RPGM - Completed - Omni Magic! [Final] [Sharktales / Wasabi Entertainment]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the game a couple of months ago.

    Completed in less than 3 hours.

    The game is completely linear. And this is a case where the game would have been better off being a visual novel rather than a JRPG.

    To progress through the story, you need to communicate with the residents of the city to find out where the monsters lair is and what items are needed to defeat them.

    The quests consist of two stages: in the first you need to answer 3 out of 5 questions correctly to reach the monster, and in the second stage you need to use 3 correct items to win. To find out information and get items, you need to communicate with characters in the city and have sex with them.

    This is the main disadvantage of the game. After each quest, you need to go around the whole city and communicate with each character, in the hope that you will stumble upon the right one. Moreover, some dialogues are activated after others, which is why you need to run around the city several times.

    Luckily the scenes themselves are good. Because of them, the rating was increased to 3/5.