Hot damn... What a nice mess. The thread feels so alive right now.
What saddens me the most however, is that the discussion focuses on things that are not entirely the essence of the matter.
Technobrake used to react to similar situations and reports in the past like an abrasive, angsty teenager, calling the pirates cockroaches, trashes and the like. It's absolutely neither nothing new nor shocking to me. I have the impression this is just the way how technobrake is. Maybe that's some trait of his or simply a way to maintain his online image. I don't know, I don't give a damn about it.
The important thing people are missing here is that some random guy dug up a pretty old
XDMW post out of the context in this thread, snitched on
XDMW to technobrake, naming them as a: "shameless individual", "speaking ill" of technobrake's work, "using images" from game and "editing them as they pleased".
Wow. First world problems. Pirate is making a comment about technobrake's recent data loss and jokes that the protagonist's penis/ penis size may glitch in next update and because of this, as an excuse, techno can milk his suppoters...
This sounds like some serious offence.

Let's snitch on them to technobrake. What a brilliant idea. What a great lapdog I am!
lol haha i'm so great
Technobrake, being technobrake, instead of thinking this report through, trying to figure out what this misleading comment is really about and trying to settle the matter in private, decided to announce to the whole world that some pirate making "trash collage" from bits and scraps of his game "talk crap" about his game, as if it was actually some breaking news.
You can pretty easily dig up more than a handful of those kind of comments here and there in the thread and report them, but guess what. Only one of them comes from an actual hobbyist modder.
To me it looks like technobrake was played like a fiddle here, used as a mere tool, because now, as a consequence,
XDMW decides to abandon his uncensored mod
here. Whoever snitched on
XDMW, did this deliberately, on purpose, just to press
XDMW buttons and provoke them to stop making non-canon PM x Yarizo, Iris x Yarizo, Jimmy x Iris collages and/ or that uncensored mod.
That whistleblower is going to get whatever they aim for, if
XDMW truly decides to abandon his hobby projects.
"Do not let yourself get manipulated so easily by some whistleblower guys, please." is what i want really to say here in this matter.
That's pretty much it.