Cheat Mod RAGS [ON HIATUS] No Haven: Cheat Mod [v0.79 TF] [Bedlam games]

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New Member
Jun 18, 2017
Well that's disheartening to hear that you feel like you should just remake the whole thing, 'cause I just found this mod and I was so enjoying it and wanting more . Well if you feel it is needed then who am I to tell you how to do your ting? I guess I will just have to endure with the current model. But hey it is still well done so good job. Also I would point out that sometimes slavers/slaves disappear after assignments, and sometimes when an assignment is done and they brought a slave they slave isn't in the encampment. Also every once in a while the group assignments will freeze mid mission while the rest of the game continues on.
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Well that's disheartening to hear that you feel like you should just remake the whole thing, 'cause I just found this mod and I was so enjoying it and wanting more . Well if you feel it is needed then who am I to tell you how to do your ting? I guess I will just have to endure with the current model. But hey it is still well done so good job. Also I would point out that sometimes slavers/slaves disappear after assignments, and sometimes when an assignment is done and they brought a slave they slave isn't in the encampment. Also every once in a while the group assignments will freeze mid mission while the rest of the game continues on.
Those are issues of the original game, not much I can do about them until I have remade the game.
Remaking the game or making a No Haven-like will allow me a lot more freedom than working within the restrictions of the original game. One thing I am going to focus on is making it so that missions are skill-based rather than chance based.
Why should a mission fail if you have ALL of the positive traits for that mission and none of the negative with 95% of success and yet you get a critical fail, that is just not how it should be. So I am going to remake it so a lot of the current issues gets fixed. Remaking it will take time but is not that challenging. The real challenge will be porting content from new versions of the original to the remake, that would be time-consuming. But remaking it the game from scratch does allow me a lot more freedom in terms of cheating / modding, in that I can build the system from the ground up to better utilize that if the player chooses to do so. If the remake turns more into a No Haven-like rather than a pure No Haven remake, I will of course make new content for it, as it will then be my game entirely, rather than just a heavily modified version.
Regardless making a game from scratch that has a majority of the features that No Haven has with less of the issues is the goal.
It will take time, especially since I will be busy the next 10-11 weeks with my certification exams, but after that I should have more time to work on it. Once I have something early "playable", I'll ask a select few people to alpha test it to see how they think it holds up. Then work more on the game and send it to the "testers", rinse and repeat until I have something that would be ready for public early-release. If it turns out more like an No Haven-like, I might start a patreon for ongoing support. It's hard to tell until I get far enough into the development of the No Haven-Like/Remake.
I do plan on making a web-port once the No Haven-Like/Remake is "finished" as in feature complete, but not necessarily content complete.
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
are you going to remake it in rags, or in something else?
First I am going to remake it in RAGS, wether it will turn into a full 1 to 1 remake or just a No Haven-like is yet to be decided as I am not far enough in the development to tell, but the plan is a 1 to 1 remake.
Once it has been remade, regardless wether it is 1 to 1 or a No Haven-like, in RAGS, I will port it to the web, where it will be playable online only (the web version will not be downloadable).


The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Hi, there is time when my character become a bottom when make use of, do you know how to do it.
I am sorry, but I do not understand what you are trying to ask.
If you ask about your character being submissive, your best bet would be to take the disadvantage trait "Secretly Submissive" or something similar and probably some other disadvantage traits.
The game pretty much requires your character to be dominant in order for your camp to function. The author of the game have said that perhaps in future versions of the game you will be able to bimbo and more submissive, but the camp leader submissive / bimbo options are rather limited currently.
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Aug 31, 2017
I am sorry, but I do not understand what you are trying to ask.
If you ask about your character being submissive, your best bet would be to take the disadvantage trait "Secretly Submissive" or something similar and probably some other disadvantage traits.
The game pretty much requires your character to be dominant in order for your camp to function. The author of the game have said that perhaps in future versions of the game you will be able to bimbo and more submissive, but the camp leader submissive / bimbo options are rather limited currently.
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Congrats on your exams Semicardia! and thanks for coming up with this mod
Thank you and you are most welcome :)
I am currently working on making a No Haven-like game but with WAY less RNG, basically more a skill-check than RNG for assignments in my game and the only RNG will be on slaver / slave generation and assignment generation.
There will still be grades of success on assignments, such as Critical Success, Success, Failure and Critical Failure, but it will be calculated purely from this formula: positive traits you bring - negative traits you bring. If the number is positive, it will be successful, if it is negative it will be a failure, if the number is too high or too low it will be critical. This still means that the player has the agency, they will know exactly if they will be able to pass the assignment.
Development is going slow, but I am making progress.
The Advantage of making the game from scratch is that it is much more easy to make it modifiable, in that I control the structure of everything and thus can much more easily make people able to cheat. RAGS is RAGS though, some people like the engine, some do not.
Jul 12, 2017
Thank you and you are most welcome :)
I am currently working on making a No Haven-like game but with WAY less RNG, basically more a skill-check than RNG for assignments in my game and the only RNG will be on slaver / slave generation and assignment generation.
There will still be grades of success on assignments, such as Critical Success, Success, Failure and Critical Failure, but it will be calculated purely from this formula: positive traits you bring - negative traits you bring. If the number is positive, it will be successful, if it is negative it will be a failure, if the number is too high or too low it will be critical. This still means that the player has the agency, they will know exactly if they will be able to pass the assignment.
Development is going slow, but I am making progress.
The Advantage of making the game from scratch is that it is much more easy to make it modifiable, in that I control the structure of everything and thus can much more easily make people able to cheat. RAGS is RAGS though, some people like the engine, some do not.
Best of luck with it! I know i'll be exited when it comes out :)
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Nov 21, 2017
Thank you and you are most welcome :)
I am currently working on making a No Haven-like game but with WAY less RNG, basically more a skill-check than RNG for assignments in my game and the only RNG will be on slaver / slave generation and assignment generation.
There will still be grades of success on assignments, such as Critical Success, Success, Failure and Critical Failure, but it will be calculated purely from this formula: positive traits you bring - negative traits you bring. If the number is positive, it will be successful, if it is negative it will be a failure, if the number is too high or too low it will be critical. This still means that the player has the agency, they will know exactly if they will be able to pass the assignment.
Development is going slow, but I am making progress.
The Advantage of making the game from scratch is that it is much more easy to make it modifiable, in that I control the structure of everything and thus can much more easily make people able to cheat. RAGS is RAGS though, some people like the engine, some do not.
Hm I don't know, I actually consider the RNG to be part of the fun of No Haven. Getting that rare crit is great. Also it adds variety, as I can see a no RNG game becoming pretty stale pretty fast, as high level slavers win everything, everytime (that already happens in lategame No Haven, to some degree. You might end up writing a lot of useless content, because people will voluntarely or involuntarely gravitate towards the success events)
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Hm I don't know, I actually consider the RNG to be part of the fun of No Haven. Getting that rare crit is great. Also it adds variety, as I can see a no RNG game becoming pretty stale pretty fast, as high level slavers win everything, everytime (that already happens in lategame No Haven, to some degree. You might end up writing a lot of useless content, because people will voluntarely or involuntarely gravitate towards the success events)
Well, as I said, Slaver generation, assignment generation etc. WILL be randomized. I still feel that if you send a very high level slaver on a low level assignment, it should never be able to fail, unless you of course not have a REQUIRED trait.
I will just have to make the randomized assignment generator generate progressively harder missions as the player progresses through the game.

I might make random events that can happen from day to day in the camp though, but not on assignments.
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Jun 14, 2018
... I still feel that if you send a very high level slaver on a low level assignment, it should never be able to fail, unless you of course not have a REQUIRED trait.
agreed ! it's frustrating when it fails despite having the traits. it just forces to reload again and it's annoying.

and thank you very much for the excellent mode.
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