RPGM - Completed - Odyssey of Gianna [v4.4 + DLC] [Vhiel Kalominos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the best and most underrated games on this site. Clearly 5 stars. Well thought through, interesting gameplay, and ... other stuff that brings happiness to ... close to anyone who visits this site. Other games got their popularity just by pure luck. If you can cope with the rather basic art-style, this game is for you! And even if not, there's a mod for that as well (which i personally wouldn't recommend, as the original graphics are just really good already).
    Good music, good gameplay, good mechanics, and very nice lewd art!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Creative interactions and Unique party building options made this game stand out above some of the other stuff I have tried. The Idea of takeing a party member and then turning them into a golem or other status/class to better fit the zone was really fun.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    i dont understand the high ratings. this game is totally unfappable.

    the gameplay is not bad, at least something unique. but what's the point of all these status effects when there is nearly no visual porn uses of it except for the bad end when you lose?!

    i guess losing is easy and not punished much, so you can view the H-scenes easily, but those H-scenes are extremely boring. the art is meh too as you can see, the green haired girl looks pregnant/fat for no reason at all just to make the game even worse... plus i dont know if it's a feature or a bug, but when you get defeated you should have all your hp/mana/statuses reset to normal, yet you still get the puppet status even after a reset, which means that character is useless unless cured. annoying to play.

    and dont kid yourself, the game is unique among these mass produced rpgm engine games with the status effects and the skill usages, but at the end of the day it's still an rpgm game, with the same old boring elements, of many random fights and grind. if this game had no H-scenes (which we can consider it to be true due to how bad it is) why would you play a game with this old engine/gameplay?! it's not fun to play it. it's not ff7, not even close. not even within a million miles close to ff7. combat is usual basic.

    and another big offender... when you have high lust and you are naughty... you can give up or masturbate... again for no reason whatsoever SINCE IT'S NOT ANIMATED, there is no art of you masturbaring during the fight or giving in to pleasure. it's just a way to lose faster so you can see the defeat endgame mediocre H-scene... again, for no reason since you already have a surrender skill by your main heroine.

    so the game suffers from many game design decisions, the porn part is totally useless, so how does this deserve more than 1/5 ?!?! just because it has some unique elements?! i can make a unique game where you have to grind 50h to buy a potion. will it be unique? yes. will it be complete ass? yes.

    unique does not equal good. this is a bad game with bad game design, bad art, same free music as any other rpgm, mediocre gameplay and completely useless H-content. might as well tag it "no sexual content" or "text based" cuz it's so bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played the game a good bit and, yes it does use paper dolls, yes the story is kinda mid, and yes the game needs more content or progression. but I still really enjoyed the game. The mods that the fan base has created are also very well made. I would recommend many people to come take a look at the game eve though it is very strange and not what many people are into
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I see the appeal of this game in the mechanics, not the h scene. Well, i was hoping for some princess bad corruption and crazy shit like that but well, theres some but not enough. The game is enjoyable as an rpg game with many mechanics but im not really in the mood for hardcore gaming. I guess its good if you really want to play and build your own meta strat
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun, a ton of mechanics. Maybe it would be really cool that they implemented some mid fight scenes, rahter than just apply a status. Still really cool mechanics and insane variety of enemies, attacks and status effects to explore
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall I have played this game in depth and I think it's a good moment to do an honest review, I will talk about many aspects including those that could or even should be improved:

    -First of all let's talk about the story: I would say it's kind of the worst part of this game, the story is just there and isn't presented in a way that the player would be interested in it, most players will stay at the level of "you need to go get the orbs/books" and don't go over that, the reason is that the adventure in this game doesn't show you those conflicts, since minute one we know that the queen is in conflict with the parlament, but we don't see them clash or that they have any type of conflict and this kind of takes you away from the story to just be more like a dungeon crawler, exploring multiple places and that's it.

    -Interactions: The second weakest point and in fact it's related to the first one, overall what makes your allies and enemies good ones tend to be the interactions with them and unfortunately they are almost non-existant, for allies after their introduction the most you can get is asking them a few questions in a certain place and the marriage scene, when I played the game while I could at least understand the personalities of the characters I never felt any type of bond because of this, same as I didn't truly feel any emnity towards antagonists/enemies, we just don't interact enough to actually feel anything on this aspect.

    -Gameplay: Finally we have a part I can be positive about, the game while being made with RPG maker it has some cool concepts and unique stuff that makes fights be quite unique, thanks to multiple status effects such as transformation, mind control, possession... it makes many enemies have an unique feeling and it makes it refreshing, overall on this aspect at most we can just talk about what I would like to improve but that's for the end of this review.

    -Graphics and sex scenes: It's average, overall it's just kisekae models, the art style is exactly as it seems on the preview images, even more it is quite lacking on the sex scenes aspect, basically except the bad endings I would even say that you can't find anything that could be called a sex scene, there is some stuff that is borderline sex like working as a slut but overall we lack proper sex scenes.

    -Improvements to gameplay that I would like to be added:

    *Making the game more unforgiving: Overall I think the game should have been made with the intention of playing it on hard mode and being quite unforgiving, the game has some situations in which you can lose a team member, but you can rescue them almost instantly, the game lacks a true capture system for our party, why do I think it's necessary? mainly because there is a lot of stuff that is told to us that happens but we never suffer it:

    1º We are told about orc raiders capturing women and impregnating them, however we never truly have to deal with the orcs trying to just capture a companion and leaving or any similar challenge.

    2º We know about the slave market and how they capture people to sell them, which would have been something interesting if it could be implemented into the gameplay.

    3º There are also some other characters that are trying to expand their influence and are "recruiting" in forceful ways.

    Overall the optimal way that I would have found for the game is to make it less forgiving with that type of stuff and that if you are defeated you would get the normal bad ending but you start a soft New Game +, in which you could maintain your experience and gold at the moment of defeat. In this way even if you got to the worst possible scenario on hard mode (having all party members captured/sold) you could just try again, the way the game works is fine for normal/easy modes, but people that play on hard want exactly that.

    *Eliminate hard mode itself but add all options related to it to the throne room: Overall I say this because you don't have to be a fan of all options that a hard mode has, I do believe that some stuff like what I said just before this would make the game more fun but others like "more HP for bosses", "increased damage received/lust", "curses being more significant"... that kind of stuff it's better to let the player choose what he wants, in fact there some interesting options to add there such as:

    1º Shorten casting times for enemies: Some enemies in the game will take multiple turns to cast certain spells, this difficulty mode would reduce the number of turns needed by 1/3 or 1 turn in case the division is less than 1.

    2º Increased HP for common enemies: Basically 25% more HP for enemies that appear on random encounters.

    3º Permanent transformations: This mode would make it harder to cure transformations, basically if a character has enough time at a certain transformation they will refuse to be cured, needing a very costly item to be able to cure them or a New game +

    *Conflicts growth: It's cool to be an open-world and choose where you go, however what we lack is a feeling that the enemies/antagonists don't waste their time, if some conflicts had stages/changes depending on how much did you ignore them then with just this the game would be much more replayable. Even more some enemy bosses if spared should have the ability to try a comeback.

    *Zone pacification: Basically that after defeating the boss a zone could be pacified, making it into a safe area at least for a time, this would actually add some effect to our efforts, for example imagine that after defeating a boss of a laboratory you could add yourself as an ally to the robots of said laboratory, in this situation the place would be easy to travel unless you reverted that setting or the boss came back for revenge.

    Overall that's about it, I hope you enjoyed reading my review and that it was useful.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    So I have been playing this for quite a few hours now, and... it's pretty good, but pretty limited. Basically, everything else takes a backseat to the main features, which are:

    1) A dynamic transformation-system that connects fetishes into gameplay


    2) A party-based RPG in the standard JRPG-formula.

    Those two aspects of the game are fully fleshed out, and have a ton of content to them, but the supporting elements to them are pretty bare-bones. You won't find a compelling story, characters, sex-scenes or visual fidelity (the character-images are made in a third-party program), and that does, of course, hurt the experience. But the effort put into the main bulk of the game still makes it enjoyable.

    There are a ton of areas, a ton of enemies with unique themes, attacks and fetishes, dozens of statuses, that are used pretty inventively, and sometimes the sparse design even works in favour of the experience. For example, I do like how little handholding the game does to direct you torwards the next macguffin you need to collect, and instead gives you a limited sense of exploration, in a game that's mostly meant to be able to be played nonlinearly.

    The character-building system is also the best part of the game, although I do wish the game had put a little more effort into it's characters' characterization, to make the transformations stand out more. But alas.

    Either way, recommended if you aren't tired of standard JRPGs, and want to play a transformation-game specifically. For plot, characters and quick scenes, I would stay away.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    You know? Fuck the art style and the story, both of them are childish, nah, i finished this game purely because of the gameplay. Genuinely one of the most fun RPGM games in terms of its mechanical aspect. The ability to mix and match classes and status classes is really fun. Plus, the enemies have a large variety of styles and no boss feels the game.
    Apart from the gameplay and music, everything about this game is mediocre though, so thats why at best, i can give it a 4 star rating, even if i did greatly enjoy playing this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I would have given this game a 4.5/5 but it leans toward a 5 because of how well this game is. Note, I only played the original version so some of these problems might no longer matter (I refused to play a nerfed version of a certain character LOL). I spent the most time on this game and Forest of the Abyss 2 (like dedicating months when I have free time versus beating the game and then not touching it again afterward in a 2 weeks at most).

    • Very long game with plenty to do
    • The story is really good and you’re rewarded with lore if you bother to explore everything.
    • Your choices to spare the bosses or not matters. You will get locked out of content no matter what, but if you’re going for the pure route, sparing everyone is needed.
    • Game’s combat system is easy to learn and amazing when you finally understand how it works. There are some glitches in the combat (Flame Dance Nuan has). Mages have a limited amount of spells to catch. Warriors need SP to use their skills and another party member relies on a charge system where you have to wait a few turns before you can use it again.
    • There are a lot of side quests that reward you with great items when you complete them.
    • Bonus bosses are really hard.
    • There’s a boss rush and in the same realm, you can fight every enemy in that area again if you miss it
    • The area of illusion is very well done. I always freaked out when I thought the game crashed (but it's intentional). It's not everyday a hentai game screws with your interface.
    • Game is open world. Except for the last two areas in the game, you are allowed to go anywhere in the world in search of the books and gems.
    • The version I have has a lot of bugs. Many of them are fixed in a patch that I forever wait for in this thread. UPDATE: All the bugs are gone now.
    • There is no map. I complained about this the moment I touched this game. The game wants you to explore everywhere and find every little secret and I’m fine with that, but there’s no button to open a map or even a map in general. Its odd how the Prime Minister sends you out without a fucking map.
    • Me dunking on the Lost Wizard for being a bad unit with bad stats and her only purpose is to be a sacrifice statue and turning her into every other transformation in the game. UPDATE: With a lot of classes being buffed like the puppet, the commoner is no longer trash.
    • The Lost Wizard I feel takes away the chance of having a party member like one of the fish people or an orc where the latter can only be possible by a transformation. UPDATE: Annie the orc was added but it still stands how the fish people are stuck as merchants.
    • Some enemies are easy to miss and still won’t show up in the Realm of Mischief. This might have to do with whom you spare and who you don’t seeing as how there are bosses that are only available if you pick a mercy or punishment option
    • The hentai scenes aren’t really hentai scenes. There are some enemies that do battlefucks and some bad endings result in some sex but most of them are just getting captured, enslaved and overall corrupted that prevents Lilina from finishing her mission given to her. A few bad endings do add to the lore (if captured by the poachers, a plot twist that you’re not supposed to know until the end of the game happens and now you know that you have to do something about it)
    • The four sisters are missable content. If you pick the wrong option, you can be permanently locked out of rewards from them. The one in the water city is the worst offender.
    • There’s a certain weeb area in the game that I think tries too hard in terms of puzzles. I’m not a fan of the Rocket Hideout puzzles mixed with random encounters. I get lost relatively easily and stepping on traps can turn a character into an onahole, which I rather not if I’m just trying to get through the area.
    • I think the Orc Queen bad ending is bad in a game with a lot of goofy or kinky bad endings. In this setting, guro just doesn’t fit at all and while it's supposed to give the impression that this is a very bad scenario you don’t want to happen, I think it’s off putting.
    A pet peeve I have that I don't want to mark off as a negative is that this game is a one gender game where its only women. I'm not a fan of those types of games at all (which happens with yaoi games too with an all guy only). I cannot fathom how one can know some masculine terms and then not have a single guy in the game. I mistook the knights as the only male characters in the game, but it doesn't fit with the lore so its highly unlikely.

    Other than that, this is one of those games where I'm not going to feel the magic of playing it a second time. Discovering everything the first time around is great. If there are updates, I can tap into this game again.

    UPDATE: Friendship ended with Nuan. Annie is now my best friend. (But I married Jyla).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The most ambitious H-game I've ever played. Experiencing every different Bad End and getting afflicted with every different status has sort of become a goal of mine on my playthrough, and I probably still won't be done even after I finish the main game. The JP system also provides a great amount of versatility with how you want to play each character, even taking into account the unique playstyle they all have, and the locales and associated fetishes are surprisingly varied.

    I do have a few gripes though. The art can be a bit stiff, owing to it being made with some sort of paper doll maker app, making the characters unable to do so much as tilt their heads. This unfortunately also hurts the H-scenes, since without the characters being able to face each other, the interaction they can display is limited. The characters' personalities can also be a bit bland, even with all the unique dialogue they have during H-events. Finally, the game's pretty easy and I had to intentionally fail some fights to get certain statuses and Bad Ends.

    Overall though, this is a very solid H-game that I would recommend to any fans of transformation and good gameplay. In fact, this is my primary inspiration for some of my own H-game projects, though I still can't figure out how to pull off a lot of the stuff they did.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Love the many choices and attributes the characters have.
    I think the best part is how big the world is and how much there is to explore.

    If you like to explore and also enjoy games where you won't have to restart from your latest save due to getting an ending, this is the game for you.
    The game has a great flow due to the "bad ending" system, not sending you to main menu and it makes it generally more enjoyable.

    I strongly recommend to give this game a go! :)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 1.4. of Odyssey of Gianna

    This game might not be for those who need HD anime artstyle and frequent H-scenes, super satisfying combat, or constant dialogue and character interaction. For them, there are plenty other fish in the sea.

    However. Odyssey of GIanna can be absolutely amazing for those interested in transformation of various kinds, both physical and mental, that is also well translated into gameplay. For them, I rate this game 4-5 stars.

    It's a sandbox game in which you can approach objectives and world zone in almost any order you please.

    It sports many different transformations such as cowgirl, cheerleader, bimbo, orc, ero-clown, latex drone, stone golem, onahole, soulgem, and tons of different alterations to their mind, behavior and facial expressions.

    Artwork is replaced by 2D, simple but cute Kisekae models to save time and budget for what really clicks in this game - TF fetishism with variety and immersion.

    And here's what makes this game rather unique - Each of those forms come with their own set of abilities, stats, statuses, leveling, pros and cons that impacts your playthrough in interesting and erotic ways. Each form compliments or contrasts each character in different ways, noticable both in portrait and overworld models.

    The combat is straight forward, nothing flashy yet not too grindy. Each of the 8 characters start out with completely different skillsets as they are of different classes, and can be further set apart by aforementioned transformations. Even if your team members turn into cows, brainwashed maids, statues, zombies or marionettes, they can still be used in combat to various extent.

    The transformations can be triggered by events, enemy attacks, traps and your own items, and they mostly stick until you buy one of the many, overly cheap curing items.

    Gianna has only a few plotlines that're easy to follow, but for quest/objectives and knowing where to go next, there's no in-game log so have a notepad doc ready to jot down the pointers you're given.

    There really isn't a lot of sex in this game, but in the few scenes it is, it is definetly tied to either mid-combat attacks, hypnotism and transformation. Almost every one of the 60-something mobs have each their unique Bad End too, and so do the 13-ish bosses.
    And by goddess, are the bad ends juicy. Short, but juicy.

    There's a lot of domination tied to the crew losing control of their body, being paraded or put on pedestal as lesser beings, and even having their identity erased in some cases.
    And for each boss you defeat, you're always rewarded with getting the choice of sparing or punishing the adversary... The latter gives them a real mouthful of their own sexy medicine.

    The first time I went in blind and yet at a steady pace, I reached the endgame content after no less than 20 hours. 20 exciting and blissful hours. Looked through my Journal and saw that roughly half of the possible 56 statuses and 48 bad ends had been unlocked. Finding the rest can take 2 to 5 more hours, but enjoying all the replayability this game has, over 30 hours did I spend just fooling around and experiementing.
    There are naughty little secrets hidden everywhere, and team members to leave behind in crypt tombs, strip bars or as decorations in your cabin.

    Somebody else on F95 once compared Gianna to Skyrim, in that the game is "as wide as an ocean, and deep as a paddling pool".
    This I can now confirm a month later - While I'd wish for a lot more fleshed out interactions and scene writing here and there, the dev has made sure to spread out the good TF/hypno content aaaaall over the wedding cake. And, rumors say there's a large expansion somewhere not too far in the horizon!

    And so I conclude, that Odyssey of Gianna is a must-try for all fans of transformation and hypnotism.
    Far from everyone will like it, but a good handful of people here will like it a lot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Some might call me a shill for this game but I'd say don't listen to the negative reviews.
    * Yes this is an RPG maker game, but it has much more depth than the average "press 1 move and nothing else" ero RPG game.
    * People say the combat is slow or shallow, well you can speed it up so the animations are happening so fast you'll have epileptic seizures if you want.
    * The good moves have limited uses because they're good, so you can't spam them like other ero RPGs. If you don't want to fight and just want to get to some of the scenes there are items to avoid fights.
    * The writing is good. Not out of this world, but there are PAGES of dialogue and descriptions in this game and there will be more
    * The story is much more interesting than 90% of the ero games where there's some female MC who gets raped a bunch. There are actual plot twists and you can punish people for their actions.
    * Each character has personality, and when they're subject to status effects it shows from their responses.

    It's true the art isn't the best because it's using Kisekae... but that allows the dev to focus on story+content+game-play which there's plenty of.
    I've sunk 40+ hours in this game and haven't even finished it and I haven't been grinding that much (but I have been exploring a lot).
    Game is cheap, go buy it, dev is a cool dude.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont usually do a whole lot of all the forgettable games that Ive played, but this game really deserves one.

    Its so much filled with exciting content.

    First off, its very heavy on bondage and transformation/denial/hypnosis content, while not crossing into furry/scat/invaginations or so. People get transformed into stone, trees, small versions, cursed, bimbo-fied. If that is not your alley, then theres prolly nothing here for you.

    The most exciting feature are indeed the battles. Many of a transformation are permanent or have temporary limiting effects, but are woven into the gameplay so that a Bimbo can still fight (via lust) or if you have a pupeteer trait you can control the party member who turned into one. Its just very interesting to go into a battle and have 2 of your party members turned into hypno-sluts and you having to fight tooth and nail for them. It makes a lot of battles, unless you grind, very varied and keep them interesting.

    Also, the content is HUGE. 11 hours in and I dont even have half the stuff unlocked.

    The images are not of the highest JRPG quality, but Id argue they can look very appealing, and its anyway more the text thats gonna send you over the edge. Although there are certain gems (Bimbo Javlia... mhm.).

    So yeah, its amazing. Sandbox get enslaved. If thats your alley, go ahead, try it out, you wont miss it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The art being from that one character generator got me to overlook this for a long time, but the variety and depth of the implementation of a lot of the transformations and mind control are just spectacular. It's a lot like EDEN, but less spread thin over a bunch of stuff and hones in on what it does want to do.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    somebody cares

    - chubby party member uses pregnant sprite due to limitations of the paperdoll sprite generator
    - futa party member can get pregnant but not give birth for some reason?
    - none of them have alternate sprites for pregnancy with status (cheerleader/bimbo)
    - bimbo sprites have barely any variation. also sable's hair tie color doesn't match up with her costume
    - most statuses (petrify, puppet, mindbreak, collared?) just leave the party member permanently incapacitated unless you have a potion to recover from it
    - combat feels badly balanced in general? not in the "enemy is too op" way but when some moves take 1 turn to recover from but does less than 2x damage aren't you better off just normal attacking twice ._.
    - combat is slow, even with fast animations. when the game becomes 99% waiting for animations, it kinda physically hurts to play
    - loli content removed???? :(
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 1.1

    The defining traits of this game are simplicity and expansiveness.

    The story is simple, but that doesn’t make it low quality. What dialogue there is, is well written. The story is thin but it is consistent and sensible. Enough to frame events without distracting from the sandbox the game is actually about.

    The artwork is made using a doll-maker program (although I have no clue as to which). While this means each piece is simple it also means there is an immense amount of artwork. Most of the 55 conditions have artwork for all eight characters. To say nothing of the vast range of NPCs.

    The progression is shallow, each class only has a few levels worth of abilities. However as characters can access multiple classes there is still a fair bit to go at.
    Combat it actually rather intricate, being more about managing and utilising status effects than raw power.

    As far as user-friendliness goes the game is excellent. You can control everything with the mouse if you wish. Bad Ends immediately respawn you rather than ending the game and forcing you to load. Information is readily available.
    I will note that the game lacks an actual quest log to record what you have and haven't explored and discovered.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    (This review is as of the 0.2 demo version)

    Story: Minimal, to be honest. Not that it matters much anyways ;)

    Gameplay: Standard RPG stuff; you start with a party of 3 and each one of them specializes in something (magic, physical, or both). Enemies are able to inflict status conditions to the party members, each inflicting a special effect that you must either power through or workaround with (and a few of them are actually useful in a way). Spells don't consume mana/MP but have a limited amount of uses and can't be recovered with items, only special spots that fully heal you. Equipment can be bought and sold to a merchant near where you spawn. You automatically lose when all of your party members are knocked out or have their lust bars filled to the max.

    Strangely, there are no random encounters with enemies. Each area is divided and has their own sets of enemies, which in reality they're just slimes that transform into said enemies first. According to the story and "tutorial" you should take care of every enemy in said areas, yet there isn't much of an incentive since you don't get anything from it, apart from EXP and gold.

    To start off, this is a bit off-putting, as this game is more like a sandbox where you can test out the different enemy types and status ailments. That's probably the meat of the game in a nutshell: fight an enemy, see what they do, maybe even get knocked out/surrender to them and see a bad ending. Additionally, to get a level up, you might need to grind on the same enemy multiple times since it's a bit sluggish to get anywhere stat-wise. However, it's not like you're defenseless against enemies when you first start thanks to spells and free items already in your inventory. Gold drops are just as minimal too, so buying items to recover statuses when you don't have as much is bothersome. Maybe dropping the prices would have been a good idea at first?

    Onto the status ailments. There are lots of them and lots to see in how it affects the party members, so it's best for the player to look after them all. You have the basic "aroused" and "horny" status, but there's also petrification, possession, curses, mesmerized, and more. Not all of them are my cup of tea, but the variety is welcome in my book.

    Oh, and on the 3rd area of the game, you can recruit an additional party member if you beat them first. Neat stuff.

    Graphics/H-Content: Now, this aspect is a bit frowned upon since, yes, it uses some kind of stock character creator I never bothered to look up but I'm certain I've seen it before. However, at least the creator put some thought behind this decision, since each status has their own dedicated expression tied to the character (kinda like Agents of P.O.R.N) and fits the status very well.

    In terms of nudity, there's not much visible in game only IF you decide not to actually look for it. Why? Well, most of the actual nudity is either in the bad endings, the few statutes that display it in-battle, or checking the Journal/checking the images used yourself. Not really a complaint, just a quirk to point out.

    Overall: A neat(?) sandbox RPG based on as many fetishes as it can cram down. The experience is dull and the actual content may be lackluster, but I can't judge it too harshly due to it being it in its fairly new developing stages.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    game seems promising so far and excited to see where it goes. it is definitely a proof of concept more than anything right now but looks like it could turn out to be a pretty good rpgm. excited to see where it goes in future updates