Exalted Text

Writer, kültist, esoteric bodybuilder, pervert.
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2020
What the hell dev? Was a supporter on Patreon and politely voiced my opinion about MAJOR changes that are planned and you block my account without replying. That's childish af dude. How are potential supporters gonna have any faith or trust in a dev that acts like this?
Yeah, it could have been the wrong move to make. Short-sighted and flippant. I'm gonna standby it.

From my perspective, you were a 1-month patron that never said anything until I used the words "sandbox" and "life sim" to vaguely describe my ideas for future game systems... whereby you publicly expressed your doubt towards the project and said you were going to stop supporting it for the time-being. Kinda felt like a betrayal, since I made it pretty explicit for the time being that I'm going to continue Orphan in it's current format... But sure, reasonable enough. You had your doubts.

Why you felt like you had to take that stand publicly instead of reaching out to me, (i.e. sowing the seed of doubt in the rest of community), I don't know. I'm pretty accessible through here and Discord; easy to reach, I'm happy to talk w/ people about the game and it's design. It's okay to express concern. But your post on patreon felt a bit like a middle finger, "I'm out", so yeah... I blocked you and went on with my day.

Why was I supposed to reply?


Did you expect me to beg you to stay subbed? To potentially change or not change my game's design over the fate of $6? No man... that's not how I operate. I'm deeply grateful for my patrons and those who want to be a part of the community & support the game's development. But if you don't fuck with what I'm putting out, and want to leverage your support of the game over a potential design decision that I'm making... You can get that ass blocked.

But maybe I'm crazy. Cheers man, and I hope ya'll enjoy the newest update. ;)
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Dec 7, 2022
I told you exactly what the game felt like and like so many "creative" types you got your panties in a bunch, because i didn't recognize your genius. But you have your head so far up your ass that I was "ranting." Because of coarse I was ranting and not being constructive because I wasn't giving you a verbal handjob and telling you have brilliant you are. If I feel I have no agency after two chapters that is YOUR failure not mine. 100,000 words (your metric) isn't me rushing to judgement and telling you how your CYOA feels to the user.

You could have taken what i said and thought about it and ask yourself could I have addressed any of the points raised? Is there any room for improvement? Nope you just went wah wah bad man ranted at me. Bloody hell grow up. And me saying it could have been a bug you took as some failing on may part WTF? Lets just say it was a bug then wouldn't you want to fucking know of a bug that made people feel they had no agency? Wouldn't that be one of the most important bugs you could ever be told about? Get your head out of your ass and learn to identify when people are trying to help you. Because I am not your mother I am not going to lie to you and tell you, "you are special."
Bro is unhinged. Go outside.
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Dec 10, 2018
For feedback on the actual game - writing level is good, not just in freedom from errors (think "The The Centurion" when the noblewoman introduces your nickname was the only one I recall in either path) but on an aesthetic level too, degree of branching seems promising in being free enough for interest but not becoming an unmanageable mess, overall tone and setting are cool, but it's still at the stage where some high-promise projects just die in the cradle so I can't yet say it'll be great. Going to keep my eye on it with some hope but no investment for now, and that's not meant as a threat. ;)
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Jim Webb

Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
Yeah, it could have been the wrong move to make. Short-sighted and flippant. I'm gonna standby it.

From my perspective, you were a 1-month patron that never said anything until I used the words "sandbox" and "life sim" to vaguely describe my ideas for future game systems... whereby you publicly expressed your doubt towards the project and said you were going to stop supporting it for the time-being. Kinda felt like a betrayal, since I made it pretty explicit for the time being that I'm going to continue Orphan in it's current format... But sure, reasonable enough. You had your doubts.

Why you felt like you had to take that stand publicly instead of reaching out to me, (i.e. sowing the seed of doubt in the rest of community), I don't know. I'm pretty accessible through here and Discord; easy to reach, I'm happy to talk w/ people about the game and it's design. It's okay to express concern. But your post on patreon felt a bit like a middle finger, "I'm out", so yeah... I blocked you and went on with my day.

Why was I supposed to reply?

View attachment 4077092

Did you expect me to beg you to stay subbed? To potentially change or not change my game's design over the fate of $6? No man... that's not how I operate. I'm deeply grateful for my patrons and those who want to be a part of the community & support the game's development. But if you don't fuck with what I'm putting out, and want to leverage your support of the game over a potential design decision that I'm making... You can get that ass blocked.

But maybe I'm crazy. Cheers man, and I hope ya'll enjoy the newest update. ;)
I actually agree with what you said for the most part but blocking him over this does seem juvenile so what if he was an 1 month supporter support is support

Anyway the writing is good on this which is the most important point....
Jul 22, 2018
You know I'll be honest here Exalted, as someone who isn't subbed to you my opinion likely won't has any relevance for you Exalted, and so far your writing does actually match the arrogance you display, so that part is actually amusing to me, a bit of spine is necessary when dealing with us gooners after all.

But I do want to interject that Orphan as CYOA style project is already big enough in scope for you without needing too much sandbox elements. I'm not opposed to including Lifesim elements and delayed consequences, those seem like a very natural fit for the style of story you try to tell

In regards to AI, I'm such a "technology chud", an AI hater if you will, and i do know how costly both in time and monetarily it can be to commission artists for such projects, but so far the Conan the Barbarian Comic Facsimile works for me, and as long as you don't include too much AI art I am fine with the current direction.

I will continue to watch this, and at a future point will consider subbing to your patreon.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2017
Yeah, it could have been the wrong move to make. Short-sighted and flippant. I'm gonna standby it.

From my perspective, you were a 1-month patron that never said anything until I used the words "sandbox" and "life sim" to vaguely describe my ideas for future game systems... whereby you publicly expressed your doubt towards the project and said you were going to stop supporting it for the time-being. Kinda felt like a betrayal, since I made it pretty explicit for the time being that I'm going to continue Orphan in it's current format... But sure, reasonable enough. You had your doubts.

Why you felt like you had to take that stand publicly instead of reaching out to me, (i.e. sowing the seed of doubt in the rest of community), I don't know. I'm pretty accessible through here and Discord; easy to reach, I'm happy to talk w/ people about the game and it's design. It's okay to express concern. But your post on patreon felt a bit like a middle finger, "I'm out", so yeah... I blocked you and went on with my day.

Why was I supposed to reply?

View attachment 4077092

Did you expect me to beg you to stay subbed? To potentially change or not change my game's design over the fate of $6? No man... that's not how I operate. I'm deeply grateful for my patrons and those who want to be a part of the community & support the game's development. But if you don't fuck with what I'm putting out, and want to leverage your support of the game over a potential design decision that I'm making... You can get that ass blocked.

But maybe I'm crazy. Cheers man, and I hope ya'll enjoy the newest update. ;)
Wtf dude? Why are you acting so damn dramatic? I didn't ask you to change the game. You did that on your own. You're the one that changed the scope and direction. Smfh

How about you post the posts that I was referring to? I don't think my response and concern for the games future is unreasonable. I can appreciate ambition, but you're trying to what triple or quadruple the scope of the game? Sandbox, life sim, more origins, starting races, paths etc.
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Exalted Text

Writer, kültist, esoteric bodybuilder, pervert.
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2020
Wtf dude? Why are you acting so damn dramatic? I didn't ask you to change the game. You did that on your own. You're the one that changed the scope and direction. Smfh
Me: I want to make drastic changes/improvements to the game in the future.
You: I don't like the direction that the game is going so I'm going to stop supporting.
Me: Well, that's the direction that it's going. I'll save you the trouble, block you and go on with my business.

Petty? Perhaps. Dramatic? Not the act itself, but the way I felt, possibly.

You posting here to incite a response from myself and others is a bit dramatic, too.

How about you post the posts that I was referring to? I don't think my response and concern for the games future is unreasonable. I can appreciate ambition, but you're trying to what triple or quadruple the scope of the game? Sandbox, life sim, more origins, starting races, paths etc.
No, I don't think your response is unreasonable. Posting the Weekly Scroll updates here is not a bad idea either. I just wish you had addressed me sooner; differently at the very least. I do have ambitious plans, and dreams, but for the time being, I'm going to keep adding to, building upon and innovating Orphan as it stands in it's current form.

I would share more insight, but I have a trip tomorrow. For the record, you're unblocked on Patreon. I don't feel like you have ill will towards the game after what's been touched upon. I don't expect your support, but my intention was never to shut you out for having an opinion.


New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Cool game but reading dialogue from 2+ characters in the same paragraph and even worse, back to back, hurts my brain and forces me out of my immersion so I can actually understand who is talking. Some of the descriptions get pretty wordy too. Goodluck moving forward, hope you continue.

Exalted Text

Writer, kültist, esoteric bodybuilder, pervert.
Game Developer
Jul 21, 2020


Soon, your life will hang in the balance; your destiny determined by mere coins. The upcoming auction fills you with dread. But not all is yet lost... Imagine. If you could witness just one piece of pleasure, one intoxicating sight before your soul is sold into slavery...

Note: This poll will determine what kind of seductive encounter you'll embark upon in Chapter 3.5 for the continued Gladiator arc. Voting is restricted to certain tiers of the Exalted Text patreon. Gladiators get 1 vote, 2 for Legionnaires and 3 for each Sorcerer. Voting closes Sunday the 20th at 5 pm EST.

What better way to spice up an interactive pulp-erotica novel than letting the fans determine their next foray with sensitivity and seduction?

Check it out:

You'll find the Weekly Scroll update series as well, where I share my thoughts & progress as writing begins for Orphan Chapter 3. Will you see it before the end of October? I guess we'll find out...
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4.70 star(s) 3 Votes