4.40 star(s) 34 Votes


Sep 13, 2021
You're the only dev to nail the formula. Just make her stats more impactful amigo keep it up tho.
Also add a skip button / grab a real artist when you make enough crack money off of this. Also fix the windowing of the bigger res.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017
I think of all the latest NTR phone games that have been coming up lately, this one is one of the best. At least, in the story type.

But there are a lot of oownsides in this game. Here's some of them:
The speed of the messages, it's way too slow.
No skipping.
No chapter selection. I chose to buy condoms, so I can't buy the nanobots. What now? I have to replay the whole game?
Wallpaper selection is kinda buggy
The feed of the Mattinator (and the others) should've been inverted. The newer ones on the top.
No save (although it could be overlooked if it had chapter or a day selection)

Still, I like the game. Oke dokey.
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New Member
Dec 26, 2024
You can't, at least natively.
Here I can only play normally if I hide the taskbar, which I hate doing, so with the help of ChatGPT I made a script to resize the window:
$height = 720
$width = [math]::Round($height / 2.17)

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Win32 {
    public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
$hwnd = (Get-Process -Name "NTRMobile").MainWindowHandle
[Win32]::MoveWindow($hwnd, (1366 - $width) / 2, 0, $width, $height, $true)
Edit the first line to the desired height (My screen is 768px tall, with 30px from the taskbark, the game should be 738px) and it should work, I think.
Ty man it works
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Mar 17, 2020
I think of all the latest NTR phone games that have been coming up lately, this one is one of the best. At least, in the story type.

But there are a lot of oownsides in this game. Here's some of them:
The speed of the messages, it's way too slow.
No skipping.
No chapter selection. I chose to buy condoms, so I can't buy the nanobots. What now? I have to replay the whole game?
Wallpaper selection is kinda buggy
The feed of the Mattinator (and the others) should've been inverted. The newer ones on the top.
No save (although it could be overlooked if it had chapter or a day selection)

Still, I like the game. Oke dokey.
You can have up to 5 saves in the current version of the game. I believe the dev is working on a better save system with more save slots in next update. Feeds should also be getting inverted next update.

As far as the condom thing. If you deny Richard the first time he offers you his app he will give you $100 to accept allowing you to buy the nanobots and condoms. A lot of people probably miss this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017
You can have up to 5 saves in the current version of the game. I believe the dev is working on a better save system with more save slots in next update. Feeds should also be getting inverted next update.

As far as the condom thing. If you deny Richard the first time he offers you his app he will give you $100 to accept allowing you to buy the nanobots and condoms. A lot of people probably miss this.
I thought that backup data was something else. Good to know.

The $100 thing definitely would've helped. I'll try playing the game again another day to try this.


New Member
May 11, 2018
Loved it so far, can't wait for the next release. I did however find a bug, if you choose to tell Sam not to bother to check on Liz at lunch, it just stalls out. There are no more messages, and Liz's chat automatically closes w/e you open it.


Jul 13, 2018
Nice concept, although alot of dead ends and the texting could be improved even more from a more realistic standpoint. but im looking forward to more


Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
NTR Mobile v0.13.0:
  • ShareSpace sorting from new to old.
  • Fixed a lot of grammatical errors.
  • Option to change the level up censorship for censored images. You will be asked to do this at the start of the game but you can edit this at any point using the settings app.
  • Added support for the following resolutions: 720p, 1440p and 2160p. Also added the option to select resolution at the start of the game. I personally like 1560p the most.
  • Added a unlock gallery. This gallery keeps track of all the images you unlocked and does not reset when loading a new save. You can find this by pressing the star icon in the gallery app.
  • Added image sorting to the persistent gallery. it is still a bit wobbly but right now it sorts based on the source (example: which ShareSpace it came from) and according to the timeline. The last part is the wobbly part.
  • New Backup(save) app added to the main screen. Moved backups from settings to its own app.
  • Doubled the amount of save slots available.
  • Upgraded the save system a bit (still needs more love) but now it shows more relevant information. for example if you gave Liz the ring or on which path you are.
  • Added a speed up function to increase chat speed in the chat.
  • Added Inner monologue system.
  • A lot of polish. to name a few:
    • When saving or resetting you are informed the phone is shutting down.
    • Buttons in the SmartWear website are now clickable as well.
    • Some added flair to the Liz stats app.
  • Optimization. This is a big one. I noticed that the game was using more resources then it should so made a lot of optimizations. removed some functions that were running without a purpose. The thing that might affect you is that I increased the auto save interval from 2 to 3 seconds.
  • And of course... the story continues...

Felonious Flipper

New Member
Jun 20, 2018
Love the game! Especially the contrast in dick size between the pictures the PC takes and the pictures Mattinator posts. So hot.

But, I keep getting to dead ends where Liz's chat closes out any time I try to click on it. The dead end I'm at right now is the NTR path, at the club when she goes to the bathroom. The last message the PC sent was "I guess you had too much to drink" or something like that.


Apr 19, 2024
I also got a notification after downloading it from gofile. Saw this post and tried pixeldrain and like the other person I don't see a virus notification from the pixeldrain download.
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4.40 star(s) 34 Votes