Ohai yo Minasan. Spunky Desu.


Mar 26, 2017

Sorry for the late introduction, too lazy to make an introduction the 1st time I've entered this forum lol. I'm Spunkmeister, your typical non-white brown skin colored south-east asian fuckboy. I like to play video games and porn video games. My most favorite game are Fallout New Vegas and Civilization Beyond Earth. Fuck fallout 4 though the RPG element is non existent, and if you like fallout 4 you sir have a shit taste. *JK*. Also, sorry for my bad Queen Elizabeth, since my native language isn't english. :FeelsBadMan:I hope to not get bullied as i'm not white as i know most of the people here are white i assumed :FeelsBadMan:. That is all! thanks!:FeelsGoodMan::FeelsGoodMan::HeyGuys:
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