Hey guys, sorry for the lack of communication. I've not been working on the game for some time now. Well, actually I did have a few weeks on it about a month or so ago however it wasn't enough to become a release as it was a lot of framework dtuff for my ending.
At least I haven't just abandoned this to start something new, other than a few tests of ideas I've just not have the time to work much on my games. I usually do most of the work when I am home alone, and this just hasn't been how my life has been running the past few months.
So yes the game is definitly on hold, but I wouldn't call it dead. I definitly plan to finish it up at some point, and as i said I've made some progress towards that but I really have no time frame for when I will have something new to show you.
It's a disapointment to me as much as to you all really as I do enjoy creating the game, and I've had mostly positive feedback from you all.
Again sorry for the disapointment, expecially those who get an alert I've posted something and come here expecting something new.