Our Life 2: Step 2 Prologue Preview Script Snippet 2
Continuing from the last screenshot I shared, I've got a script sample preview to share today! We've seen Qiu and Tamarack separately in Step 2 previews, now here they are together. Haha, oh boy.
Pure Text:
if tamarack came with:
tam “Will you quit it? I’m not gonna let any of us be late on the first day of school.”
“Things were getting desperate then and the clock was ticking.”
tam “Qiu, you are going to get off of that.”
if mc threw pebble earlier:
“She followed your lead and picked up an acorn. Tamarack tossed it at Qiu’s ever-vulnerable legs. It made contact, bouncing weakly off their left calf.”
“This was a combined assault purely in the goal of annoyance- and bother Qiu it did.”
qiu “Ah- what did I just say? What is with you two and throwing crap?”
if tam/mc were the same about something earlier:
tam “Me and [first_name]/[nickname] think the same way. You know that.”
if not:
tam “It works.”
if mc didn’t throw:
“When all else failed, she always had one option at her disposal- throwing things.”
“Tamarack picked up an acorn and tossed it at Qiu’s vulnerable legs. It made contact, bouncing weakly off their left calf.”
“This was an assault purely in the goal of annoyance- and bother Qiu it did.”
qiu “Ah- what is with you and throwing crap?”
tam “It works.”
“She was already poised with a fresh twig in hand, daring Qiu to give her a reason to toss it. In that moment, Tamarack had become fearless. She would not hesitate.”
if mc praising/admiring towards her:
“It was incredible.”
tam “There’s a lot of stuff down here. [I/[first_name] and I] won’t run out of ammo for a hundred years.”
qiu “Yeah, and school will be over by then…”