I like many forms of NTR when well done, but I feel like my ultimate form of it has yet to be made or perhaps I am just unaware. Obviously everything exists somewhere, but I am talking about a decent quality VN game in a modern real world setting and nice visuals (can be animated, but not anime style). Maybe someone could show me this needle in a haystack.
I like when MC is a man and game has decent portion of his POV.
I like when MC is either in already established relationship (serious girlfriend or wife), or when he pursues love interest it is serious and acknowledged from both side not just some fuck buddies.
I like when MC can be kind and treat his partner well without being punished by stats or paths.
I like when MC's partner has a sexy fashion style or there is possibility for MC to encourage low cut tops, short skirts, stockings and no bra etc.
I like when MC does not lust after other people than his partner, ultimate goal is to be loyal and have a long happy life together.
I like when MC's partner flirts with other people in a playful way not to humiliate MC or hint at swinging.
I like when MC's partner cheats on him in secret, but with a purpose of either as a form of masturbation (no love feelings towards her lovers) or to gain something (promotion at work, helping MC with a problem with someone, feeling sorry for some lonely guy etc.).
I like when MC's partner does not feel bad about cheating or if she slightly does then almost immediately gets over it and copes in some way where she can still be happy and loving towards MC.
I like when MC is clueless about the cheating behind his back, BUT if he starts suspecting or finds actual evidence he does not get angry or pathetic and he does not let his parter know that he knows (MC simply finds it really hot and curious how it will continue, if at all). Maybe have a playful comment to his partner here and there that is not too revealing, but a little teasing.
I like when other characters know that MC's partner is slutty, but does not snitch on her to MC. Some teasing that is not too revealing can be fun.
I like when MC's partner gets pregnant and there is implication that it might not be his baby. (if the baby is born with some features that make it pretty obvious it is not MC's baby, I want MC to reassure his partner that it's gonna be fine, they will talk about it and he will support her no matter what and that he loves her still and his partner should not feel too guilty for too long either)
I know it's a lot to read and quite... narrow. But if you will have ultimate vision in mind there is no reason for it to not be grand right? What do you guys think, am I too degenerate or too ambitious? How does your ideal NTR scenario go?