One's story revolves around Kouhei Orihara, the main protagonist, who suspects that at some point his current life will change while living a peaceful daily routine. Due to this, he begins to seclude himself in the Eternal World, a world within his mind. The game's main recurring motif is a focus on the Eternal World, a mystical alternate space which is never clearly explained, and the details of which are unknown.
Title: One ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~
Original Title: ONE ~輝く季節へ~
Alias Title: One ~To the Radiant Season~
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Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 1998-06-26, English Patch v.1.4 2007-09-15
Developer: Tactics
Publishers: Tactics
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: AstCd2
Censored: Yes
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