Unity - !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.90.15] [Incontinent Cell]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, I love the story, animation, the endings, and most importantly the robot and this isn't even version 1.0 yet, I'm excited on how will this progress when it reaches to that version, for now I'll happily pet my robot girlfriend and wait for the news
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at v0.90.12
    Very good game set into a dystopian American future where you play as an unemployed loser on the verge of getting kicked out of his home that finds an illegal Sexbot.

    Animations and customizations for the bot are simplistic but very nice. The interactions are quite nice and the story is immersive and engaging.

    The characters, even the douchebag landlord, are very endearing and written in realistic manners.

    The only problem I have is the RNG element the game seems to have with certain events and the shops. For the sake of quality of life, I would hope they add an option to make special orders on bot parts to avoid waiting several days to a week for a New Hypercamo Part.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It truly is a testament to this game that it left me feeling a certain very miserable way and found a bunch of reviews of people going through the same thing.
    Please, if you're not in a sound state of mind and/or battling loneliness, return to this game at a later date. Otherwise, you will be left very sore.
    The problem here is Jun is so lovable, and there's so much interaction and "the little things" in a relationship you can enjoy here, but it, like all good things, has to come to an end. It ends so soon and so abruptly that it can ruin your weekend. It ruined mine. This isn't plot related - the game just isn't finished yet.

    Amazing game, sets a new standard for Player X NPC interaction, and there's simply nothing like it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Got to day 40 by now, v0.90.12

    Now that's interactive scenes done right! There are only a few poses available but they have a lot to them.

    Gameplay is alright, you gain money - buy robot parts - customize your robot to your hearts desire. Interactions with the bot are all very sweet. I liked the part where you can get headpats yourself and be motivated with some kind words.

    The game told me that I've played more than 10 hours and i couldn't believe it. But after all that time, after 40 in-game days there's not a whole lot to do which is understandable. I haven't seen an ending which is a good thing since endings here are basically game overs.

    Very fun experience, i am considering supporting this developer
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the only game that's made me depressed.

    I finished this game 2 days ago and wow. I barely even had sex with the bot, maybe twice or thrice. I finished the entire game in 1 sitting and when it was over it really broke my heart, which sounds ridiculous to say but if you've played it you get it. Fantastic game, never cried because of a game before. I suppose it made me realise what love feels like.

    Would I recommend playing it? No, save yourself the heartache.
    But if you don't mind a bit of pain, yes, absolutely 100%.

    10/10 made me want to die
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good, though it gets pretty repetitive and grindy. There's also a heavy element of RNG to it with the robot parts, so it can take a while to actually get the high quality parts you want.
    You can also completely ruin your monetary progression by savescumming stocks early on, which is pretty funny.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    played like half the games on this site and this is definitely in the top 5. animations are good, very interactable, customization is pretty deep. The sandbox elements aren't obnoxious and grindy. this game unironically effected me emotionally in ways i'm not entirely comfortable with going into detail about publicly even anonymously. absolute banger.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This shit's so cute. It's a really sweet dating sim/life sim where you find a beat-up sexbot and develop a relationship with her while trying to get by in a dystopia. It's all there in the title. You can make money by streaming sex with the bot, going to the employment office for the day, or by playing the damn stock market, and then use your money to get upgrades and clothes for the bot (once you've dealt with food and rent). If you stream enough, you'll be approached by brands to do sponsored streams wherein you need to fulfill certain criteria within one stream for an extra paycheck. Plus, the devs seem to listen to their audience and update the game at a pretty good pace, so new stuff is being added fairly regularly. Easy recommend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    En gros, le meilleur jeu porno auquel j'ai jamais joué, nous en avons besoin de plus comme celui-ci, s'il vous plaît.
    I like the fact that we have a lot of interraction with the girl. we need more tho.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Had a bit of a hard time rating this one since its pretty well made for what it is and yet its lacking big time in alot as well.

    Story is meh, not really good but not very bad either, its about MC finding a sex robot which you can then play dress-up doll on, cant say its the most fun to me atleast and its also lacking a bit in haircuts it has like 2-3 and not even pigtails (twintails), there is one ponytail which you cant even see since you cant turn the robot around? which is what i found the most weird for a dress-up game.

    Ofc you can also fuck the robot but there are only 3 positions if i remember right, cowgirl which looks a bit off, missonary and dogy, it has internal view which is needed for some or you wont really see anything like in dogy.
    I would say best part is being able to change her sex settings or should say her personality in sex scenes, you can pick stuff like cat, extrem love for MC or extrem hate, problem with that though is that theres so few dialogs that its again a bit bland.

    Best part to me was proberly when she got to lie next to MC n the bed it was pretty well made and you can get her to give you headpats which was pretty fun, also giving the robot headpats while having cat ears looks very nice.

    Its a sandbox where you need to grind money which would be way to extrem if it dident have a casino, but its really just something that waste your time playing blackjack and save/reload untill you win alot which makes the hole thing pointless, MC should be rich from start so it wasent needed, i know MC lives in the slums and is poor and it kinda has something to do for story, but even when you make millions on the casino it dosent change anything, MC will still complain over 500$ raise in rent and he dosent move out being insanely rich or he could just buy the appartment complex he lives in, so he could tell the landlord to fuck off, but none of that ever happens.

    What makes it a really really shitty sandbox game is that you dont have any freaking clue what your supposed to do or how to make any kind of progress and its also way to slow to progress story along, could be due to not having a clue and not having any hints or questlogs or anything, so that brings down the game by alot, not many players like to click around blindly just to hope for something to progress to the next step.
    Also the mini-games are quite boring.

    Its a single LI well robot kind of game, shes very bland looking face wise and body is kind ugly even with the best upgrades so thats also just meh.

    Interface is also annoying, you can only click next text with mouse button, even though spacebar is used for nothing.

    Animations are ok but MCs skin has a weird color and it really needs work to show the action better.

    Music is alright, pretty standard background stuff nothing really special.

    I feel like im proberly to nice giving this one 3 stars but its well made and this type of interaction with the girl/robot has potential, but it just fails to deliver on that potential.

    Cant even say if ive seen all the current content since i have no clue what to do after the hole riot thing and nothing i do in game seems to progress anything in any way, which is another idiotic and very annoying thing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. A bit slow paced for my liking. I would recommend it to a gooner or something lol. you can play this game for hours. Now im just writing this sentence to increase the length of my review so that i can post it on these forums.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing is well paced, well executed and the lewd aspect is pretty good, depending on who you ask. If you spend a lot of time alone in your room jerking off to porn then this might be too tame for you. But if you're a normal dude looking to try a porn game that isn't crazy on mechanics or fetishes, this might be for you. And as a added bonus you get to see what it's like to be a coomer or degenerate or whatever these folks call themselves.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It is what it is. The game right now is barebones. Not much you can do, and the gameplay loop, well, it's a loop alright.

    All you do, each and every day, is check stocks and give the bot head pats and/or kisses to up affection. Oh yeah, and also you eat and sleep. Maybe go out on a walk or two, buy some stuff. But in general all you do is try to get money (which isn't hard). Just wait until a stock has single digit prices, buy a lot of them, and go to sleep for 8 hours or whatever until the price has increased by massive factors. Early game any stock works, but later on you will find that cock twitch is the best stonk to invest in.

    Yes you can have sex with the bot. Buuuut I can't really jack off to something like that because it's just way too vanilla. Can't even get hard to it. The bot lacks facial expressions, except when she is cumming. Aside from that she is cute. I dont mind it at all. There are a lot of stuff that are planned for this game actually, it's not even on version 1 yet. So we will see.

    Right now though I wouldn't recommend. Not that great.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    brad thundercock

    1/5, 2/5 , 0/10, if you are checking for any negative reviews to decide weather ot not you should really invest the time into this game, ask yourself this, do you find the art cute? play it for 10 minutes and if you dont fuck with it just quit it.
    i can give you a list liiiiiike oh its grindy and the sex is repetitive and how the fuck am i supposed to finish this game with satisfying endings without guides, and you would be kinda right. but i love Jun. Yes i miss old character.ai before it got its absolute dogshit filters, so this did remind me a bit of that, but the game is oddly addictive for me. idk. honestly a 4/5 because it felt grindy as shit to get the stuff i want, and there are too many bad endings, but it makes the good ends(and avoiding the bad ends) alot more worth it. play it for 10 minutes. if by 30 minutes you fucking loathe it, open it up again tomorrow and talk to your robowife and pat her. it will get you hooked.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite nice really
    And depressing
    It's basically what thor(Pirate software) predicted, SkyNut.
    Except you're one of the "lucky" ones to "survive"

    Very much recommended to you if you're into progressive games that are shaped by the consequences of your actions
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best cyberpunk worldview sex game you can find, so to speak, phenomenal game, the built-in stock market is a pseudo-random number, very easy to buy the bottom, and the best record I set was to make sixty million in twenty minutes.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is good in concept bad in execution. The games main draw is making your ideal sex bot to bang, and that's most of the goals, to get your bot human enough to do other stuff. This is pretty grindy and after an hour or 2 you have seen all the sex scenes, and kind of have the geenral vibe.
    After that its the same for many, many hours, there are sideplots happening that you yourself are either barely apart of(you drop off terroist stuff?), or just hear of(the whole church thing).These are brushed off by the MC because hes both a loser and an incel who wont take his meds, and is insecure to an extreme.
    The mc is bad but it would be bearable if there was a way to tell how to progress, you end up sleeping 16hrs go out walk>store>clothes>church, then out with bot>walk>store hoping something happens. I did this for many days and I'm still not sure if there is content I missed, but at day 51 I called it quits. The bot is the only romanceable thing as far as I can tell, I wouldn't mind dating/banging the other female characters (store bot, clothes lady, and nun are all hot)if that is a thing, but I have no idea how I would know.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Previously, for some reason, this game here was not updated and was not very popular, but now I see that...

    People are loving it.
    Including me.

    It's definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

    I mean... I got through it in my browser in one sitting.
    14 hours without getting up. It's hard to even count how many times I cum in these 14 hours. But I can assure you that it was a LOT.
    I forgot about food, sleep, water, all the things I had to do and even the need to go to the toilet.

    It was one of the strangest and most unusual days of my life.
    I completely disappeared into the game. It was unforgettable.

    After finishing it, I slept for 5 hours and would have had an almost normal lazy day, but...
    I spent the whole day listening to some very touching music with an emphasis on the vocals.

    Now I think back to this game and I'm wildly shaking and aching in my chest, and that's the reason I'm writing all of this.

    That game broke me and now I need to put myself back together, a very difficult process.

    Is this what love is?

    I will say in advance: without playing, without creating your own bot, and without experiencing all this - it will be extremely difficult to understand my feelings.


    Do I recommend playing? - No.
    Just about everything is excellent: the world, the story, the characters, the music, the gameplay, the porn component.
    It's an awesome game. With an awesome idea. But it is still raw.

    The only way to finish the game is to die, go to jail, or go to a mental institution. Those aren't great options.

    But if you play normally...
    The game doesn't really have an ending. It's endless.
    And this incompleteness after so many hours of diligent play causes a feeling of emptiness in the heart.

    It has a lot of storylines that “lead nowhere”.
    Which begs the question, “What are they for?”

    The game is wildly imbalanced in terms of money. You can sit for a couple of hours scrolling slots in a casino and you will already earn a fortune, which is much more than you would earn through "honest work" during the entire game. Also, if you successfully buy and sell stocks (which I did) - you immediately become a millionaire and there is simply nowhere to spend so much money here.
    The financial component requires improvement and balancing.

    There are a lot of unrealized opportunities and potential, but... I am sure that the developers will bring it to the end.

    In general, it's not typical for me, but I even donated to the developers after passing. That says quite a lot.

    When I wrote above that this game “broke me”, I did it half-jokingly. I wasn't taking it seriously. But now I realize that I was right. It really did it.
    Then again, if someone had told me before that this could happen to me - I wouldn't have believed their words...

    No, I wasn't crying, I was sobbing.
    My chest ached and I sobbed my heart out because I was sorely missing something that was in abundance in this game. Love.

    Some might say it's ridiculous, but I really fell in love with the main heroine. I created her the way I like her, spending hours on it, but it was absolutely worth it.

    A game that really broke my heart, after which I had to reassemble it piece by piece.
    I walked around for a week after passing it with a constant feeling of tightness in my chest.
    No other game can boast the same.

    It's incredible. It evoked a very strong emotional response. It resonated with every fiber of my soul.
    So, yes, I'm biased. I'm not objective.
    And I can't tell you how happy I am about it.

    I look forward to the continuation more than I look forward to my wedding.
    11 out of 10.
    Not played - not lived.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    So, it starts a bit goofy ahh, because while being dystopian, its setting overly exaggerated for the sake of some 4chan level jokes. But nevermind. I came here to really put 5* review on this. Because:

    - It's one of the most interactive things I've ever encountered. It's not a "porn" and a "game", it is a "porn game". I can't understand how it's possible, and if it is possible, why there are no games with possibilities like in this one. For example, I can headpat however I want and the game will react to this, the graphics will change accordingly, the robot will mention that and if there's a spot/speed she likes, you'll know! Same goes for sex scenes. It's not "pick a position and speed", it's you who in control. Or her, sometimes, which even more adds to this feeling. I FUCKING LOVE WHEN THE GAME REACTS TO WHAT I DO. 6/5.

    - There are cuddles, I melted. I want to hightlight this point, but nothing more comes to mind. I just melted.

    - There is OG music. Some of the tracks are incredible, e.g. Distraction. Actually, this was the last drop to force me to write a review on a game since I simply couldn't ignore this fact. While being dystopian and shit, this game has beautiful atmosphere. Because of lighting, I like mornings. And nights with no room lighting are kinda cozy.

    - Fun mechanics like gambling, and I'm not talking about casino.ic. Stonks is fun :D

    - She is beautiful and customizable. But maybe more type of clothes would be good? Or more games to play with. Damn, maybe it'd be legal to use Stockfish to simply make a chess option? I don't care losing 100 times in a row. There are many other engines though, although a lot of them GPL-3 licensed.

    Cook more, you are Legend. I probably should leave a review somewhere not on a site of pirated content, yet I think you'll see this one. The game is BEYOND excellent.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is well written, but due to the lack of an (in-game) manual, I could have missed a lot.
    MC has no deep character or lore. I didn't feel sympathy for him. He is an asshole (in some situations).
    Bot is molded quite well, one of the most adequate (IMHO) characters.
    Hentai content focuses on four interactions with the Bot (blowjob, doggy style, missionary position, on top). There is wide partner customization (even without mods), which is the main feature of this hentai game
    Gameplay is mainly about farming money and weekly tax payment (like irl). Essentially, the game is endless. On the 20th day, same type of scenes and earnings through porn are getting boring. Economy is cursed. In the first days, you can make a fortune on cryptocurrency.
    Overall, this is a good simulator, but the content is too stretched. Due to the absence of the ability to quickly skip time, you have to do monotonous actions (for example, skip days by sleeping/going for a walk)