Identify Odd and old horror porn game


Aug 2, 2018
I have a vague memory of this old horror porn game from before 2017. The memory of this thing has been haunting me recently and want to find it to get some closure.
From what I can vividly remember about it, (it was a very long time ago so sorry if this sounds odd), you're on some sort of island or forest, and you went there with your friends (or it was a plane crash), you go through this place finding them dead as some places but you can save them by finding secrets. one of them you see get ripped in half the long way and fused into a machine, which you then have to fight as it screams, danm it was freaky and not in the fun way. this game I think was pixelated but I can't be sure. Also you could die horrably at almost every turn. I think it was a type of platformer or it was just a 2D side scroll-er. Another thing I can remember, you're all in swimsuits, not full body ones.
I just need some dang closure on this thing, I hope y'all can help.