RPGM - Obsessed with Lust (V-7) [v0.1.1] [Lina Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I really tried to give this a chance but the game refused to take it. Tbh It's hardly a game, more like a test project or a proof of concept experiment.
    Spending time in this was painful. Rpgm navigation is hit or miss an here it's custom models so it's really bad.
    You just roam very poorly thought rooms an corridors to fin something (usually it's like 1 scene) then time is skipped and you roam around again.
    That was all "gameplay for me". Is this walking around really necessary? Of course not. So why use rpgm instead of ren'py?
    Your focus is on the story - use ren'py.
    Your focus is on exploration, fighting and has a lot of skills - use rpgm.
    It's SO EAY to understand, is it not? Imo this game would be waaay better if done in proper engine for it's gameplay.

    Art is ok but it doesn't helping because if a base game is good then players will accept even really basic art. Good art can lift good game even higher. But when a game is a mess art won't save it, even really good one.
    I play on mute so can't say anything about the music.
    The story... review is already longer then I wanted so let's just say that I didn't enjoy it. Maybe someone else will review it better.

    Overall a bunch of questionable game decisions strapped together.
    Sure, any game can find at least one player that will enjoy it but I can't imagine why would average player play this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I do not want to be mean to developers but this game is not in an enjoyable state at the moment.

    The game possesses the very bare minimum QOL features.
    The gameplay dials down to skipping around the day and visiting each or a select few rooms to hopefully see something new happen.

    There are very little cues as to what event will develop and if they will ever develop, you may have to repeat a scene 10 times before it develops into something else which presumably provides you 5 more seconds of the same scene you've seen before but with additional dialogue and slightly altered art.

    Unless the developer makes the game more accessible, more focused on a goal, less of a menial task to progress in the game seems to have a very bleak future.

    I cannot say what the future holds but as is and in the way the product has been developing, it is not a bright future.
    I hope the developer can perhaps try to sympathize with the tens of users complaining about the same issues I mentioned.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Starts off awful....I mean what the fuck is up with all the relationship setting. That's a complete disaster using the ancient RPGM interface. And even if I was interested is working through the grind of assigning everyone, how the fuck am I supposed to know who is who yet.

    Game mechanics are only downhill from there. I get it, its RPGM so its gonna suck no matter what, but navigating is tedious and not normal.

    There is a map, but its not functional for movement, just for showing relevant connectivity amongst the various rooms (I think). You start out in some sort of bunk room, but that's pretty much all the info you get.

    A hint or task system would be helpful. I literally had no idea what I should do. I wondered around for a little bit, but did not see anyone.

    Art style is very simplistic, and choices extremely limited.

    I did eventually see someone in the nursing station and somehow "became her" while trying to interact with her. My male protagonist disappeared and now I was the nurse???

    At this point I pretty much gave up and came back to write my rant.

    Overall I'd rate.....
    WRITING - 0/5 (there is literally no story other than the what's on the d/l page)
    ART - 2/ 5 (its functional at best)
    GAMEPLAY - 0/5 (there is nothing to do)
    MECHANICS - 1/5 (barely functional and frankly worse than typical RPGM)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game still has a long way to go but it has a great art style and it's easy to play. Plus the characters are very attractive. In addition, the game promises lots of anal sex in future updates, and it's just fun to play. Things to improve imho would be finding and easier way to know where to click. Overall, a very promising game
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a lot of potential and it looks like it's going through a good path, however too many updates with little content will make it difficult for a lot of people to follow, it would be better to wait more but recieve good updates. Also try to focus on one thing and not just throw fetishes randomly. Focusing the first updates on the protagonist and Jessica would be a good start. I can't complain about the art, it's really good, but I feel like art like this would be better in a visual novel but whatever. I'll wait and I have faith that you listen to the feedback, because it really has a lot of potential.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: I really, REALLY want to like this game.

    V7 is probably one of the most annoyingly potentially good games on this site, in my humble opinion. I love the art and the premise, but god does the gameplay suck ass. And not even in a bearable way, it's just physically painful to do. The game also explains absolutely 0 of it's own mechanics, has a much bigger than is necessary map, multiple protags (I guess?) despite not having any real content for either, etc. etc.

    There's good here but it's buried underneath a lot of bad. For example:
    • Absolutely abhorrent navigation. The map is too big, your running speed is too slow for how much you have to do, there are a lot of areas that are just arbitrarily inaccessible to the point where you ask why they bothered putting them in the game, etc.
    • This game should NOT be on RPGMaker. In theory it plays out almost identically to most event-based sandbox RenPy games, but it's trying to make it work in RPGM, so it's bad.
    • If there's any content here, the game sure as fuck isn't trying to let me see it. I wandered around the map as both the brother and sister for about an hour and was still no closer to figuring out what the fuck I was doing.
    • The hint system was useless, the relationship points thing was equally useless and seemed to have 0 bearing on how the characters acted or reacted. It was also weirdly capped at 6 for the mother and kept going down randomly, so that's neat.
    • The game's overview on this site explains more about the in-game world than the game does. In fact, it just drops you into the game as soon as you spend the required 30 minutes manually click-to-typing the entire family tree and how they refer to each other.
    There's probably even more I could complain about but I wont, just because this isn't me trying to bash the game or anything. I think there's a lot of potential here, but it's currently being wasted and doesn't seem to be headed in a better direction.

    If the dev wants my two cents, swap to Ren'Py.

    It would solve just about all of the core gameplay issues, and the dev could even retain the whole "click to navigate" open world system the game currently has. It'd also make actually finding content not nigh impossible. Aside from that, just the usual "fix the game before you keep adding more niche fetish content to it", "make the mechanics make sense", etc. all apply to this game too.

    I'll rate it a 3/5 just because I don't want it to sound like I hate this game, but I really can't say I liked it either.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Pokemon 1234567890

    This game has a lot of potential to be open ended towards the player and im liking where the game is headed at. Even tho the game is in very initial demo stage where the content is close to zero, it seems to have set a good tone all in all. The dev seems to be interactive on the forum and has stated his goals regarding the games future. Im pretty exited for what this game holds and hope the dev does not disappoint us by ghosting this project as this holds huge potential and has room for improvement..