Unity - Ntraholic [v4.2.2c] [Tiramisu]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ntrahoic is a worthy spiritual successor to NTR Legend.

    Legend was a simple game which made it easy to play and understand even not in English. It laid the foundation for many other games that will borrow its mechanics. Ntrahoic improves on Legend's formula by having a more engaging story complete with CGs, 2d Live scenes, and voice acting! The minigames are more varied and complex than Legend too. My one nitpick would be it takes a lot more grinding than in Legend.

    Currently Legend probably won't get anymore updates while Ntraholic will get more. I will only look forward to more updates. Let us enjoy this game for its entire lifecycle.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Played the 2.2.2 Demo.

    Well if you enjoyed NTR Legend there's no reason you won't enjoy this either. If that's you, you don't need this review. Just go waste a few hours on it and no one will chastise you for cheating in more money or lust points because the grind truly is atrocious. What follows is an meaningless discharge of personal grievances. Pay it no mind, at least until after you get your faps in.

    The game really misses the mark in terms of characterizing the main character. Without any dialogue, NTR Legend is able to present a sort of bum, slob of a man that has no prospects and lives in a garbage-filled room and despite this, manages to have a big monkey smile on his face at all times. This shameless oaf stumbles through life with a penchant for wrapping himself with odd people, odd jobs, but most importantly odd relationships through his obvious charm. Meanwhile, NTRaholic features a boring shell of a man that walks, fucks, and talks like any NTR villian ought to. Even his daily activities are a bore and non-descript - being a delivery man, working out, or reading self-improvement books. He is a character you don't really want to involve or inhabit, and is essentially a means to an end. NTRaholic misses out on the absurdity and humor which is what allowed NTR Legend to get away with basically being dialogue-less.

    There's been a great deal to expand the characters and the story through dialogue and plot but it mostly falls short, especially when it relies on tired, tired tropes such as blackmailing the heroine into sex, and convenient failings of reason. The game tries to get you to care about the couple's relationship by having you read stale dialogue expositioning their history but again, the game failed from the start to get me to care about anything any of these characters have to say. Again, there is a failure in understanding the charm of NTR Legend in that the husband in the scenario is essentially a prop used to heighten the sexual tension. I did not have to know what food he likes, or how they met in order to enjoy the dinner scenario where he unknowingly takes sleeping pills and his wife screws the neighbor right in front of him.

    The gameplay unfortunately blows. Stamina almost never runs out, so anything related to increasing that value is for the most part, wasted time. The only money venture is playing a flappy bird minigame that starts out frustratingly slow, and takes a minute and a half to reap the full rewards out. It's annoyingly padded out and because money is essential to doing a lot of the content and grinding, you can't avoid it. The minigame fails to test your speed and reaction times the way NTRLegend did, and the flappy bird minigame just does not respect your time. On top of not respecting your time, the game revives the worst part of NTRLegend, the sex grind of acquiring lust experience by slowing building up a pleasure bar and pinpointing the perfect sex speed. Complete waste of time and attention, to have to perform scenes countless times until you are sick of looking at them.

    And so why 4 stars? It seems like there's nothing going right with the game. But there is. The raw, sexual content.

    The demo alone is 60-70% close to matching version 1.0.2 of NTR Legend in terms of sex animations, and the final game appears to promise a lot more on top of upgrades to animation smoothness and appearance. Live2D CGs have also been added (the one upside to introducing the vn dialogue), and more scenarios have been added, opening the door to more engrossing scenes. I also respect that all of the scenarios and early game feature a lot of groping and fondling, which really builds up the atmosphere and makes them complete.

    At the end of the day this is a porn game and if this kind of thing is your bag the game does it well, enough to stomach everything else. The story and character grievances are my own and you don't have to agree with it. I will look at you side-eyed if you enjoy any of the gameplay though.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Game makes mistake that NTR Legend managed to avoid: open-ish world with grindy linear progression (it's so common across H-games it's offensive). At given point there is only one scene that pushes plot forward and you need to repeat it until you grind some stat to required value. Old scenes are immediately obsolete and serve no purpose - i.e. drinking game ends with girl running away after getting groped despite I progressed to a point where I fuck her ass. With more variety of activities you can do at given time and better flow of scenes it has potential to be good.

    Art is good but I find really annoying that insets and main area animations are not in sync.

    -1 star for expecting NTR where I steal some loser girlfriend but instead I got game where I let random dudes fuck her, not my fetish.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent scenes. Could use some work on the corruption as scenes are unlocked a bit too suddenly. Also could use some more dialogue to help with that. A free play/easy to view all scenes option would be nice. I cant wait to see this finalized
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    NTR legend legacy? No.

    Okay, gameplay: flappybird-like game to earn money=lame. Seduction of the prey=lame. Sex=simple but okay
    Story.... why? why are you telling? It's a VIDEO GAME! show me!(VN are not game okay, don't argue.)

    NTR legend=good, why is it? All is show, no dialogue/long explications.

    So I do not recommend this "game"(unfinished by the way) and recommend you to play NTR Legend.

    And if you cannot bear NTR(if you truly understand what this mean)... why ar' ya her' ma boy?
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not NTR fan, however this one is so good i just have an urge inside me to defile this pretty lady. Scenes are nice, story too (pretty standard ntr) fun gameplay (god damn flappy birds). Definitely can recommend it,
    Art 3.5/5
    Story - 3.5/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 4/5
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Debaser Pixie

    This game has so much potential, and should be a very worth succesor to NTRLegend, yet...in the end it utterly fumbles and makes me feel something I never feel with any H games. Pissed off.

    At worst I get bored and move on, but this game has so many great elements that it sucks me in, then it proceeds to fuck up pacing with tedious and unneccesary mini-games, oblique "hints" that tell you nothing, and an incessant pop up any time you deviate from whatever bullshit task it somehow wants you to complete.

    I loved NTRLegend. It had its flaws, but it was tight, fun, lighthearted, and it knew when to just let you play. Not this game.

    Fixing this is very easy:
    1) Remove rock, paper, scissors as a way to determine if you win at seducing the wife. Its stupid and stacked in her favor. Make a sexual mini-game if you must have one.
    2) The slider during sex events has a much too narrow threshold. If your gonna rip off/pay homage to Goldenboy, incorperate the things he did right the WAY HE DID THEM RIGHT. Why is my meter stopping 3-4 times a session? Why do I have to hunt for the much too small area to make it go up again? Why was I unable to intentionally get caught on the balcony when I tried to do so for TWO HOURS?
    3) You should modify the mini-games for making money, and for the prostitute. Both mini-games make no sense in the context of the game. And once I reach a certain point in the game, earning money should have an automated feature (i.e. NTRLegend again). And I don't want to play asteroids while railing a hooker, are you serious? Get out of here with that shit. Make it a game of "find the G spot" or something if you must subject us to such distractions.
    4) Tweek your instructions to actually explain how the game mechanics work. You already have a help feature, I shouldn't have to still puzzle out how to interact or determine what buttons do what.

    Overall I really enjoy this game, which is why I am being this harsh. If you were to tweek or remove the problems (and I am hardly the first to let you know what those are) then we can enjoy playing without resulting to cheating.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this sh** is good made me happy. Dont care if its NTR as long it gives me a something to wank i dont have problem with anything. As long it isnt extreme scat or whatever.

    Still this game is good besides having a few bugs there and here. Sometimes I'm having a hard time progressing into the story.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I must admit I found this game (2.2.2a version) very confusing. Objectives aren't clear, minigames aren't well explained and repetitive, the story is terribly written and told to the point there is no corruption, you do some minigames and end up fucking the wife.

    Art is mediocre in many places, sound is so too. And I have been kicked once to the desktop while playing.

    So, as far as I go, I don't think it's worth it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Ntraholic [v2.2.2a] review

    Holy grindfest Batman!

    This is one of the top 3 grindiest grinds I've ever come across.

    It even feels pointless to review story/art becase I still wouldn't play it even if it was 10/10 because of the massive grind required.

    The side scroller wasn't fun or relevant, but the dev seems to think I love it to death seeing as how much I'm forced to play it. Pass.

    The lewds are half decent but any magic they once held is also repeated to death.

    Dev should lower the grind factor by at least 16x before I'll ever consider trying this again. The art assets can mabye hold up a 1-hour game but this game takes far, faaar longer to complete.

    It's just not worth anyone's time in the state it's in right now.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    (for version v2.2.1a)
    5 stars because the art / gameplay is good. It has both pixelart and 2dcg.
    The story is also fitting and interesting.
    The biggest downside is probably the pacing of the game but that could still change, even then it's only disappointing and not a deal breaker.

    The game has flaws but the creator's interaction with fans and willingness to improve with their feedback makes me give it 5/5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this game, my soul feels whole again, being the one winning and fucking girls is refreshing, too many games with "losing mechanics for the female mc" and "the mc is a cuck"
    the cheating is really easy, to hell with the grinding

    one negative point, below the tattoo there is three statistics, but i dont know the max for each one or what X amount of a specific action increases it, and the camera button is not explained either
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is weird one, compared to ntr legend i has positive points but also has some drawbacks. The art of the pictures and cute scenes are absolutely mind-blowingly good, but the pixelated sex scenes are worse than the mentioned game and get stale fast.
    This game has the same problem of doing some boring minigames to get through the day, but in this one takes more time is more boring and this is a grindier game, both for money and exp, and that is the final aspect that for me kills it, excessive unneeded grinding which kills the pacing and the mood of the game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Started game, see a suck'o'bus, extited game. It`s not NTR.
    If seriously, bad attemt to expansion already existing game. many game elements, like minigames, not funny. You get bored too fast. And story and art not good enough to suffer all of this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The artwork is phenomenal, we can start right there. Animations, images, hell even the pixel art has sensuality to it. The game is good, it's very very good. There is some qualms about confusion and minigames. A task book would not be out of place, however I can also understand a desire to go without.

    The story is a standard fair, but with an addition of some enjoyable characterization and twists. You see the interactions between your neighbors, and even inner thoughts that provide more depth to the actions your character is taking. Voiced, animated, all the above. This game is a high quality work. Consistent updating so far gives us lots of hope for the future.

    It's a good game! Give it a go!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The previous review on here was kinda concerning but I said fuck it, I need to know for myself... Does the game tell you everything you need to do?.. No, no it doesn't. But can you figure it out? Yes lol. And to be fair the game does tell you a LOT of what you need to do... I would not call this game confusing or difficult. I did have to look up a tip on the H scene (did not notice the glowing slider), but even that is a pretty standard H-game mechanic that I should have been looking for.

    That said, the game definitely is a grindy one. Cheat engine works very well so my experience was not that bad, but if I did not have cheat engine I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this at all. And, likely because of my use of cheat engine, I think I accidently skipped over some story bits, and so I ended up using a save...

    I do think the art, content, and animations are great, but the gameplay experience built around them is not so hot. I understand the need for SOME grind, but it seems a bit excessive here (at least to me).
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game could be the most amazing thing existence that would make me bust a nut so huge I would drown in it and it would not be worth it. Why? Because how to get there isn't explained in the slightest. You can find my post asking about it in this thread so I won't fully express how I felt here, needless to say after 4 tries of getting nowhere with the first groping scene my excitement was gone and I only have the urge to steal candy from children and force feed people pilk (pepsi and milk) to cause as much misery as I have felt. Even if I manage to make it past this I will not update my score because I shouldn't be stuck on the first scene in the first place.
    An edit: I said HOW to do anything is not explained, WHAT you have to do is very clear. If you can't understand the difference then take English classes again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 8/10
    Overall: 8/10

    Excuse me neighbor, can I borrow a cup of sugar and your wife's pussy?

    Straight away, right off the bat, with no delay, this game is, as it says right in its title, inspired by NTRLegend. So you should know what to generally expect.

    Surfer dude like guy in this scenario takes over as landlord, and in a scheme to fuck his neighbor's hot wife, raises their rent but accepts the wife working at his home as a maid. It is here he can use demonic apps on his phone to feel her up, eventually resulting in her becoming more open in later visits to having a drink, or just straight up fucking.

    The husband is none the wiser as you smash hie wife on the balcony right next to him, stuffing enough cream filling in her that you might as well call her a hostess cupcake. During the day you can drill her in multiple positions, and after raising her level of infidelity, you can eventually call her over at night to have a fun time on the balcony. The demonic app unlocking new features as her infidelity level increases, though as of the time of this review only 3 options open up. The invisible hand, the cosplay, and the bell.

    What is added that makes this more unique from NTRLegend is the CGs, where you can take pictures after certain sexual actions that get stored in a gallery in your phone. However the only indication this is an available action is if the camera icon on the sex controls lights up, however grey on grey is not the best for noticing this happen so you might miss this option at times.

    Looking forward to seeing more, as there are plenty of demonic features left to go and places to visit.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this was dissapointing. The charm of having the game full drawn in pixel art as it was in NTRdensetsu is gone. Not only some sex scene "events" are drawn and animated as non pixel art 2D.
    The husband's standing picture doesnt show your typical "japanese salary man" but a Stud... lmao really ? he may be just as muscly as Gyaru-o. Also one of the sex position's icon seemed to be a mating press but the actual pixel art animation shows a mediocre missionary position. I say mediocre because its not even at the level of NTRdensetsu's animations.
    I liked the rimjob. Unexpected and wish NTRdensetsu had such a thing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    amother game like NTR legend
    smells great
    pixel animation and X-ray dedicate the detail of corruption, and the animation story line is a plus.
    just one mini gmae for now, hoping more to come.
    with photo to collect in sex scenes, do trying to get all collection. for now, there are only three shots made, and a thoughts button not available really made me curious.