People that wants PM NTR don't pay the Patreon which is how Technobrake gauges what the people wants for the new comments, complained for a while and then started to into Fanfic route to the kind of Tumblr and AO3 to imagine how the ending with supreme Yarizo NTR would be like, to the point of photoshopping pics with PM in an effort to satiate their kinks and kind of fill the thread with what I would define as fake content.
The truth is, as it had been repeated many times, that PM is possibly an Homunculus that was created by TB to act as Priestess' foil (where Priestess can't stop banging around, regardless of it being Netorare, Netorase of just vanilla sex, PM is the 'emotionless' kind of individual because she is born without emotions!).
So yeah, some of the PM NTR fans have gone nuts and now believe that a 'proper dicking' can give a emotionless puppet emotions and thus break those. The sheer amount of BS thought put behind it is already ludicruous, but the sheer amount of yandereism being such a thought by some is insane.
I am not one to judge one's kink, that's not the reasoning of this harsh remark, rather I think that filling up the thread with fake content to satisfy your own ego does more harm than good to those that may end up thinking this is real stuff.