Others - Completed - Oniga Town of the Dead [v1.3.0] [Pink Cafe Art]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Had some fun with it, but the animations are just the same from the other game, even if the Girl is the one supposed leading the H, in the animation she's not, so that a big - here. Other than that, is a FINE game, i guess... Everything is simple enough, slilght anoying, but fine still.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent beat-em-up gameplay, a large, empty world that teases mechanics which don't manifest, and decent (though soon repetitive) sex scenes. Fans of nonconsent/reluctance and futa-on-female will find scenes to their liking, and others will be disappointed. There are some things the game does well, but it doesn't come together to be any better than the sum of its parts, and can safely be skipped.

    The main gameplay loop is a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up. The player will navigate a series of rooms, completing missions that are all "go to place and beat up zombies". There is a basic attack, a basic combo, and the main character can have sex with fallen enemies to heal. Story wise, there's limited reason to grab "pacified" zombies and bring them somewhere, which means the sex has practically no impact on gameplay and story. The fact that the fights completely end during scenes means the sex and combat aren't integrated at all.

    Having sex with fallen enemies is where the player finds the majority of h scenes. The scenes are varied enough that it takes a little while to get repetitive and boring. Once they are though, they can't be fast-forwarded, skipped, or hurried along in any fashion. Players who are bored and want to finish so they can heal and get back to the fight are SOL.

    Speaking of the sex: The main character starts as a woman, during which she only has sex with men, which is the only consensual sex in the game. Taking damage transforms the MC into a futa where she'll only rape (or at best have reluctant/nonconsensual sex with) women. All women except the main character are firmly in the category of Victim, there only to be raped by men and the MC. Players who are interested in seeing consensual content must repeatedly go through a mundane loop to transform the MC back into her female form, placing consent firmly in the minority of content. The reason for this is unclear - making the hyper sexual zombie women enjoy themselves would have been much more appropriate tonally, but I suppose it works for fans of nonconsent/reluctance.

    There are a few missed opportunities in the game in the form of hinted-at mechanics that never manifest. You can sometimes rescue survivors, but it doesn't seem to impact gameplay at all. There are TONS of rooms & interactables that do absolutely nothing, either being "locked" or "empty". Why bother telling me the names and occupations of characters if they vanish the moment they leave the room? Why fill your levels with places there's no reason to enter? Why let me check lockers if there's never anything in them? Why build a world around me if the only thing to do is struggle to figure out what to do next?

    There's slow character progression in the form of finding new items that feels uninspired. There are side-quests that are all varieties of "go to place and beat zombies up" that don't seem to impact gameplay. There's little to no reason to explore, since there's little to discover. The in-game quest system will often be either vague, incorrect, or unhelpful, pushing players to the forums to find answers.

    The scenes and fighting are decent for a little while, but the game lacks any kind of depth to keep players interested. Fans of futa-on-female and nonconsent/reluctance may find something here to entertain for a bit, but even they should probably skip this one.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As of V1.3.0 (I do not know if it will be updated down the line.)

    I have to say, the game isn't all that great. It isn't bad, but if you compare it to the original then yea, it really pales in comparison.

    It feels like a lot of potential just wasted on this project. I mean, if the dev was going to cash grab, they should just made it with more elements or similar elements. So here's the thing.

    Both versions have the same animations. (I don't know where the bondage came in, but you can get that too in the original. Maybe the bondage was exclusive here? I dunno, from what I saw it was patron and you need that file hack to get the full experience?)

    Now to compare it to the original.
    -There is hardly any outfits and you can't buy them. In the original you went around stripping girls and collecting clothes. There is no clothes collection here minus a few stage outfits and that is it. No shop to buy clothes. Nothing.
    -Customization is lacking. You only get some bleach to dye hair. No hair salon. Just a salon for skin. Hurray.
    -Stages are smaller compared to the original. I remember getting lost on the first games maps and I still can get lost that is how winding paths are. In this game, it is much linear. If you get lost somehow, well, I dunno.
    -There is only a few 'safe zones' with some NPCs you can talk and interact with. The rest is zombies. I know. Zombie game and all, but still even those areas are very small with survivors and it is just, ugh.

    Now lets talk about the good things.
    +Enemies will actual pounce assault MC while she is female.
    +MC can be solicited by some NPCs into sex/prostitution.
    +Naturally the zombie mechanic of growing a penis is interesting(sadly it is downcast/removed if you use the futa switch item.)
    +Yea, of course you can rape people as Futa. You can see NPCs being raped. These are all interesting tidbits.

    But even those mechanics doesn't fully wow me when I look back to the other mechanics and elements of the game. It isn't crap but it isn't great either. In its current state it is just bland. I don't know if Dev is going to keep working on it, adding more. I saw another review that mention this was still under development and I mean, even the first game got more additions included but that was like years later.

    Just that the game could of been much better in my honest opinion than what it is now. There isn't much freedom on the player in customizing the female. There isn't much exploration. The only few sexual elements in the game is what saves it, but that still doesn't make it a great porn game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This review was made 6.5 hours in, not having finished everything, yet.
    Edit: I've finished/collected absolutely everything in 8 hours.

    And this review will ignore the original Two Horns, because rating it based on that instead of compared to the industry is not helpful.
    Because why would you have to be required to have played the original Two horns for the score to reflect something useful?
    This is a separate standalone title and even if you come from playing Two Horns, it will give you new reasons to bonk people on the head and then fucking them, so what's the problem here?

    This is a still in development mobile game which costs $14 and does not have additional in-game purchases.
    That sets it apart from the majority of mobile games on the market who tend to have cash shops that sum up to several thousand $.
    Considering I already got more than 6 hours out of the game I have definitely gotten my $14 value. Your standards my vary there, but think about your last trip to a fast food place and how much time and value you really got out of that.

    This game is a 2d sidescroller/brawler in which you play as a female security officer (who can switch into a futanari) during a zombie apocalypse.
    The core gameplay revolves around running around doing fetch quests and finding events, while defeating hordes of zombies, or humans, and the hentai content revolves around the idea of "if you can knock it to the ground you can fuck it".

    The combat itself is very simple, you as well as your enemies have a 3 attack weapon combo with a big swing at the end and a block/counter.
    Generally you can win every fight by just spamming attacks, at worst you need to fight a few enemies elsewhere to get some levelups, but there is never a grind for anything, if that happens you probably missed a sidequest anyways. You even have the option to reduce the difficulty in the options menu and you can fairly easily mod yourself cheat items.
    So while the game doesn't seem to have an insane amount of content, there is no padding, it doesn't waste your time like so many games do. Everything is just meant to give you an opportunity or reason to see a sex scene. It's not one of those "play 70 hours for a payoff" games, the gameplay itself is already the payoff.

    Because the game does not support lesbian or futa on male content (at the time of this review) you need to be a woman to fuck men (or get raped by zombies) and you need to be a futa to fuck women.
    That can be a bit annoying at the start of the game because you cannot change freely, yet, but overall works fairly well.

    The art is detailed, but cartoony. I like it, but that is obviously subjective.
    Just look at the preview pictures to get an idea, but keep in mind that those are not still CGs, all scenes are full animations. Another thing that makes this game better than most.

    The story is not exactly high brow and just serves the purpose of making a lot of sex happen, which in my opinion is exactly what this "dumb" brawler gameplay needs.
    This is not trying to be some sort of art masterpiece, it is really just "I bonk woman on head, I fuck woman" content and it never pretends to be anything else.
    There's a decent variety of npcs, with various clothes who are in part randomly generated from a pool, but the "male" part of a scene is always fully naked, which is a bit of a bummer.
    Another odd thing is that female zombies don't try to rape the player or other people.

    The main issue this game still has is that you can successfully softlock yourself by capturing an important NPC and then triggering an event connected to them.
    But it would be wrong to remove a star just for that because of how clunky and broken the vast majority of hentai 2d sidescrollers are. This game works a lot better than most.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR - Play the original game instead it's half decent game and this was only meant as a quick cashgrab with almost nothing worth playing it for.

    Well if you liked the original then... good for you, because I certainly did as well. But this game was never meant to be a proper game, it's at best 5$ horse armor, the new additions were mostly already implemented in the original game, they just required supporter access. So let's judge this game based off it's sole unique factor then, the scenario. ZOMBIES, who doesn't love them right, in an 18+ game we know where this is going. Our poor hapless school guard gets bit trying to help some girls and... grows a penis? Understandable she wants out of this predicament and the nurse tells her to nab zombie girls, and thus our game begins proper. It's basically the same game with a twist, you can become female or futa, now why would you ever want to go female you may ask? Well you see, you're forced to, many times throughout the story mostly to fuck men, that's right MEN. Certainly they existed in a pretty shoddy way in the original game, and then later made a toggle because it turns out not many people liked their existence, but now they're front and center baby. Over the course of the game you learn about superzombies, who are apparently causing this mess so you need to find and lock them up, problem is they stole your nurse. much fucking later you get her back and then are told to go to the next town and... do this all over again. Once you've managed to club the 2 superzomibes in this location, after a very long and confusing section of the game your reward is, to run into the prison for no reason at all. Yep it's fucking padding time, the prison segment has no bearing to the actual plot so once you finish it up you're now ready to CURE the virus. Do the bossfight and end the game and you're done.

    So that scenario sucks, it's full of a lot of wasted time doing meaningless bullshit and since it's a zombie game you spend most of the time fighting. But it's a zombie game so there has to be survival crafting right, it's kinda part and parcel with the genre, but sadly no. In fact zombies drop money, an infinite amount and you don't need a lot to buy the consumables you do need to survive so you'll have plenty for the HOT customization. Afterall you're a chick the original had a great paperdoll system, all that money is going to be used on yourself like a real gir- and no. The outfit system is the exact same as the original for the protagonist, preset with no customization otherwise, well you can bleach your hair blond and tan your skin but that's it. Which is especially egregious since that paperdoll system where you collected clothes for your jail girls, was gutted from the system entirely, now undressed clothes just stop existing and you can't collect them. So why does it matter if your a chick with a dick now, you can't even use the unique aspect of it and all it really did was sometimes add a pair of breasts to sex scenes? Well you can turn into a girl silly, or rather you're FORCED to. Many sidequests and of course those story bits requires you to lose the dick and get fucked, and I don't think that's what most people signed up for when they wanted to play this game, regardless the tone disgusts me. The original was pretty scummy but it felt like a Saturday morning cartoon kind of scum, in this one you're collecting woman to be raped by a porn director, or stealing woman to be raped by prisoners.

    So honestly I can't recommend this game to either new players or ones who have played the original. I haven't even talked about this developers scummy always online DRM bullshit, but I'll save us all the rant this time. Go play the original preferably with male toggle off it's a pretty solid 3/5, but this, honestly I'd rather give it a 1.7/5 it's not good. Make sure you grab the mods for both to get the uncensored+ supporter items, although probably grab those items after you finish the story. Hopefully their next GAME will be better then this, but honestly I got no hope for that, guy made one decent game and that's probably all he's got, have fun while you can I guess.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    [Played via Mobile]
    Compared to the other Two horns game this one is much shorter but still rather a pleasant play. Also like their other game, I also seem to have problems with the performance occasionally slowing down or outright closing on it's own. Though the animations for the H-Scenes are all about the same the "Bondage" Equipment were a nice touch. I still would prefer the original game due to the larger map and adventure but would still recommend both for a try.