Great game so far! I wrote a review where the download is, but I think it'd be easier to ask for changes here, and I'll try to not ask for the impossible or too much, and also remember to take your time (for the whole dev team), and make it the work you'd be proud of.
The order is what I think is most important to least, top to bottom, so here we go;
I think money making needs a re-balance, as stated before, I think the slots is the easiest, quickest, and most consistent way of making money. To me, waiting days for stock prices to hopefully rise, and hopefully drop (depending on the situation) is too slow, but makes the most money in bulk. The problem, again, is that it's too slow, and very luck dependent. Streaming is consistent, but also slow, and you'll have to consistently and constantly be fricking the sexbot. Doing an actual job is also far too slow, though somewhat decent at passing time other than sleeping, and I guess, good as a starting method of making money, but not much else.
TL;DR, I'd like to see if balance between stocks, "gambling," and streaming could be made, either by lowering the price of robot parts which will universally affect all money making schemes, increasing the update rate for stocks, and/or increasing the rate of viewership and subscribers for streaming. Personally, I still think while slots is easy to do, it's still quite grindy and took hours to acquire two legs.
More positions would be nice as well; I think a blowjob would be relatively easy to implement as you could recycle the headpat interaction's positioning, and transform into a blowjob scene. Of course, it will still take a while, and perhaps already underway, but just a thought. Of course, taking your time to bugfix other parts and implementing other features might be more important, and I know more will come in due time, but two positions still feel a bit lackluster.
Of much lesser concern, is art style consistency. The sexbot is very "anime" for lack of better words, while other characters are not so much. None of it is particularly egregious, but it would be nice to see consistent art style across characters and environments by the final release.
Dialogue and interactions are a bit lackluster as well. For me, the craziness of the story and characters are okay, but not a huge fan of. I think the strongest writing is with the sexbot. I know the story is supposed to be crazy, but, again, personally, it does not feel right and I do not know how it could be fixed. Others seemed to enjoy it a lot so it should be fine to keep, for sure.
Other than that, I don't have much. I hope I don't come across as overbearing or asking too much, these are just some thoughts on how the game could be improved further. You, as the developer(s), are free to pick and choose which to do, and what seems important, and who to listen to. Again, thank you for your hard work, and your game, it's still really good.