Flash - Completed - Orgafighter - ERO Flash Action GAME [Final] [OneOne1]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's hard to give it a higher rating when we have very clear examples of the same game actually done well. It has a bit of variety of animations, but that's it: the game is boring, the sounds are terrible and the animations themselves aren't that good
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a 2D side-scroller with rape on hit with clear inspiration of Koonsoft series (Angel Girl, Shinobi Girl 2 etc.) but far worse execution. While this is not a straight up terrible game I don't know why one would play this when Koonsoft has done much better works.

    - Many animations and enemies

    - Animation quality is average at best
    - Far too easy to dodge enemies
    - Yet takes forever to complete levels
    - Combat feels sluggish and uninspired, some enemies don't even attack you, yet have tons of HP.
    - Bugs
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Very much a product of it's time. A 2d sidescrolling flash game, walk to the right until the stage says done and punch lewd enemies in the way. This has more animations than most but is just as clunky and slow as every other of it's kind.