Unity - Ntraholic [v4.2.2c] [Tiramisu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea is good, but too much action is shown as pixel art animations. Its not for my taste. If only there was way more 2D animations that are good looking like some milestones for corruption. Then it would be way more enjoyable ride. Besides that its too much of a grind for my taste. Too little "rewards" for this amount of "work". There should be a way to choose level of grind required to advance. Because original is too much for my taste. If only we saw gradual improvements over time with each repetition we did then it wouldn't be such a chore to repeat same things again and again.
    Either way.. Conclusion:
    - has potential
    - too little quality 2D art
    - too much pixel art animations which do not look that great to begin with.
    - too much meaningless grind. If only it rewarded repetition in any way but it didn't
    It has a potential to be a mobile game but not so much for a pc.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is good, but the game is.. I dont know.. Lacking? Its hard to explain, because whats there works just fine. But, it just doesnt grab your attention beyond what regular porn would do.

    I think it has to do with the fact that, once you've seen something once, theres nothing new, theres no "Oh, you increasedher nympho stat by having her cum 20 times in a row" or any alternate looks once you reach a certain threshold. Its a bit "one and done", no nuance or reason to do any action more than once.

    Honestly, I ended up just cheating my way through the game and closed it again afterwards.

    Art is good, gameplay is.. Fine, just tedius and not really that rewarding.

    I am not sure if this bothers anyone other than me. But, the dev charges around 29 dollars on Patreon to try his newest releases... Including this one which is mostly a bug fix update.. That just rubs me the wrong way..
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Inspired from NTRLegend. This game is very good. But it has some shortcomings too.

    - Animations
    - CGs
    - Voice acting

    - Lacks proper build up
    - Very buggy ( I'm sure dev will fix this)
    - Minigame ( Rock, Paper and Scissors) seems to be set to veteren difficultly by default.

    Even with all that, I liked the game very much and want to see more of it. This type of game is a rare specimen along with NTR legend. That's why a 5 star.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked the previous game but I cannot get into this one.


    - Useless "minigames" (reading) VS absent minigame (working)
    - Lack of buildup, the target is too easy
    - Miss the mark on corruption steps (from nothing to all in, so frustrating to feel the little buildup you could man age to this point suddenly die on an exaggerated scene)
    - DEV uses an angel as target but destroys that early on.

    Another misfired corruption / NTR game, sadly ...

    DEVs should really consider the psychology of men when making games.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite good art and a nice concept, I am giving this a poor review as of now as an outcry to the dev to improve on some things.

    First: it's tedious. Best comparison I can give is that for the cooking event (the most basic corruption event you start with), the song heard in the bar in Karryn's Prison will play to completion by the time you've completed the event for one singular day. It's one of those annoying "fill the bar" minigames where the goal to winning is to toggle the fill rate off and on, ensuring that arousal raises more than her alertness, where alertness both raises and lowers faster. They could stand to cut down the time on these minigames just a tad.

    The second: Rock-Paper-Scissors. This might not sound awful, but this is an important time for us to talk about math.

    You have 3 hearts, she has 5. You must beat her 5 times to complete the scene, she must beat you thrice for you to fail. You can afford to make two mistakes only. There is a double down mechanic, which I would encourage people to do due to the mathematics of it. (reduces it from you have 3 hearts and she has 5 to you have 2 and she has 3, in terms of how many losses necessary to lose it all; you can potentially gain even more chances if you win your first two hands and then do the standard value so that you can have even more chances, as it becomes 3v1 in your favor)

    When we are talking about a completely RNG game with no tells or mechanics to reliably beat it, then yes, 5 is more than 3 and is statistically more likely to win. Even with the double down tip I provided above, 3 is still more than 2 and again she will win.

    What's more, I sincerely wonder if she is programmed to beat you if she's about to lose in order to force you to buy an item to replenish your hearts. I won the first two double-down games and this meant I only had to beat her one more time. Suddenly she was unbeatable and won four times in a row. (used one replenish item) I cannot confirm this, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if she was programmed to check your soup usage/current corruption value and just beat you if it's not high enough.

    So some of you might be thinking save scum. Yeah, but there's a couple problems here:

    -The Rock-paper-scissors event itself is expensive. You need to spend two days of full work to afford it, and that's not including the soup items you will likely need. Each of those adds an additional day. You earn about ~220$ per workshift and with your stamina you can regularly afford two shifts a day. The item required to unlock the Rock-Paper-Scissors event costs $800 per attempt. The soup item to replenish one singular health point for you during the minigame cost $300 each. This means that if you wish to play the minigame and ensure you have equal odds of beating her, you need at least two soups for $600 + the $800 for the event, adding up to 4 days of work whilst you have a timer of 30 days. This then only affords you equal odds; you still have a statistically equal chance of losing to her, at which point if you do not save scum, you must again work 4 days just to afford another equal attempt.

    -The event does not unfold quickly. There's a text event for example for doing the event and you have to listen to her read the text each time. There's then a mild "fill the bar" event beforehand. This means that even when reloading to retry, it's not going as quickly as you'd like.

    -In my experience, reloading has a bad habit of glitching. I could not click any of the icons during the RPS game upon reloading, so I had to close out and reopen the game very frequently. You can now add watching the menu load to your queue of things you need to do before another attempt.

    All and all:

    This means a game with good potential and good art is being sunk by needlessly tedious and boring minigames, glitches, and one absolutely MIND-BOGGLING decision by a dev that clearly doesn't understand mathematical statistics to force us into a highly expensive game event where she is statistically more likely to win in order to progress. Imagine fapping and then you find yourself caught up in 20 mins of attempts to win Rock-Paper-Scissors. That's this game.

    The big danger with playing this game is that by the time you actually beat this stupid event, you might not care enough to continue.

    I would advise not playing until the changelog has a big 'ole highlighted patch note saying "nuked the Rock-Paper-Scissors minigame into the stratosphere," because until then, the game is more infuriating than enjoyable.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A game based on NTR Legend, which is already a fairly mediocre game, this game does not pull off any of what is enjoyable about that game. Mechanics are poorly explained and frustrating and generally not fun. Don't know about the sex stuff because I got too annoyed to keep playing and see any of it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The good:
    Incredible CGs, great scenes, writing is good, fun gameplay

    The bad:
    Not enough scenes (at the moment) [v2.1.3] and the H and Balcony events take forever to go from 0 to climax. I had to grind my forearm to a pulp moving the slider back and forth. Just a little too tedious for my taste, hopefully the sensitivity goes down (or I was just doing it wrong).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of [v2.1.3a]

    This game is super fucking good but the luck based mini-games are garbage tbh. The scenes, the girl, and the art are amazing. The only other thing I think this game could be improved with is to have more hardcore scenes.

    Can't wait for more.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    isael bolaños

    i really enjoy so far... some minor issues like audios lingering but not that grave, the idea of tea reunion... in honest didnt like at first but as try to win this mini game, i really enjoy the fresh idea, thanks for your work so far