5.00 star(s) 14 Votes


Jul 30, 2021
I think I read somewhere that you can now give the ears a different color, how do I do it?

Edit: for those who have the same skin color as the Mom, does Tamarack still says you don't look the same?
you can't give the ears a different color, if you mean earrings you use the pallet at the bottom left corner where it usually is for the like eyes, skin, hair, and clothes. also for one of my mcs he has the same skin color but different hair and eye color than opal's and she says it.

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May 12, 2020

[Bug Fixes] Our Life: Now & Forever Prologue Beta Build 1.2.1. (PC, Mac, Android)

Hey! We're going ahead and releasing an updated version of the latest Our Life: Now & Forever prologue. It doesn't have any new scenes but it fixed some issues with audio stuff and the MC screenshot feature, tweaked certain dialog to be clearer/have a little more context, and those new MC outfits made it in!
There are still some small wording issues that have been brought up and need to be fixed, but we wanted to make sure people who were backing for the month of October got access to this.
If you're already happy with what you seen of the new events, there's no need to play this beta again.

New Content [Same as prior build]:
  • 16,000 words of new scenes
  • MC doll eyebrows matching your chosen hair color
  • Earrings as a new accessory option, along with some other new MC doll pieces
  • The option to take a full screenshot of your MC
  • One new music track to hear and unlock in the music room
Thank you for all of the feedback so far! It is really helpful


Jul 26, 2021
Lmao, I say that I think it's not the greatest argument to make because it actually limits & restricts the capabilities to play your character. Also, beforehand (the person's comment who actually explained why even lesbians can't romance her without resorting to personal attacks ;) ), I didn't know the reasoning was that the Devs are that adamant about making every LI romanceable for every character. I can see their reasoning and have to accept it, but I still don't agree with the angle. I have absolutely no clue why you try to read "I wanna change that characters sexuality" into my post, there is literally absolutely nothing that would imply that. All I want is to be able to play the characters I feel in tune with.
To get back to your point of making characters feel like real people - it sure doesn't feel too realistic that the character oneself plays is strictly limited to romance bisexual characters so I don't think that's too good reasoning. The fact even these Devs can't realistically implement such a "specific" romance path in a game that already is a decent read (amount of content wise & especially in regards to variation of the scenes) even though it's in it's earliest stages is, though, no matter if I like it or not.

If you are looking for an argument look elsewhere, I have 0 interest in getting into pointless debate with someone who's trying to twist my words just so they can try and claim I was being a douche, disrespecting someone's (even a fictional character's) sexuality. You are literally making that up entirely.

Edit: Also, as I've said, it's not a big thing. I find it a bit sad when this sort of decision is made for the characters I play - and that's what it is, cause there is no reason for Vianca to not consider a female, lesbian player character as a potential romance partner - however, from a development standpoint & given the likely size of the game with even only Qiu & Tamarack as Loveinterests there's not really anything I can say against the Devs deciding to not bloat their workload even further by adding romance paths for characters that would only be compatible with more or less a single, very specific, type of player character.
So...not overjoyed with it, but it makes sense.
I didn't personally attack you lmao. No I'm not trying to read that you're trying to disrespect the character's sexuality personality, it's like you didn't read what I said at all. I said "If" because we often do not understand someone's extents as a whole and who knows? I have seen this kind of comment about Vianca before that's why I ruled it as a possibility, not because of something you said or because I was trying to "put words" into your mouth. Like I said we often don't understand someone else's full extents or intentions and this is a prime example of that as I can see you completely misplaced a simple phrase that made up like 0.01% of my comment. I honestly even struggle to understand how you managed to misunderstand that badly considering the phrasing was very clear, perhaps you were blinded by the desire of defending yourself or something but I suggest you elaborate on people's words more than running your mouth without purpose. Tone it down with the passive aggressive comments too lol, it wasn't that big of a deal but you took it way too personally tbh.
NOTE: i repeat that miniscule comment at the end was not caused by anything you did. I didn't just look at your comments and thought "OH this is a guy who wants to date lesbians" never even crossed my mind, didn't even think about it

I have nothing more to say except I agree with you cause I think it's extremely unfair for lesbians not to be able to date a character accessible to them , but at the same time I don't agree with your criticism of it because I understand the Dev's desire to make everybody feel included without making them bummed out and I find it admirable to want to inspire such things through your games. In synthesis; I agree but I don't like the slight implication(intentional or not) of the Devs bring incapable in any way. Perhaps I am biased cause I admire them so much. I think it's more than realistic for them not to implement the future though, the our life games advertise themselves as something to make everyone feel included.
I repeat I am not and was never looking for a fight cool your head or smth before speaking with people, I already have enough problems with my temper, for once I wasn't acting up but you really pulled it out of me tbh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
I didn't personally attack you lmao. No I'm not trying to read that you're trying to disrespect the character's sexuality personality, it's like you didn't read what I said at all. I said "If" because we often do not understand someone's extents as a whole and who knows? I have seen this kind of comment about Vianca before that's why I ruled it as a possibility, not because of something you said or because I was trying to "put words" into your mouth. Like I said we often don't understand someone else's full extents or intentions and this is a prime example of that as I can see you completely misplaced a simple phrase that made up like 0.01% of my comment. I honestly even struggle to understand how you managed to misunderstand that badly considering the phrasing was very clear, perhaps you were blinded by the desire of defending yourself or something but I suggest you elaborate on people's words more than running your mouth without purpose. Tone it down with the passive aggressive comments too lol, it wasn't that big of a deal but you took it way too personally tbh.
NOTE: i repeat that miniscule comment at the end was not caused by anything you did. I didn't just look at your comments and thought "OH this is a guy who wants to date lesbians" never even crossed my mind, didn't even think about it

I have nothing more to say except I agree with you cause I think it's extremely unfair for lesbians not to be able to date a character accessible to them , but at the same time I don't agree with your criticism of it because I understand the Dev's desire to make everybody feel included without making them bummed out and I find it admirable to want to inspire such things through your games. In synthesis; I agree but I don't like the slight implication(intentional or not) of the Devs bring incapable in any way. Perhaps I am biased cause I admire them so much. I think it's more than realistic for them not to implement the future though, the our life games advertise themselves as something to make everyone feel included.
I repeat I am not and was never looking for a fight cool your head or smth before speaking with people, I already have enough problems with my temper, for once I wasn't acting up but you really pulled it out of me tbh.
I genuinely misunderstood you, from my understanding you where saying that what I was aiming at was to just make it so that Vianca can be dated by main characters of any gender. That felt unfair to me since I was 100% sure I did not phrase my thoughts in a way that could have implied that, so I just assumed you misunderstood me on purpose.
It's not an excuse, but my first language isn't english, nor is my english the best, so I can fully imagine the fault was on my end entirely.

Also my apologies, despite that I didn't mean to say you're a horrible person (or something along the lines) for it, just doing what I considered was an acceptable level of snarkiness as a response.

As I wrote in this thread before this game might be the best VN I know (and I look for good yuri romance VNs of all kinds a lot) despite being at it's very beginning. The reason I feel comfortable about is that I, too, admire the work of the Devs a lot.
All I intended was to point out 1 of the very few things that I wish were different. And, as I've said, I can understand it, especially after someone took the time to explain some of the reasoning beyond the question of sexuality, and at the end of day it doesn't matter. If in the end there's only Tamarack as far as my interest in romanceable NPCs is concerned it would be fully enough.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
I genuinely misunderstood you, from my understanding you where saying that what I was aiming at was to just make it so that Vianca can be dated by main characters of any gender. That felt unfair to me since I was 100% sure I did not phrase my thoughts in a way that could have implied that, so I just assumed you misunderstood me on purpose.
It's not an excuse, but my first language isn't english, nor is my english the best, so I can fully imagine the fault was on my end entirely.

Also my apologies, despite that I didn't mean to say you're a horrible person (or something along the lines) for it, just doing what I considered was an acceptable level of snarkiness as a response.

As I wrote in this thread before this game might be the best VN I know (and I look for good yuri romance VNs of all kinds a lot) despite being at it's very beginning. The reason I feel comfortable about is that I, too, admire the work of the Devs a lot.
All I intended was to point out 1 of the very few things that I wish were different. And, as I've said, I can understand it, especially after someone took the time to explain some of the reasoning beyond the question of sexuality, and at the end of day it doesn't matter. If in the end there's only Tamarack as far as my interest in romanceable NPCs is concerned it would be fully enough.
There's nothing wrong with asking what is Vianca's sexuality, but there is a problem with being disrespectful about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Not that sort of game, methinks. This is more along the lines of a syrupy sweet life/dating sim with an eventual, potential, optional scene or two towards the back with a chosen romantic interest. Nothing wrong with that genre, especially if its done well, but it's definately an irregularity in terms of content being shared here.

Even the notion of dating the two of them at the same time seems to be terribly far flung-- which is unfortunate because it'd be interesting to see how the developers tackle something tricky like a poly romance. (It cannot be helped, if you make the characters endearing and adorble from childhood on to being a adult, it makes me want to see them tackle life together. Sometimes you just wanna see the good guys, gals, and wherever or whatever they identify win.)

On a similar hot take, I was curious if the male lead would opt to one day take more steps for a more physically feminine frame (hormones and the like) as it's something I've watched several friends and family struggle with through the years-- not an easy road by any stretch; it's a significant and brutal life altering journey-- but again, not that sort of game.

Regardless, judging by the prior title and what we've encountered thus far in this one it will be a terribly enjoyable experience, even if it's mostly fluff. Which is just fine. Sometimes.. you need a little fluff.


Jun 28, 2020
Not that sort of game, methinks. This is more along the lines of a syrupy sweet life/dating sim with an eventual, potential, optional scene or two towards the back with a chosen romantic interest. Nothing wrong with that genre, especially if its done well, but it's definately an irregularity in terms of content being shared here.

Even the notion of dating the two of them at the same time seems to be terribly far flung-- which is unfortunate because it'd be interesting to see how the developers tackle something tricky like a poly romance. (It cannot be helped, if you make the characters endearing and adorble from childhood on to being a adult, it makes me want to see them tackle life together. Sometimes you just wanna see the good guys, gals, and wherever or whatever they identify win.)

On a similar hot take, I was curious if the male lead would opt to one day take more steps for a more physically feminine frame (hormones and the like) as it's something I've watched several friends and family struggle with through the years-- not an easy road by any stretch; it's a significant and brutal life altering journey-- but again, not that sort of game.

Regardless, judging by the prior title and what we've encountered thus far in this one it will be a terribly enjoyable experience, even if it's mostly fluff. Which is just fine. Sometimes.. you need a little fluff.
Dating both is "far flung" because its difficult to do at the moment from what the developer said but it may be a possibility for the future (plus, from the previous game you probably woldnt be dating until step 3 anyway so we still have a long way to go)
As for Qiu, no. To quote from the dev " Qiu doesn’t identify as a female or with womanhood at all". We will probably see something like that with Ren for sure tho since she is canonically a trans girl but we first meet her as a "boy"

Princess Groundhog

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I agree with you the main reason why I didn't play the first game is because the only option we had was a guy and I don't really play games in this website unless there is a female romance option whether is it a female or a male mc
But a straight romance is still there, and OL1 was amazing and so wholesome and heartwarming. Don’t think of it as a lewd game, maybe. Just go into it for the story. Made me cry a couple of times, too.
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Oct 27, 2019
Why would it be difficult to have multiple love interests in the same game? That's every dating sim visual novel.
I dunno, a dating sim visual novel with too much love interest characters aren't my style (out of NSFW games, of course), so the OL1 had taken my interest because of that and also the character creation plus the different kinds of relationships you can develop with the same person in different playthroughs (i've already replayed the whole first game making Cove as my best bro instead of pursuing a romantic relationship and i really enjoyed it).
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5.00 star(s) 14 Votes