reflection. This process is generally far too slow for "realtime" rendering, it's more like 0.5 fps to 0.05 fps.