VN - Ren'Py - Origin Story [v0.5.0] [JDOR]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I am not a fan of forced sexual relationships in VNs.
    This one has 2 (granted, I did like 1 of those girls)

    MC has personality of a wet blanket.

    Story (as of 0.5) is still kinetic, with only a choice to either fuck or not 2 girls.
    (this was covered in Dev notes, so fair play by dev to give out a warning)

    Girls look good.
    Some of the banter is fun.

    Story is....I have no idea. Worldbuilding exists. Story? Not so much.

    "Sandbox" (term used loosely since it's just few rooms to click before completing whatever objective is) - Why? What's the point of creating 10 rooms in a house so MC can have chat with 2 girls and 1 guy once? Pointless.

    Overall, very disappointing even though worldbuilding was fun and nice. Story starts nowhere and goes nowhere and MC is your usual horny teen (though based on his dialogue, more 15y horny than 19y horny).

    There's hope for this one though... In few years, with lots more content (and hopefully some choices).
    Know I'm being harsh, but it feels fun, for some reason. Hope Dev keeps at it and improves weaker areas.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The story’s a mess, with characters acting one way but then doing completely opposite things. It makes them seem really inconsistent. For example, there’s a loving and caring mother figure who ends up hooking up with random waiter during her son’s birthday party and brings strangers to her home to fuck, where her children are, etc. But when she’s around, she acts like she’s the perfect mom. Its like two different characters, and that is not the only one suffering from this inconsistency: here’s the “virgin” girl who’s supposedly never had sex, but she’s actually had it multiple times already or "felt" it hundreds of times. They try to explain it away with supernatural stuff, but it doesn’t really work. The renders are okay, nothing special. The story has some interesting bits here and there but the inconsistent and mostly unlikeable characters bring it down. Some decisions feel forced as well. Overall a very mediocre game, just very difficult to get into it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed as of 0.4]

    Origin Story is a traditional erotic fantasy that is all about - every beautiful girl falling for the mc.

    HOWEVER, it does a great job of making those relationship journeys absolutely fun, engaging and even heartwarming at times.

    On top of that, each individual love interest is also pretty distinct and charming in their own way.

    Coming to the story side of things, the super power angle is executed quite entertainingly. Though it is your typical power fantasy, it is also pretty high on engagement with a lot of intrigue and surprises along the way.

    In short, Origin Story is "mainstream erotica" done right, and I'd gladly recommend it to anyone who just wants a good time in their Visual Novels.

    (PS: Invisible Girl and Lady Steel rock.)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Origin Story was, at first, something I thought I wouldn't like. I'm not really into monster girls and the like so I thought this would be too much for me. However, because I like meta-human shows and movies, I'd thought I'd give it a shot. I couldn't be more glad that I did! This was an excellent VN and I really enjoyed the humor and how the origin story slowly unfolds instead of overwhelming the viewer.

    I'd highly recommend this VN to anyone who enjoys a few laughs, great dialogue, and some absolutely beautiful and varied women. I'll tune back in later to see where this story goes!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A great wee game with a lot going for it.

    I was somewhat dubious about play it at first as I felt the story a bit too.... fanciful. Not that there's anything wrong with that but rather games which tend to talk a good game usually fall short of expectation but all in all I found this game actually quite pleasant.

    There are downsides but part of me wonders how much of that works simply because of the plot. The MC is.... a bit of a melt. He talks a LOT about masturbation. But not only that but he'l straight up admit to peoples faces that he fantasies about them while he does it. No sane person would do that. What's worse are the women seem almost flattered by the idea. Which is... absurd. The plot is such that it makes sense for the MC to be that type of person but at the same time it's so cringy at times and as I mentioned, he seems to talk about it a lot so there's a lot of cringe in there. He's got plot armour though so naturally everything he says has the women lapping it up. Which seems a bit lazy from a writing point of view but hey, wouldn't be the first game to have it.

    The plot is interesting. People have super powers. The why is explained but not really focused on. It's a thing, deal with it. But this isn't simply a case of "oh this character has superman powers, this one's the flash, this one's spiderman etc etc etc" the chaotic nature of the powers people have and the supposed randomness is such that it's quite refreshing. This isn't a game where the dev is doing a Justice League self insert.

    The game's a bit short though. version 0.4 in 8 months so an update every two months or so isn't the worst but they felt short. Kinda feels like the game you leave to cook for a year and hope it lasts, certainly one worth supporting cause if it can ace the landing it could be quite special
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing! The world-building is incredible, and all the girls are unique, each with their own personality. Choices matter and change the story of the game.

    I can't wait for next updates!!!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Unbiased Review of Origin Story

    -wide range of Li's. Especially the milf, she's the hottest one in this game.

    -Posing, expression and sex acts are quite nice. Not too generic like many VNs

    -interesting premise about people developing powers.


    - Extremely short for supposedly 4 chapters of content. You could breeze this in 15 mins even with reading some very forgettable and pointless dialogue.

    - Lots of girls as mentioned but half of them just look alike and you won't even remember why MC sleeps with half the girls in this game.

    - what is the plot again? Something about his dick being able to absorb powers from sleeping with girls. Beyond that it really is not interesting despite having a nice setting. Keep things simple

    Overall its way too short and tries to fit in too much.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this game! Only thing. I wish this had were some animations, but the renders are great and writing so far has been top tier. Plenty of games with renders as good as this, but very few with this quality of plot
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed playing it though it was short. waiting for new content. Expecting more scenes with evelyn, riley, and the sisterhood. Some gameplay with use of powers for different things. If anything happens with amber i hope the scenes actually reveal her look.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks amazing. I think it is still early in its development (current version: 0.4.0). Good looking designs and scenes, good story (if you like this kind of staff (scifi x-men etc), and I love them).

    Looking forward for the next update!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed 0.4.0. Spoiler-free.

    Major elements 27/30:
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    Minor elements 9/15:
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    If you are looking for a story that takes its time to develop relationships, focuses on the characters and their inner worlds, and is unafraid to depict mature, adult sex — while also explaining why the protagonist has a very active sex life — in a society disrupted by the emergence of powers 20 years in the past, this is the game for you.

    If you can't enjoy an AVN without a chad protagonist who reacts aggressively to any challenge to his masculinity or his perceived superiority as the centre of the universe, this won't be for you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    This is top shelf storytelling. If I had money, I'd throw it at the devs so they could work on this full time.

    Oh, a minimum character limit for reviews, eh?


    Beautiful renders
    Compelling characters with depth
    Exposition effectively integrated into the story (let's see modern Disney pull that off)
    Unusual story line
    Talking wolves


    Lacking animation - this probably speeds the release schedule, so worth it.
    Some of the MC's comments about his endeavors are more crass than seem to fit with his character. Would be nice if there were alt dialog options to make him less douchy in those moments.

    If you have the $$$, please support the devs!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the games I've been playing lately. The story, the render, the writing is legendary. The sandbox parts are well done, simple but it adds an element to the game.
    I would really like to see more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really fun, well written, with great graphics and I'm really enjoying it. Five stars.

    Of course, I could have rated it one or two stars because it doesn't have the exact fetishes I want in the exact amount that I want, or because the MC isn't an unrealistic gigachad from the very beginning. Oh dear, maybe some of the LIs may have hade sex with someone else before they met the MC *gasp* *horror* *I think I'm going to throw up oh my god filthy sluts....*

    But that would be a stupid thing to do. Only a sad incel loser would do something like that, downvote a good game for ridiculous reasons like that. That would never happen on F95zone. Right?
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It is pretty great in general. Beautiful world, great characters , good story - all in all huge potential.

    Sadly enough the main character is the one glaring weakness and disappointment. He is a fanboy taken to an extreme. Throw any generic mc in this and I would be happy
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite AVN's out there right now. I really enjoy the story. The renders are beautiful. There are meaningful choices in it right now. The characters are diverse and no two feel alike. There is some pretty good comedy bits in it. There is some intrigue and mystery involved which I am a suck me in. Everyone should check this out and give it a chance. I cannot wait for more updates to post and to get further into this story. Keep up the good work Jacquesdor.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Origin Story 0.3.1

    The Good
    -you see many details that make the world look alive
    -beautiful renders
    -Interesting characters who are more unique and therefore more memorable due to their superpowers
    -for the free room sections it has a guide that shows you what to do

    The Bad:
    -no animation currently in the game

    if you have no problem playing an avn without animations you have a very good superhero game with a well worked out world. if you are unsure about certain fetishes read the dev notes beforehand and you will know what to expect.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still in its early phases but its already very good. The graphics are beautiful and the writing is engrossing. Probably one the best new games Ive tried in ages. I'm looking forward to seeing how this game goes.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    - I love the character models, they are genuinely beautiful and unique. They are not like all the bimbo pornstars you would see in other games big tits big ass with a shit ton of makeup.
    - The plot is decent, it doesn't really take itself seriously but that's fine. The creator isn't trying to write a masterpiece here, its aint that type of game. The characters seem interesting enough to pull you in for more.
    - There are some sandbox/freeroam elements but I like how the dev balanced it. He didn't make it too clicky or grindy to progress to the next scene. They are short enough and bearable.

    - MC's penis is too big and I'm mad cuz I'm smol. But seriously, its cartoonishly big. The second you see it disengages you from the game. Idk if the dev was rendering the dicktator model or whatever and then he accidently elbowed the penis length up to 10000.
    - The game is pretty linear. Aside from "cheating" on Evelyn which can affect her relationship, everything else plays out similar to a kinetic novel.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this! It's fresh, great renders, intriguing story, some really funny lines ("dong of fire and ice?" so nice).
    -- in spite of some overly swollen mammaries, and the soooo-boring need to proclaim their magnetic appeal (??!!) --
    I pronounce this AVN a success, and look forward to its effective continuance. Well done, JDOR!