VN - Unity - Abandoned - Occupational Hazards [Ep. 2 v0.8.0] [Samantha Snow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Gentlemen, this is a game that has some amazing potential. It's sad to see a talented writer fall on some hard times. And I'm happy she's looking to get back into this and re-engage with the game. (Going off a post made by her friend)

    Now this game might not be for everyone and that's understandable, but from what I've played (quite a bit) It gets better each time the only criticism I've got is maybe summarise some of the events a bit more and add a small quest info bit so we don't run around trying the same things over and over again.

    It's an amazing game - I look forward to what's next - I hope to see this project get a little more funding and go somewhere.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a nice little text based game. I like fur and so if you also like fur you should give this a try. As the other reveiwewrher saide, the game is not so grindy and is what separates this from a 3* text based game. Its also in space! I love sci-fi and so already this game is original. i have not played to the end but i have played enough o give this a *4.5. since there is no *4.5 i will give this a *5.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story Wise:
    You play as a space wolfy, Who ship got a malfunction. you now need to get some job and stuff to fix your space ship (Very simple.) But during your play through you can get many event!!!

    -Text Base
    -Not too grindy (You work odd job)

    -like I said this is a text base game! (with some CG from different artist! Some cute, Some Alright, and some is just...???)

    Play it! very cute game.