Unity - Completed - OnlyFap Simulator [Final] [BanzaiProject]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle

    A clicker. Tedious gameplay where you have to grind out clicks to eventually get rewarded with some porn. The music and interface are all right, but clicker gameplay is just the terrible and this is no different.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The CG is alright, but the gameplay is just an average clicker game. Click every few seconds and get money. Spend it on upgrades to get more money faster. Then spend the earnt money on lewd pics. Not much more than that.

    Additionally, the UI is quite small and can be difficult to read if you play in windowed mode. Can also be a bit confusing to know what menu you are on in-game as the menu you are viewing is not highlighted in its navigation panel.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's just another mediocre clicker. Very poorly coded : in later stages, improvements costs something like 5,.3 quadrillions or 7.2,65 quintillions (yep, you read that right a , and a .). Image quality is ok but without any personality.