VN - Others - Completed - NTR Room [v1.014] [Midori no Teikoku]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I love NTR and i have tolerance for some of the less creative reasoning as long as it leads to a hot scenario.

    The story isnt great and the characters arent the briggests.

    But the whole hidden sex is too sweet to pass, especially with the classic behind the curtains + friends that live in rooms with windows facing each others.

    that said there is a but a big BUT that makes any further ananlysis of its merits and flaws irrelevant.

    Making you play a VN twice is already an outdate desing, most NTR VN give you the option between one perspective of both at the same time.

    Playing it once without seing any sex scene from the fmc is outdated but understanble if the developer wants to really push for it.

    Twice you are really testing my patience.....BUT when i've played this damn thing (that isnt exacty"Lord of the rings" level writting) 4 times and i have yet to see the FMC getting fucked..... then whomever came with that idea should never develope a VN ever again.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is good, story line is potentially interesting, but next to nothing happens for long stretches which becomes boring quickly. The choices that are there also don't feel like they do anything. The developers also didn't put in imagery in for several scenes that your character witnessed and it feels lazy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deny Masato

    Hidden Sex Scenes are good but the story is short and too rushed & Chika's facial expressions aren't sharp enough & she doesn't speak loud enough, the story route isn't enough to absorb, it seems like it ends quickly
    But I like this game
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    You have to go through the game multiple times without being able to skip text quickly (skipping is constantly glitched), with zero changes to the walkthrough, all for the sake of very few scenes. The NTR component is almost non-existent, it doesn't feel like it. The translation is terrible.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The is bad writing and things that break immersion. This is easily amongst the lowest tier of NTR there is.

    Choices have no relevance and can be utterly ignored. There is no difference regardless what you choose. The female characters are dumber than you can imagine.

    The reactions from the male characters are utterly unbelievable. Overall, the need to play the game two times just pissed me off.

    Spent your time better on something else, even if you are the biggest NTR lover there is.

    This storyline and execution is simply bad.