RPGM - Abandoned - Of Lust and Pride [v0.55] [Young Griff Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. Surprised at how well written the dialogue and narration is and how many options there are. Kept exhausting all the choices. Love the characters and their stories, really looking forward to more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This one's an absolute gem.

    It has a strong story, not merely driven by porn. It's more like porn embedded in a good story than story fitted into a porno. That's a rarity, I have barely seen three, maybe four such games on this platform at most.

    It has very strong characters, really well written dialogs, gameplay elements, it's much much more than what most other games in this platform have to offer.

    Thanks to the dev for doing this one, the work speaks for itself..! Hoping to see more in this game and more games like this one!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You know the drill, came for the clapping of cheeks, stayed for the story. It's good. Hedvig's whole arc at the very end was top-notch too, definitely want to see her again. Maybe get up to more depravity as Evelyn calls it. ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This one certainly needs a review, due to how good of a game it is, and due to how criminally undersupported this dev is despite it. I was genuinely upset when I reached the end of content after 5 hours of playing, simply because I want more.

    Great characters. Sheva is a class act and makes me genuinely feel something for her. It also feels like the game is headed in an NTR direction and I'm all for it. Can't wait for more updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    My last fav rpgm game was "Peasant's Quest" and I found this one to be even better than that. Some compared this with "Struggles of sin" but the visuals in this one is significantly better specially the characters and sex scenes. Not to mention the astronomically better and rich story along with the stories of the characters. Without a doubt this one's got the best story hands down. And the language used matches the respective timeline perfectly. It's been some time that I found a game to be this attractive...even among AAAs...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, this is a pretty interesting project. Highlights that I deeply enjoyed from the game is the gameplay itself, the good writing of the sex scenes and finally the interesting as well as well introduced setting.
    The gameplay is on the more advanced side for an RPGMaker game and I did find myself having to actually think about my actions to win. It has enough choice that equipment scrounging and attribute allocation always ended up mattering. And there are many different details to optimize for the next fight/scene such as finding a key to a locked chest that's impossible to break otherwise or stealing a key item instead of buying it if you're char is quick enough.

    Regarding the sex scenes, I found them to be pretty good as well. All the sex scenes were at minimum the baseline for what I expect from a 3d CG sex scene. What I particularly liked was the focus on emotions from the protagonist's perspective which I found enhanced the scenes greatly.

    Finally the setting is fascinating. I enjoy how we're thrust into the thick of things and are shown how brutal the setting is. And with the option to explore around and see more events that key into the setting as well through finding books and just seeing how the npcs act.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really hard game to rate. On the one hand the writing is good. Much better than most games on this site and everything to do with writing works. The characters are interesting, the dialogue makes sense, the plot is intriguing and the choices do matter.

    On the other end RPGM is a bit of a shitshow, I won't begrudge developers that because making rpgs is hard. Most unfortunatly though the renders are just kinda shit. Bar a couple most of them are pretty bad to look at, and some of them are kinda just outdated looking. If that's not something that bothers you give this game a shot, I very much enjoyed playing it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    365 others

    I´m honestly surprised not to see more activity on this thread. I bumped into it while looking for new games, and seeing very few reviews and a short discussion thread left me worrying it might not be very good.

    I'm very pleasantly surprised with the game.

    Although I also agree with some other reviews regarding some scenes and/or renders being short, in all honesty for me it's not a big deal.

    The story is very very catchy, it is very intriguing and has deep-developed characters, making it easy to be absorbed by it.

    In all honesty, it has one of the best stories I've found on this site, and while I usually don't like to patronage long-paced development games, this one is really worthy.

    Definitely one of my top 5 favorite games.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The choices, and impact of the choices were actually pretty good, The plot was and world building is interesting. No grind and decent scenes.

    Overall good game, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Ran into several bugs. First the controls don't initially work despite being forcibly perma-displayed on screen, then rooms having walls with "walls" that you can walk on, then an arena cutscene that didn't allow me to move/continue, until several restarts later.

    Also even without all these bugs, content is extremely low in quantity and quality. (current v0.31) The scenes are very short & low effort basic and also thematically of no interest to me (1x rape, 1x bj, 1x bestiality, 1x incest), on top of that they are very easily skipped on accident if you do not happen to talk to one obscure NPC for example.

    This will take many more years to get reasonable amount of content considering what is currently there. And the stuff that is there isn't even any good in my opinion.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    The Rogue Trader

    Before anything, I want to say that I hate RPGM and all these top-down sprite games like it where you walk and walk aimlessly bumping into stuff hoping that something happens.
    The last RPGM game I played has been the original "Legend of Queen Opala" when it was new. Then the fact that Young Griff got me to try his game at all is already an achievement on its own.
    The fact that at least he designed his sprites in a setting-appropriate style and with correct proportions instead of chibis surely helped.
    While the description of the setting didn't attract me too much, I'd say that it's well-built and with a small magic premise (the control devices that ensure nobody breaks the laws) an untenable political system like the Golden Dawn (eh, eh, reference caught) suddenly becomes believable.
    I like the originality of the fantasy setting:it feels unique and not the usual recycled ersatz of this or that historical culture. The architecture is recycled, but, well, the assets are what they are and there's not much to do about it.
    the story is captivating if a bit obvious and the player has a lot of freedom about how to play his character. Being a decent guy in a completely rotten evil empire is something that I personally like a lot and had very few chances to play, whether in front of a screen or around a table with friends.
    This ability to role play is what I like to see in games, so top score for getting the "RPG" part of "RPG" well! Unfortunately, it's a great burden for the developer, as there are so many branching possibilities.
    I see that Young Griff gave evidently a lot of thought to the game mechanics and the various menu options. I don't truly care a lot about these things, but the hard work behind the curtain should be praised.

    As a bad note: many of the renders are lacklustre or just plain wrong.
    Take the Bami servant: her sprites look severely deformed. Maybe they were shot putting the camera too high, or maybe there's been a mistake with the resolution, I don't know.
    In general, the women's skin is dull and their features don't stand up. The lack of makeup (and a setting where high-class women do not use makeup is pure fantasy!) doesn't help, but it's not the only issue: the lighting is just plain unflattering.
    Another set of sprites that disturbed me is the fat slave trader: when he gives his hammy speech the camerawork becomes wonky and starts spinning around: it looked very silly and made my eyes bleed.

    After the initial scene with the father, the number of full renders in the game dropped significatively. I perfectly understand that time is a limited resource, as having been there myself, but it still left me with a bit of a bad aftertaste. Maybe it's because I'm not used to RPGM games.

    Anyway, keep up the good work! I'm curious to see how the various love interests will catch up with the abducted MC and what path he'll follow to get back his position.
  12. 2.00 star(s)



    NOT a 5 out of 5 game. not even close unless you want to stick two fingers up to both this developer AND the few devs also producing top rated games across multiple sites with multiple audiences.

    A lot of time has been spent by this dev actually constructing a narrative and creating a good plot with plenty of lore. a real plus point.
    also even though this is RPGM the dev also refrained from making you walk miles just to get one place to another wasting players time with huge open spaces. definitely a plus point.

    sadly, thats where it ends for me as the dialogue failed to engage me and the art was poor.
    it also has an easy mode which seems to be broken, because what it says as a description and supposed to do is nonsense, as i died once during it and lived when i restarted without it. so mechanics need attention.

    but the biggest negative of all, is that right at the very beginning, the dev pops in a note to tell players it is pointless to play, due to EVERYTHING that may or may not entice you to play, is subject to change.

    why bother if they can't make up their mind
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So I normally don't play just released games, but for some reason I decided to check this game out, and I am glad I did.

    While the story is very early on (despite the v0.31 numbering this is only the prologue, as the game its self states) what is there from both the story and the character interactions is very very promising. It honestly gave me a "Golden Era Bioware"vibe. Considering that Golden Era Bioware was my favorite gaming company, that is not something I say lightly.
    Of course one can't expect the same level of polish from an indie game (and a very early build at that) but the amount of choices and how you can react to everything your way which seemingly will have consequences later on (one of which was already shown) is pretty impressive, which is the same thing that I absolutely love in Golden Era Bioware games.

    The gameplay is also good. There are skill checks to achieve many things, so different builds will have different results, and the combat system is satisfying.

    The art style is good. It is not generic copy-and-pasted characters all around you, and it conveys a sense of cohesive style.

    The music was ok. Nothing special and sometimes a little annoying, but not really that bad. Considering how early the game is and how good everything else is, that is not much of a problem

    Overall, I am really looking forward to see this game grow and improve, as it has a really solid foundation already :).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man you know how to bring out a creative story line. I wish more gaming creators had better creative minds when it comes to making an interactive story. I know I can't wait for this game to finally reach its potential final end when the creator finishes it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    as a demo, its very well done with good story and arts.. only wish that the gallery is unlocked in all save thought.. i am not going through the choice to strip the bami and i already pay 35 for the antidote and dont have enough to pay for the service too unless i sell my item.. would be nice to have the gallery scene unlocked once u seen it.. as a completionist
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    When it comes to RPG games, so many games here forget RPG mechanics, this is a game with actual branching lines. There is a lot of content for a 0.03. Great story, great models overall a pretty good game. I wouldn't change anything, the setting is great, the 2d art style isn't perfect but it does somehow work for this particular game.