Unity - Completed - NurTale Nesche [v1.0.2.6] [Chikuatta]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    EDIT: ok so I was right, it's very bugged. I'm pretty sure the difficulties are reversed. I just tried playing on Hard difficulty and it's infinitely easier than playing on Easy. I'll adjust my star rating to a 3 because the game is actually playable now but that is still a crazy bug for the developer to miss...

    Original review:
    This game is not very good. You might even call it bad.
    In terms of art and animation it's great. It's one of those "download a save and fap" kinda games where you don't actually play the game.

    It all comes down to the Orc. You have 0 options against him once he finds you and I'm convinced its AI is bugged. One time I saw the red border on the side, immediately started walking the other way trying to find a place to hide. One screen away I suddenly hear the Orc sprinting like his life depends on it for literally no reason. There is no counterplay. Once you get even the faintest hint that the Orc is coming he is already target-locked on your exact location and even if you relocate it doesn't matter. It's not about sound either, I'm walking 100% of the time because running is an instant game over.

    Also I don't really get the intent of the cursed items. They tell you they're cursed so you can just not pick them up. If you do pick them up, and you have a stack of items they'll sit somewhere in the stack which is really dangerous.
    So I don't understand the idea. There's no scenario where you would pick them up unless you want to get cursed.

    I don't think the concept of this game is bad, but there has to be some bug in the AI that makes it unplayable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)



    most text is in japanese... map on the topright is somehow upside down. you have to do quest by running around to escape... now you see the conondrum. there are many text possibly telling you what to do, but since it's in full japanese you can't really do that. plus you can't really orient yourself through the map because for some reason it's completely randomly working.

    so game is very bad. dev is very lazy to implement the map like that. with japanese text it's barely playable. i could call it unplayable.

    H-scenes... it's pixel art... but it's very mediocre. the only positive about this game is that gallery is unlocked. but there is nothing special there. this game is a waste of anyone's time. if you like pixel art, there are 10games which are infinitely better.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Post a goddamn walkthrough, or I won't rate this higher than 1. This the most absurdly difficult game in F95zone, seriously. You will fail, you will lose, you will restart, you will hate this game with a passion.

    Even with cheats it's hard to figure out how to proceed, cause you know, no english text anywhere. Even with the gallery being open from the start, this game is a hard skip.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    've played this game all the way through on Hard difficulty, and it's been a blast. Even when contemplating facing adversaries on opposite sides of the map, shooting an arrow straight at them proved effective. Despite traversing the map, the arrow still managed to hit the target and deal damage, providing a satisfying experience for fans of precision. Personally, I recommend trying out this game. The main strategy involves using the wire to unlock doors and avoiding items with magical rings, as they are cursed. If you want to discard something, just press Backspace. As for the arrows, they are effective against Slime or Orcs without any hesitation in Stage 3, giving a sense of reclaiming satisfaction. https://youtu.be/ZLaXgkLpDeo
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't understand how people can give that game 5 stars...
    I believe these reviews are simply bought...

    Because game is fucking boring AF... all You do is You just walk around pickup things and use it on other things, there is like only few animations in this game...

    Sure that PixelArt is made pretty nice but It's not Itch.io where we rate Game Assets but F95 where we rate Games... and well... Gameplay is simply boring...

    Played it for 15 minutes and deleted... I regret downloading this game :x...
    There is too little to do and what is in game is super simple boring and slow...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A barefoot damsel in distress? I need no more, plus it has the proper footstep sfx. On a serious note, I'm having fun with this game. I'd say it's a bit on the harder side compared to average. And the stealth mechanic focused not only around vision field but also on noise is fairly cool. Last but not least, ht heroine is cute.

    I'll purchase it out of support.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A game very similar to the unholy jail game by a different dev. I'd say the pixel art is much better in comparison. Downside is its harder because you have a health meter that ticks down while you play and gives you a game over when the meter empties. I wish there was a way to hide from the enemies unless i didnt see a way to do it. But don't let my gripe change the mood, it's still a very good game and everyone should give it a solid attempt!
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Nurtale 1.0.1: Is a stealth horror/erotic game like unholy jail, you need to escape from an orc fortress evading orcs and goblins patrols. What changed from the demo? Our character can now defend herself with a crossbow. There are bugs, even runending bugs (like one that prevent you to pick items or you pick infinite amount) but the game is solid, i hope they will fixed in future patch.

    (old review)NurTale Nesche Demo is a stealth horror/erotic game like unholy jail. As Nesche you must escape from a orc fortress. There is no actually way to kill your kidnappers so you need to hide and run. Wires works as a way to unlock new rooms and as a life point. If you are captured you will be send to your prison and you need a wire to unlock from your chain or it's gameover.
    Not all items are good, some have bondage curses other are broken, but combing more broken items give you a normal item.
    You always have to run on time because she will fall to fatigue if she doesn't eat some biscuit or drink some white potion.
    Overall the sex scenes are well done but there are only 3 with the most generic, fantasy, bodybuilders, green naked orcs. (witch i love)
    Overall It's a fun demo, i'm waiting for the final product.