So I've been working on a fairly large project for some time.
I needed a GUI system in it that was flexible and the one's currently out there didn't quite suite my needs.
I wanted it to be light weight, very fast and cross platform.
I designed the GUI to function similar in nature to HTML / CSS but lighter weight.
I got the GUI frame work up and running and about that time I ended up needing to take a break for personal issues.
So a month later I come back to it and I am finding I have to relearn what I created. Honestly looking at it I'm kind of astounded I created it even though I know I did.
Example: I was trying to figure out how I was handling button clicks. The line I was finding in the event handler just seemed way to simple.
So ended up tracing it back and it was accessing a hastable for storing the buttons and testing if they were clicked or not and so on.
Not sure if it helps to know everything I am doing is in C & C++.
I usually have pretty light documentation in my code it is normally fairly obvious how stuff works and I put a few notes here and there when it isn't.
This is the first time I can honestly say I wish I made more extensive documentation on my own code.
Feel like my previous self is taking the current me back to school.
Just curious how many others took a break and feel like they lost a step in between.
Maybe this will save someone some work and warn them to create documentation and not run into my issue. Cost me 2 hours of time to relearn what I did all together.
I needed a GUI system in it that was flexible and the one's currently out there didn't quite suite my needs.
I wanted it to be light weight, very fast and cross platform.
I designed the GUI to function similar in nature to HTML / CSS but lighter weight.
I got the GUI frame work up and running and about that time I ended up needing to take a break for personal issues.
So a month later I come back to it and I am finding I have to relearn what I created. Honestly looking at it I'm kind of astounded I created it even though I know I did.
Example: I was trying to figure out how I was handling button clicks. The line I was finding in the event handler just seemed way to simple.
So ended up tracing it back and it was accessing a hastable for storing the buttons and testing if they were clicked or not and so on.
Not sure if it helps to know everything I am doing is in C & C++.
I usually have pretty light documentation in my code it is normally fairly obvious how stuff works and I put a few notes here and there when it isn't.
This is the first time I can honestly say I wish I made more extensive documentation on my own code.
Feel like my previous self is taking the current me back to school.
Just curious how many others took a break and feel like they lost a step in between.
Maybe this will save someone some work and warn them to create documentation and not run into my issue. Cost me 2 hours of time to relearn what I did all together.