VN - Ren'Py - NSFW - A Porn Anthology [Ch.3] [Raw Magic]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on 2.5:
    giving 2 stars, as there are worse games out there.
    The good:
    - really nice models, but that's it
    The Cons:
    - no story (all you see is: talk to a girl and fuck her)
    - even the sex scenes are basic - nothing special
    - the renders have no details and no depth - all you see is the MC and one girl, the rest is blurred. Simple basic renders/animations which lack experience and creativity (at least for now)
    - there is no gameplay - aside some very limited choices during sex scenes it's a pure kinetic "something"
    - can't even call it kinetic NOVEL, as there is no story behind at all - even the scenes themself don't make any sense.
    - the only content so far are 2 scenes with 2 girls both containing one simple sex scene
    - overall it feels for me as a first jump into a new business with big dreams but lack of experience (which might improve over time, but right now, dev should be happy with 2 stars - it might deserve only 1 if there weren't really worse)

    I can't call this a game. It's barely a tech demo of sex scenes, which aren't even made that well or perfect. Based on the great developers speach in OP i've expected much more. My feedback on what to improve: simply said EVERYTHING

    I usually don't rate games that early, but being mislead by the two 5 stars ratings, i am really disappointed. Seems that some people still don't get the meaning of a fair rating and simply use 5 star ratings to boost a game while they forget that 5 stars is the best possible rating at all. Seriously? if THIS is the best game ever, you clearly spit into the face of all really good developers out there.
    Please don't compare this below-mediocre-tech-demo with other 5 star games - that's just a very bad joke to do so.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    wow 5 stars ratings for this? i know there are ratings pumping everywhere but come on man. :LUL:

    this is planned as short unrelated KN stories with multiple MCs.
    there is no actual plot, there is no any buildup, this is just fuck-simulator....and a bad one in that regard.
    renders are mediocre at the best (that banner image si by far the most quality thing, actual in game renders are by far worse).
    better watch pornhub or any other shit and avoid this "game" i should have done.
    one star, and to never come back here ever again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game, good rendering, great models, interesting characters, Animation is very good especially this one in chapter 2, environment is good, story and short could be even a little longer but ok, sex scenes happen very quickly in some It takes a century if it doesn't even happen :LOL:

    Developer is doing a great job with your project, good luck and keep it up.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    v. Ch.2

    Well rendered porn

    • cool concept that ties the scenes together
    • each chapter has a short and convincing intro before the sex
    • not much content right now. chapters are short
    • porn fully cinematic cgs
    • no sound/music
    • very nice lighting and textures
    • hot female modelsof the voluptuous kind
      • but nipples of the unreal DAZ clay-pinch shape
    • Ch.1 had some graphic issues:
      • boob sleeves on Ann
      • major clipping on pants of MC during animation
      • such a big ass on Ann required jiggle
    • major improvements in Ch.2:
      • smooth natural physics
      • immersive cam shake

    If the quality matches Ch.2 or better in future updates then this will be a great VN to dish out hot porn stories.