Our Daughters - Incest mod for Sugar Daddies (Defunct)

Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
Oh the Pervert Dee is a good thing (shy Dee is a good thing but GOD not again ! Some lewd daughter is, for myself, a good change)

But I have one question : Why the game is not in the game thread ? (it's not a real mod, more a standalone)
Well it isn't really standalone. It realies on the original code for many things, including the renders.

Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
its an "alternative" chapter 3. since the main game is not finished yet.
well, why not?
played the demo and its ok. i think Dee should be a bit more timid/shy since she is this naive girl in chapter1-2.
Yes.....it is an alternative chapter 3. It picks up the story just after the move. As far as the timid thing goes....we will have to see. We don't really know yet, because she hasn't reacted with anybody else yet, except over the phone. My guess is that she will be a little less "forward" in interactions with other people, but that she will perhaps be less naïve than in the original. I mean.....she's banging her father. Keep in mind that in the original, we saw shades of less timid behavior, like wanting to watch porn, enticing father for sex near the end. Personally, I think the overly naïve deal in the original, was a bit over the top, and that the guy used that hook to milk the game for the income, even before his problems with Patreon. In any case, all feedback is greatly appreciated.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
i agree that Dee should be more mature now.
i just reacted of her makeup, she was sleeping, i think she would remove it before going to bed.
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Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
Oh the Pervert Dee is a good thing (shy Dee is a good thing but GOD not again ! Some lewd daughter is, for myself, a good change)

But I have one question : Why the game is not in the game thread ? (it's not a real mod, more a standalone)
As far as the "Pervert Dee" goes, I agree with you. I'm thinking along the lines of the old saying, "A lady in public, and (ultimately) a whore in the bedroom." I'm not sure if you played the SDs version of the game, but there, since she is a gold digger, it looks like she will be more aggressive and wise than she will be in the ODs version. Like I said in another post, I thought the original game DMD was pretty good, but I had two main problems with it. They cheaped out on their animations (and still do), and they milked the thing like crazy. To me, at the very least, once she crossed the line of sucking her father's cock, the continuation of overly naïve thing is just not believable. Once she fucked him, and then enticed him.....she's "corrupted." At that point, it is a matter of inhibition and kink.....not corruption.

Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
i agree that Dee should be more mature now.
i just reacted of her makeup, she was sleeping, i think she would remove it before going to bed.
The idea is that they went out on the town the night before, and fucked all night, and then fell asleep, which is why she still has her makeup on.
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Feb 2, 2017
..all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Took your demo out for a swing, and here is my random feedback:

  • Starting a game in the "SDs" mode but without variables (first game) breaks the game. Not sure if you need the mod/addon installed for this to happen, but it was in my case.
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  • Name confusion: Sugar Daddies - Our Daughters - X2 - SDs - ODs .. Alot of titles being thrown around, but none really makes sence when not familiar with the project in advance. Do yourself some favor and name it more simple, like: Title(Sugar Daddies/Our Daughters) with an sub-title explaining it's connection(DMD Fanmade Ch.3 reimagined, or what you like). The ingame modes SDs and X2 makes no sence as those aren't explained anywhere earlier, but at least the background-pictures gives you a clue.
  • Mod for a mod? You type it's an incest mod for Sugar Daddies in the title, but this plays like a standalone game with an incest mod as optional. Even if it's build on pre-existent code. The storyline and renders are very much your own (y)
  • Input: 'Your Name' & 'Your Age' Can be blank(type something, then delete it). 'Daughers Age' breaks the game if you type something then delete that. Test the rest yourself. Pressing 'Enter' only works for some of the inputs.
  • Cancelling the creation/variable input screens which leads to the menu, breaks the game next time you start a new game.
  • Can't access Preferences from the Main Menu, to go fullscreen ect.
  • Narrator and one of the girls share same Text Color.
  • Acting surpriced as the Narrator feels off, and could easily be written as the Daughters inner voice. Was at least my first thought when reading it.
  • Show dont Tell. Can see you make extra renders we can access through the menu, some which could used when Daughter thinks back instead of just telling about it. Way more powerful tool when doing a VN.
That was a least my first thoughts and early attempts at breaking the game.
I really like that you use original renders(which are different but nice) and lean upon established story for a base. I got mixed feelings about this project for now, but high hopes (Hope that's a good way of putting it). And You're already doing way better than what I could be doing.
A really solid start, with alot of tuning to do along the way.
Keep up the good work.
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Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
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The detailed feedback you provided here is very much appreciated. I can't promise that I will take all of your advice, but I can already see some things that I may very well do. I will touch on some of your specific points here.
* "Name Confusion" - Most likely, I will do some kind of explanation. Perhaps a pdf readme, or something
* "Mod for a mod" - The renders are mostly NOT my own. I only have less than 10 additional renders. My mod does not run without the original game. The storyline is my own in the sense of context, based on mods to the original text. Yes, there may be some completely different text at some points in the future, but for now, that isn't so much true. The personalities and identities of the characters will be shaped differently in the mod for certain, so in that sense, you are correct.
* "Input" - The pressing Enter piece only currently works for numbers. So it only works for the ages. I don't know why that is, but that isn't code that I, or Warped Animations wrote. That is a quirk of Renpy. I find that annoying also, and when I get some time, I will see if I can figure out a solution. I will look at the "entering nothing if you type and delete" issue. I think I already know what the issue is there.
* "Narator acting surprised" - Those are his thoughts, not hers, so I'm confused why making them her thoughts makes any sense. However, the narrator deal is from the original game. The only change in the mod is Daddy/MC name. I really don't think they are going to be using the narrator very much (but who knows). I took it that he was basically there to introduce the game while Dee sleeps at the beginning.
* "Show dont Tell" - I like that idea. I will see where I can incorporate that in the future.
All the rest of your items, I will have to look at and see what the problems are.

Again, thanks for the input. I truly appreciate it.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
* "Narator acting surprised" - Those are his thoughts, not hers, so I'm confused why making them her thoughts makes any sense. However, the narrator deal is from the original game. The only change in the mod is Daddy/MC name. I really don't think they are going to be using the narrator very much (but who knows). I took it that he was basically there to introduce the game while Dee sleeps at the beginning.
So the narrator is the father ? If it's him the better choice is to write it (well write our name), because I'm confused I thought it was some random narrator voice who have nothing to do with the story.


Engaged Member
Dec 2, 2017
Was just commenting on the SD page and the creator pointed out that your content was not his and wanted to make sure you had your credit.

So thank you. Enjoying your work. Incest is always a good option. Like the age change option as well. I appreciate people covering their asses for legal reasons but very many people are sexually active well before their 18th birthday. Also thanks for the coming beasty content. Looking forward to huge knots stretching out those teen holes. Hopefully some good views on the insertion and a good look as it pulls out. Gape that hole and a nice doggie cream pie. The simple pleasures in life really are best, aren't they?

Well, thanks again. Like your work and very much looking forward to twisted perverted fun in the future.

Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
Was just commenting on the SD page and the creator pointed out that your content was not his and wanted to make sure you had your credit.

So thank you. Enjoying your work. Incest is always a good option. Like the age change option as well. I appreciate people covering their asses for legal reasons but very many people are sexually active well before their 18th birthday. Also thanks for the coming beasty content. Looking forward to huge knots stretching out those teen holes. Hopefully some good views on the insertion and a good look as it pulls out. Gape that hole and a nice doggie cream pie. The simple pleasures in life really are best, aren't they?

Well, thanks again. Like your work and very much looking forward to twisted perverted fun in the future.
That was nice of him. The mod is basically DMD Chapter 3 and beyond. The age change type idea for the girls came to mind when DMD was having their troubles on Patreon. I thought he should have just made the relationship to the girl an option, and then WA had the age thing for the mc, so I went with that. DMD originally promised beastiality, and I figured, why not?
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Engaged Member
Dec 2, 2017
That was nice of him. The mod is basically DMD Chapter 3 and beyond. The age change type idea for the girls came to mind when DMD was having their troubles on Patreon. I thought he should have just made the relationship to the girl an option, and then WA had the age thing for the mc, so I went with that. DMD originally promised beastiality, and I figured, why not?
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Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
That was nice of him. The mod is basically DMD Chapter 3 and beyond. The age change type idea for the girls came to mind when DMD was having their troubles on Patreon. I thought he should have just made the relationship to the girl an option, and then WA had the age thing for the mc, so I went with that. DMD originally promised beastiality, and I figured, why not?
BTW, I meant a type in option, not an opt out, so that you could have typed in "Daughter."


Apr 21, 2017
Thadeus Jones
First thank you for doing this. I hope you can explore the kinks that DMD won't...

Here are a few comments:
-Font is hard too read. Cursive, although pretty, is not super clear.
-Anims are weird too little frames?
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Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
Thadeus Jones
First thank you for doing this. I hope you can explore the kinks that DMD won't...

Here are a few comments:
-Font is hard too read. Cursive, although pretty, is not super clear.
-Anims are weird too little frames?
You are welcome. Font is from the official game, but he says he's going change it, and maybe give a font choice thing. Anims are from the official game also. I unpacked a couple of the webm files, and there are like 15 or 16 renders in each one, which seems like it should be plenty. Maybe I'll do the same thing with DMD, and see how many frames they were using, but I know that up until recently, they were using as many as WA is. Maybe it is just the poses used themselves, and that can be easily smoothed out.


Jul 18, 2017
I have a question: I read your intro about DMD, and I've always kept that game as a "will play it once it's done cuz it looks exactly like what I want", but now I'm sad. What happened with the patreon saga?

Did they remove the incest? going forward or retroactively or was it abandoned or what?

Thadeus Jones

Feb 10, 2018
I have a question: I read your intro about DMD, and I've always kept that game as a "will play it once it's done cuz it looks exactly like what I want", but now I'm sad. What happened with the patreon saga?

Did they remove the incest? going forward or retroactively or was it abandoned or what?
Patreon allowed them on in the beginning....for about a year maybe. They clearly stated on Patreon that their themes would include both incest, and beastiality. About (what has turned out to be) half way through the game, Patreon performed an incest purge, and changed their policies. MrDots (game developer) attempted to keep the incest in the game on the next release, by placing a file in the game directory. Removal of this file would revert the game back to being incest mode. Patreon wasn't fooled, suspended his account, and banned the game from further being marketed on Patreon. Fast forward a couple of months, and MrDots began to develop a new (non incest) game. However, through his website, he let fans of DMD know that he would alternate development with 2 months spent on the new game, and 1 month on DMD....and he has alternated ever since. However, there is a release due in 1 week, and he has announced that the game will end sometime the end of this year, or early next year. You can find the game thread on f95, and download the game. You will have to read carefully through the thread, because he chopped the game up in terms of executables. There is a chapter 1, which goes to something like day 14. Then he switches to a chapter 2 version that starts over, but you can either load the save from the first part (which didn't work for me), or you will answer several questions about your chapter 1 game choices, and that is the version that continued to present day. If you download v0.21, you will get the complete chapter 2. The incest is intact.


Mar 17, 2017
Due to the Game Concept changes that Warped Animation has made since the demo's release, as well as Mr. Dots' decision to extend the DMD development cycle to include most of the content that I was going to do, it no longer makes sense to continue this modification. Therefore, this thread is now defunct.

There was something to download here ?
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