Ren'Py Odd little bug that I can seem to track down. Exiting Menu > Text/Dialogue box doesn't reappear without right-clicking on screen.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
Basically title. Every time I enter the menu and then exit out, the dialogue box/text box doesn't reappear until I right click on the screen of the game. I'm guessing it has something to do with the code/'hide' of the exit imagebutton, but can't seem to figure out a way to fix it here's what's happening:

View attachment 2023-10-18 14-12-54.mp4

Here's the code for the initial settings screen (the home, save, load, settings, extras, exit, etc.):
screen settings():
    style_prefix "game_menu"

    #add "gui/game_menu.png"
    add "gamemenuloop"
    add "gui/darkhover.png"

        at menuon
        xpos 550
        ypos 275
        spacing 100
        if not main_menu:
                # xpos 500
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/menu/menu01.png"
                hover "menuhov2"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("menuscreen")
                # xpos 750
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/save/save01.png"
                hover "savehov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("save")

                # xpos 1000
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/load/load01.png"
                hover "loadhov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("load")
        at menuon
        xpos 550
        ypos 525
        spacing 100
            # xpos 1100
            # ypos 500
            at zoom4
            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/settings/settings01.png"
            hover "settingsvid"
            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
            action ShowMenu("preferences")

            # xpos 475
            # ypos 525
            at zoom4
            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/creditplus/creditplus01.png"
            hover "credithov"
            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
            action ShowMenu("about")
        if renpy.variant("pc"):
                # xpos 475
                # ypos 525
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/quit/quit01.png"
                hover "quithov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("exitscreen")
        xpos 610
        ypos 490
        spacing 235
        add Text('main menu', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('save', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('load', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10) xpos 30

        xpos 611
        ypos 750
        spacing 235
        add Text('settings', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('extras', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('quit', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10) xpos 20

        at zoom2
        idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/exit/large/exit01.png"
        hover "exithover"
        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
        action Hide("settings")
        xalign .99
        yalign .020
And here's the code for the preferences menu:

screen preferences():
    tag menu

    use game_menu(_("Settings"), scroll="viewport")
        xmaximum 1360
        ymaximum 900
        #add "images/menu/settings_blocks.png" xalign .5 yalign .5
        xalign .5
        ypos 250
        xpos 950
            at menuon
            xmaximum 1000
            ymaximum 1500
            add '#0000'
                xpos 42
                ypos 20
                spacing 10
                        xmaximum 1200
                        ymaximum 100
                        spacing 35
                        xpos -4
                            text ' Textbox Opacity' color "#e8e63f" size 20 font "gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf"
                            bar value FieldValue(persistent, "textbox_transparency", range=1.0, style="slider"):
                                left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
                                right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
                                xmaximum 595 yminimum 65
                                left_gutter 10
                                right_gutter 35
                                thumb_offset 24
                                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                    text "SCREEN TYPE" color "#e8e63f" size 20 font "gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf" ypos -25 xpos 200
                    # spacing 10
                        spacing 30
                            xmaximum 290
                            ymaximum 130
                            ypos -30
                            xpos 130
                                at zoom3
                                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/fullscreen/fullscreen01.png"
                                hover "fullscreenvid"
                                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                action SetField(persistent, 'fullscreen', True), SetField(persistent, 'window', False), Preference("display", "fullscreen")
                            # add Text('FULLSCREEN', size = 16, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf'):
                            #     if not persistent.fullscreen:
                            #         alpha .3
                                #xalign .5 yalign .5

                            xmaximum 290
                            ymaximum 130
                            ypos -30
                            xpos -20
                                at zoom3
                                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/wind/wind01.png"
                                hover "windowvid"
                                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                action SetField(persistent, 'fullscreen', False), SetField(persistent, 'window', True), Preference("display", "window")
                            # add Text('WINDOWED', size = 16, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                            #     if not persistent.window:
                            #         alpha .3
                            #     xalign .5 yalign .5

                        text 'ROLLBACK' color '#e8e63f' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xpos 225
                        spacing 10
                            spacing 8
                                xmaximum 195
                                ymaximum 110
                                xpos 85
                                ypos 0
                                    at zoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/larrow/larrow01.png"
                                    hover "larrowvid"
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    action SetField(persistent, 'rollback', 'left'), Preference("rollback side", "left")
                                # add Text('LEFT', size = 16, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                #     if persistent.rollback != 'left':
                                #         alpha .3
                                #     xalign .5 yalign .5

                                xmaximum 195
                                ymaximum 110
                                ypos -2
                                xpos 30
                                    at zoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/disable/disable01.png"
                                    hover "disablevid"
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    action SetField(persistent, 'rollback', 'disable'), Preference("rollback side", "disable")
                                # add Text('DISABLE', size = 16, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                #     if persistent.rollback != 'disable':
                                #         alpha .3
                                #     xalign .5 yalign .5

                                xmaximum 195
                                ymaximum 110
                                xpos -25
                                ypos 0
                                    at rarrowflipzoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/larrow/larrow01.png"
                                    hover "larrowvid"
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    action SetField(persistent, 'rollback', 'right'), Preference("rollback side", "right")
                                # add Text('RIGHT', size = 16, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                #     if persistent.rollback != 'right':
                                #         alpha .3
                                #     xalign .5 yalign .5

                        text 'SKIP' color '#e8e63f' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ypos 20 xpos 262
                        spacing 10
                            spacing 8
                                xmaximum 195
                                ymaximum 110
                                ypos 0
                                xpos 60
                                    at zoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/unseen/unseen001.png"
                                    hover "unseenvid"
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    if 'skip' in persistent.skip:
                                        action Preference("skip", "toggle"), Function(persistent.skip.remove, 'skip')
                                        action Preference("skip", "toggle"), Function(persistent.skip.append, 'skip')
                                add Text('UNSEEN TEXT', size = 12, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                    if "skip" not in persistent.skip:
                                        alpha .3
                                    xpos 0 ypos 95

                                xmaximum 225
                                ymaximum 115
                                ypos -5
                                xpos 30
                                    at zoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/afterch/afterch01.png"
                                    hover "afterchvid" xalign 0.050
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    if "after choices" in persistent.skip:
                                        action Preference("after choices", "toggle"), Function(persistent.skip.remove, "after choices")
                                        action Preference("after choices", "toggle"), Function(persistent.skip.append, "after choices")

                                add Text('AFTER CHOICES', size = 12, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                    if "after choices" not in persistent.skip:
                                        alpha .3
                                    xpos -1 ypos 101

                                xmaximum 195
                                ymaximum 115
                                ypos 0
                                xpos -20
                                    at zoom
                                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/trans/trans01.png"
                                    hover "transvid"
                                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                                    if "transitions" in persistent.skip:
                                        action InvertSelected(Preference("transitions", "toggle")), Function(persistent.skip.remove, "transitions")
                                        action InvertSelected(Preference("transitions", "toggle")), Function(persistent.skip.append, "transitions")

                                add Text('TRANSITIONS', size = 12, color = '#FFFFFF', font = 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' ):
                                    if "transitions" not in persistent.skip:
                                        alpha .3
                                    xpos 0 ypos 97

            at menuon
            xmaximum 670
            ymaximum 250
            xpos 688
            add '#0000'
            # vbox:
            #     spacing 35
            #     ypos 18
            #     xpos 42
            #     vbox:
            #         spacing 10
            #         viewport:

            #             ysize 23
            #             xsize 655
            #             text ' AUTO-FORWARD TIME' color '#FFFFFF' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf'
            #             if preferences.afm_time < 30:
            #                 if preferences.afm_enable is False:
            #                     $ preferences.afm_enable = True
            #                 text str(round(preferences.afm_time // 4)) + ' sec' color '#FFFFFF' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xalign .9
            #             else:
            #                 $ preferences.afm_enable = False
            #                 text 'OFF' color '#FFFFFF' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xalign .9
            #         bar value Preference("auto-forward time"):
            #             left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
            #             right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
            #             xmaximum 595 yminimum 35
            #             left_gutter 6
            #             right_gutter 16
                    xpos 60
                    ypos 0
                    at zoom
                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/font/font01.png"
                    hover "fontvid"
                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                    action Hide('about', transition = Dissolve(.5)), Show("typeadj", transition = Dissolve(.5))
                    xpos 220
                    ypos 0
                    at zoom
                    idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/tutorial/tutorial01.png"
                    hover "tutvid"
                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                    action Hide('about', transition = Dissolve(.5)), Show("UItut", transition = Dissolve(.5))
                at menuon
                spacing 10
                    ysize 23
                    ypos 130
                    xsize 650
                    text ' TEXT SPEED' color '#e8e63f' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xalign 0.1
                    if preferences.text_cps:
                        text str(round(preferences.text_cps)) + ' char per sec' color '#FFFFFF' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xalign .9
                        text 'OFF' color '#FFFFFF' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf' xalign .98
                bar value Preference("text speed"):
                    ypos 130
                    xpos 45
                    left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
                    right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
                    xmaximum 595 yminimum 35
                    left_gutter 6
                    right_gutter 16
                    hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")

            at menuon
            xpos 690
            ypos 230
            ymaximum 340
            xmaximum 670
            add '#0000'
                spacing 35
                ypos 0
                xpos 42
                    spacing 10
                    text ' MUSIC VOLUME' color '#e8e63f' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf'
                    bar value Preference("Music Volume"):
                        left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
                        right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
                        xmaximum 595 yminimum 35
                        left_gutter 6
                        right_gutter 16
                        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")

                    spacing 10
                    text ' SOUND VOLUME' color '#e8e63f' size 20 font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf'
                    bar value Preference("Sound Volume"):
                        left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
                        right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
                        xmaximum 595 yminimum 35
                        left_gutter 6
                        right_gutter 16
                        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")

                # vbox:
                #     spacing 10
                #     text 'Textbox Transparency'
                #     bar value FieldValue(persistent, "textbox_transparency", range=1.0, style="slider"):
                #         left_bar 'images/menu/left_bar.png'
                #         right_bar 'images/menu/right_bar.png'
                #         xmaximum 595 yminimum 35
                #         left_gutter 6
                #         right_gutter 16

                    xpos -160
                    textbutton _("MUTE ALL"):
                        xpos 240 ypos 11
                        if not persistent.muteall:

                            text_idle_color '#FFFFFF'
                            text_hover_color '#aead84'
                            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                            text_idle_color '#FFFFFF'
                            text_hover_color '#aead84'
                            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                        text_font 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf'
                        text_size 20

                        action Function(chk_snd)
                        style "mute_all_button"

                        ypos -10
                        at zoom2, menuon
                        if not persistent.muteall:
                            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/muteoff/muteoff01.png"
                            hover "mutedoffvid"
                            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")

                            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/muteon/muteon01.png"
                            hover "muteonvid"
                            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                        focus_mask None
                        action Function(chk_snd)
        at zoom2, menuon
        ypos 600
        xpos 1600
        idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/auxtest/auxtest01.png"
        hover "auxvid"
        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
        action Play("sound", "audio/s01e01/sfx/cardoor.mp3")

        at zoom2, menuon
        ypos 490
        xpos 1600
        idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/auxtest/auxtest01.png"
        hover "auxvid"
        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
        action Play("sound", "audio/s01e01/music/King & Crozier - Worth The Risk.mp3")
        at zoom
        idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/exit/large/exit01.png"
        hover "exithover"
        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
        if main_menu:
            action ShowMenu("main_menu")
            action Hide("preferences")
        xalign .99
        yalign .020
I'm sure the problem child is in there somewhere, any hints?


Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
could perhaps be related to the bug i reported where mouse click/space sometimes stopped working after going into settings and returning? seemed to me that it was related to the sound playing.
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Jun 14, 2018
Best guess... the lack of a tag menu.

The tagging system ensures only one screen with a unique tag can appear on screen at one time.
It's why when you jump around between Load / Preferences / About - you don't need to close or hide the previous screen. Showmenu() shows the menu and by doing so removes the previous one.

I'd guess you're closing the top screen, but being left with the empty screen below it (which right click then closes).

I could be wrong.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Best guess... the lack of a tag menu.
Showmenu() shows the menu and by doing so removes the previous one.
It's a bit more subtle than that.

Game menus works at a different context level than the game itself. This ensure that the menus will be the only thing shown, whatever how many overlay screens are displayed, and whatever can be their zorder or modal values.
Showmenu being there to deal with this particularity. It ensure that Ren'Py is, or fallback, at context 0 before displaying the screen.

And the error here really feel like a context level issue.

When the menu is closed, Ren'Py stay at context level 0, and at this level the only thing it know about the current state of the game is the displayed part (like when you press H to just see the image). Then the player need to click once again, in order to return to the context level 1, where the game evolve.

Therefore, my guess is that the "setting" screen itself is displayed with Show and not Showmenu. Switching to the second should be enough to solve the issue.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
Therefore, my guess is that the "setting" screen itself is displayed with Show and not Showmenu. Switching to the second should be enough to solve the issue.
I forgot to mention that I changed the default game_menu to the settings:
default _game_menu_screen = 'settings'
to bring up this page on a right-click:

The settings/cog wheel is linked to the 'preferences' menu (with volumes, etc.):
screen settings():
    tag menu
    style_prefix "game_menu"

    #add "gui/game_menu.png"
    add "gamemenuloop"
    add "gui/darkhover.png"

        at menuon
        xpos 550
        ypos 275
        spacing 100
        if not main_menu:
                # xpos 500
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/menu/menu01.png"
                hover "menuhov2"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("menuscreen")
                # xpos 750
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/save/save01.png"
                hover "savehov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("save")

                # xpos 1000
                # ypos 300
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/load/load01.png"
                hover "loadhov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("load")
        at menuon
        xpos 550
        ypos 525
        spacing 100
            # xpos 1100
            # ypos 500
            at zoom4
            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/settings/settings01.png"
            hover "settingsvid"
            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
            action ShowMenu("preferences")

            # xpos 475
            # ypos 525
            at zoom4
            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/creditplus/creditplus01.png"
            hover "credithov"
            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
            action ShowMenu("about")
        if renpy.variant("pc"):
                # xpos 475
                # ypos 525
                at zoom4
                idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/quit/quit01.png"
                hover "quithov"
                hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
                action ShowMenu("exitscreen")
        xpos 610
        ypos 490
        spacing 235
        add Text('main menu', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('save', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('load', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10) xpos 30

        xpos 611
        ypos 750
        spacing 235
        add Text('settings', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('extras', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10)
        add Text('quit', font= 'gui/missfortune/fonts/Wadik.otf', color="#ffffff8c", size = 10) xpos 20

        at zoom2
        idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/exit/large/exit01.png"
        hover "exithover"
        hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")
        action Hide('settings')
        xalign .99
        yalign .020
This part specifically:

            # xpos 1100

            # ypos 500

            at zoom4

            idle "gui/missfortune/buttons/animbuttons/settings/settings01.png"

            hover "settingsvid"

            hovered Play("sound", "music/hover.wav")

            action ShowMenu("preferences")
Which bring up the preferences screen just fine:

I've tried various combinations of 'tag menu', separately and with all of them, but no dice. Still have to right-click to bring the dialogue box and the rest of the UI back up. Not sure how I'd go about using "ShowMenu" on a screen I'm right-clicking to open, either.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I forgot to mention that I changed the default game_menu to the settings:
default _game_menu_screen = 'settings'
Not sure how I'd go about using "ShowMenu" on a screen I'm right-clicking to open, either.
Since you directly defined the screen through _game_menu_screen you don't need to. Ren'Py will open it like it would do if you used ShowMenu.

Still what you face really looks like a context level issue :/
But there's no real way to ensure this, precisely because there's no overlay at level 0. And like the console create its own context, it's also not possible that way.

Hmm, what happen if you close the setting with a right click or the escape key ?
No, wait, I know the answer to this question. God, I'm tired, so sorry, but it's time for a duck debugging session...

There's 99,99% chance that you'll answer that it works perfectly. It will tell nothing about the issue, but at least will confirm that it's your closing button that is the issue.

I remember that I had some issue with my Extended Variable Viewer. Firstly when I understood that I needed to open it as a menu, then when I had to close it...
Grrr, who wrote that code ? Don't he know how to comment ? Past me was such an idiot ! And current me isn't better...
No, seriously, between the compatibility issues with older version, the obligation to have a code that works both with Python 2.x and Python 3.x, and the need to deal with some idiots dev behavior, what is for what in this code ?

Oh, I think I got it, the last lines for the "_closeVVE" function ; at least I used an explicit name for once...
Hmm, the first is more than surely useless in your case ; probably even in mine... But yeah, the second trigger some blurry memories, so it should be it.

Try to use this for your "Hide" button action [ Hide('settings'), Return() ]. If the said blurry memories are right, it should solve your problem.

Please, reader, don't judge to quickly, I assure you, I'm not yet totally insane...


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
Try to use this for your "Hide" button action [ Hide('settings'), Return() ]. If the said blurry memories are right, it should solve your problem.
That did it. Been trying to deal with this myself for a while and just seemed to be running into a wall over and over. Thanks a ton!