If i'm not mistaken you can have Ian/Holly as their own pair, with Ian not even really interacting with Lena. If Lena increases herIs there a way to get threesome with holly/ian being nerdy
But lena slutty flirting with holly and seduce them to threesome or does ian need sleep with both
Because this one guy theorise about a bitter sweet posibilitie with slutty lena potentially stealing holly but no idea how he got the threesome with non chad/fuckboy ian....
variable high enough and they end up kissing, Holly will bring that up with Ian when they're at the beach house. Ian has option to be fully receptive about it, and that should cause the trinity form automatically in the evening.Alternatively, Ian can break up with Holly over it, which could effectively lead to Lena quite literally "stealing Holly" from Ian (if Lena and Holly then become a couple) as opposed to the three of them getting together.