OL2: Mixed Up Preview 2 (Step 1)
These adorable children are all dorks, haha.
Pure Text:
“At that point the conversation kinda went away. People’s attention wandered off in different directions.”
qiu “So, what’s the plan?”
ren “I want a new
“Baxter cast a playful eye towards that suggestion. “Liking to read? How quaint and peasant-y”. That’s what you guessed Baxter’s millionaire inner monologue might’ve been.”
baxter “I want to get Darren a second
“Darren nudged his shoulder.”
ren “Get your own book, man.”
baxter “I don’t feel like it, and you can’t do anything about it.”
“Was the whole thing a joke or was he actually gonna get Darren a gift? Or was it both? Baxter must’ve had enough money laying around to really spend it on a gag.”
“Qiu probably knew the answer ‘cause he laughed without question.”
qiu “I don’t really want a book either. But my mom is gonna be disappointed if we don’t do anything!”
“This lack of enthusiasm was pushed aside when Tamarack made an exclamation.”
tam “I know what I want!”
boys club “Huh?”
“But there was no time to explain to those boys. She was on a mission. Tamarack jumped and waved, trying to grab the attention of the adult responsible for her.”
“Mrs. Lin came over before Tamarack could cause too much of a scene. Not fast enough to stop one stranger from shaking their head in annoyance, though.”
mrs_l “Yes, Tamarack?”
tam “Qiu’s mom, I don’t need a book. Can I borrow some money for that?”
“Tamarack twirled around to point her arm across the floor. There, at the corner of the drink stand, was a bright red box stuck on a shiny pole.”
“It demanded attention for the colorful offerings displayed on the front side: a sticker dispenser.”
if wheels:
qiu “Wait-
more stickers? You don’t have enough already?”
“A tremble went through Qiu’s friendly features. He could imagine exactly where this latest sticker was gonna go.”
tam “No!”
“She could have a million stickers and as long as new styles existed it wouldn’t be enough. The joy of decorating was never-ending.”
“Qiu could only sigh, though it was one of acceptance.”
qiu “I like stickers too, you know, but to put on paper…”
“The earnest request got Mrs. Lin to smile.”
mrs_l “Is that all? I can give you a little change.”
tam “Thank you!”
“Tamarack cheered as Qiu’s mom exchanged a few bills for quarters at the cash register.”
“She crouched down to pour a pile of coins in her son’s hands. He had to use both to take them all. There were twelve.”
mrs_l “There you are. Split these between you.”
Sorry for the lack of posts this month I havent been checking in very much due to health issues but I'll keep a lookout to post the beta.