To be fair, this game has wonderful art and great interactivity. Where I'm most annoyed with it is the writing.
Firstly, the main protagonist is an unlikeable loser. I get it; neet behavior isn't very well liked by society, but I heavily doubt all neet types are this stereotypically basement dwellers. This dude literally likes to complain about everything, whether it be having to get a job, getting free "garbage" food to sustain himself, someone emailing him trying to give him advice on how to use his newly acquired toy—literally anything is a complaint.
Also, he's so inept about everything, whether that be how to use his computers, distinguishing a virus from not a virus, how to pay rent, or how, if he's a lazy bum that does nothing with his life, he's going to be kicked out on the streets even though it isn't "morally correct."
Second, this one's probably going to garner the ire of other users, but there is a clear political bias in this game, and I'm fine with that if it's done, not so in your face. One of the first negative interactions is the one with the landlord. Come on, man, are you serious? No, duh, you're going to get thrown out if you don't pay rent; that's how it works. I get it; it stinks, and rent is atrocious in the real world, but I don't play these kinds of games to be reminded that life fucking stinks. The second negative is with the police officers who come to the door under the guise of looking for a hate crime to be committed. Are you kidding me? I'm not one for anyone getting insulted or anything for the way they were born or who they chose to be, but can you be any more on the nose about it? How stupid and what a waste of police resources, if you ask me.
I'm going to be honest; if you've seen the screenshots, you've seen all the value the value the game has to offer. The writing is abysmal and something that you might see in the new Star Wars movies or from a college-level intern just freshly hired into a production team. I'm glad I got this game on F95, because there's no way in hell I'd ever download something so absolutely silly otherwise.
TL;DR: 3/10 Art is good; writing is not.