okay that was dumb. Phone app, hacking, websites, they are all given to MC, making all the traditional ntr molestation and rape behind the scenes right in the MC's face. porn logic doesnt even fit in here, MC knowingly reads a phone app say his gf is kissing and slurping and doesnt even text his hacker buddy to be like, hey my app is saying weird things its either broke or, my just got raped or cheated on me, im not sure which, how bout you help a brother out. but no, just keeps on going bout his day.
on a different note, the slutty and totally obnoxious gf's bestie is a tired and over used trope. all these cut copy and paste phone games but only 1 or 2 have a gf besties thats a fun slut MC wants to make happy. at the very least, the MC should be aroused by getting dom'd by the gf's bestie, not just roll over and take it like she just stole his lunch money in grade 4.
text speed wasnt abismal, yet at this point we all know in phone games there needs to be optional speed control for the phone texting. also its kinda stupid for the porn apps follow options to be in the internet browser not in the app itself.
game isnt bad, but definitely not good enough to compare to the few good ones out there. i mean, it has all the benefit of knowing where the others went wrong and what works, but still missed so many marks. on the plus side, with some polishing i think it could garner a decent following, as long as the market for phone ntr apps doesnt get so over saturated only the top 5 get any love while the rest are left to wither into obscurity and get abandoned.