RPGM - Completed - NTR New Wife May-chan [Final] [Pushpin rush]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Becca 28

    My first download from F95, and the main female character ends up being underage. Like WAY underage. When they introduced the wife as a 13-year old, I was hoping that was just background, and that the narrative would advance with a "five years later..." at some point. But that didn't happen. There ought to be warnings on here about this.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, my expectations were low but holy fuck. This "completed" game features like 5 scenes all of which are of very poor quality. Almost all of which were with and old smelly man.

    Art 1/5
    Story 1/5
    Gameplay 1/5
    Fapability 2/5
    Originality 2/5
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game was intresting.

    But way to short. I dont even kniw why the girl have erotic stats becuase ypu have 3 szenes where she can boost this and the NTR cant get up to 100 %

    So i give you 2 stars.

    I liked the art and i like the liniar way so indont had to think this much but the game is way to short i had wished to see her drifitng away from her boy friend more and more ^^
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing: 5/10
    Imagery: 3/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 4/10
    Overall: 4/10

    Linear Gameplay: The Game.

    From point A to point B, everything is pretty much set in stone.

    Go on an adventure with Master Roshi, have your super young wife taken from you over several missions, and then watch said wife banged right before your eyes. Your choice comes in the very end, where the wife has to decide if she wants to fix her relationship or stay a corrupted little skank.

    Fixing the relationship means going back in time and getting the king to forgo assigning Master Roshi to your party, and I'm sure you know what the other ending entails.

    Artwork is, not good. I've jerked it to a lot of stuff before, but I think if you want to make a game like this now, just use an AI artist program. They 'can' look way better, far better than this, and maybe with AI art I can get it up.

    Probably the most basic and, to be honest, boring NTR RPG Maker game I have played to date.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    characters are far too young to have a game like this. art work isnt too great either. and the story is something that isnt new. if the age was different and the artwork reflected that id give a higher rating.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ NTR New Wife May-chan Final]

    Complete waste of time.

    Art's not my favorite; art skill is fine but the characters and CG are completely unappealing.

    Writing is too shallow to even be rote. Think about an NTR plot -- there, you've now put more effort in than the author.

    All of the scenes had watersports or anal and were unappealing as mentioned earlier.

    Game design is linear and boring except for a literal Good End / Bad End choice at the climax. I like the removal of the RPG Maker random battle spam, but removing any conflict entirely left me wondering what the point of playing was: I'd usually make a snark about the game being better as gallery, but gallery implies thumbnails that probably would have been less unappealing than the actual pictures.

    TLDR: The only bit of innovation of note is that the NTR bull dude isn't that same fat ugly troglodyte from every other NTR game.