Unity - Completed - NTR Apartment [Final] [HGGame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    - This game is unplayable. Bugs lead to grey-screen, or character splash arts remain stuck on screen forever.
    - Even if everything works, gameplay feels laggy, not fluent. And somehow senseless, since you can even have sex when they sleep.
    - I suppose this is not supposed ot be a dating sim, where you progress, but rather where you just create situations, where you can have sex.

    Frequency of scenes:
    - No real scenes, just sex animations

    - Barely text, makes the game empty.

    --> All in one: Not sure if it is because of this game having an old version on here. But I tried everything: Forced V-Sync. window mode, full screen mode. Nothing fixed the bugs. Maybe the game would have been a little bit enjoyable, but at this state, it is unplayable. Would give 0 of 10.

    Should I give it a try?
    Only if a fixed version is offered (if a fix update even exists).
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, the game itself is too buggy and full of jank that it's a challenge to play and find any fun at all. Not even the sex scene, the few that actually work, is even remotely enjoyable. It is a weird, not in a good way, game that is not very well design. It is, to my great displeasure because I do enjoy the theme/idea of what it's trying to accomplish, a terrible game.

    0.5/5 Star.

    For those who play anyway, you can leave the black screen by saving and then loading, it should fix it (But be prepare to do it again and again as it will keep happening).