Very tedious. You're forced to play the same four minigames over and over to unlock pics/vids.
It's been a few weeks since I played the first game but, from what I recall, you had to play three minigames per week and that would unlock photos and move you to the next week(?). The upgrades maybe sped things up a little and unlocked harder minigames that gave more money(?).
This one has a lot more minigames. You turn on streaming mode and it will offer you a minigame. If you don't like it, you can wait and a new one will appears eventually (with upgrades to make them switch quicker). Two of the games return from the first one (sudoku with sex objects and "spot the difference") along with two new games (you're shown a sex item and have to find its match in a big jumble; and a quiz about sex-related things). Find the match is easy so I like it (although it can be hard to tell the difference between a purple vibrator and a pink vibrator) but the sex quiz is mostly guessing since it's a lot of really specific trivia.
At the easy level you get $25 for beating a game + a small bonus (up to $15) if you beat it quick enough. The game encourages you to use this money to publish pictures ($100 each) but that does not seem to be helpful and you should probably save and buy all the upgrades first. Every five real time minutes (can reduce with upgrades) you can advance to the next week which gives you money based on your subscribers but since it's $2/subscriber and you get one sub every 1 real time minutes it is less money than you get from one game.
So just do lots of minigames -> buy upgrades -> once you're done with upgrades buy photos/videos (I assume there are videos anyway... after the first three photos it said the next would be a video but it was another photo). Eventually you'll have to pay to upgrade your room into order to unlock more photos. Repeat.
The art is decent but I got bored and quit after about 10 minigames (four pics in).